Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 821 Consolidate the reputation of a fierce girl

Chapter 821 Consolidate the reputation of a fierce girl
Today, they came to the door in person, which can be regarded as giving themselves a chance to appeal.

Bai Ningxiang also understands that after she said these words today, her relationship with the Shen family will also weaken.

Shen An glanced at his mother with a bad face, seeing that she didn't speak for a while, then secretly bumped into the elder brother beside him, motioning him to speak.

The niece has been wronged, and they are uncles, so it's not good just to look at them.

"Ahem... Sister Xiang..."

Unfortunately, before Shen Ping could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a sharp voice.

"Bai Ningxiang, that's enough for you. Don't be hypocritical. You just want to make me lose face. Now that you have done it, you are proud. Are you proud to be your daughter? Do you feel that you are very capable? ?”

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Finally broke out.

The Shen family: "..."

Her aunt is really crazy.

Old Shen never dreamed that leaving a relative would cause such trouble.

His face sank to the bottom of the pot.

"Shen Jingyun, shut up."

"Mom, you're still scolding me. See if she looks like a daughter. I'll say that she's in charge of the house and is used to addiction. She always looks arrogant."

Shen stared at her daughter, the resentment in her eyes was undisguised, and those who didn't know thought how much hatred the two had.

Seeing her granddaughter's smile slowly disappearing, old Shen thumped in her heart.
"Shen Jingyun, do you want to piss off my old lady? If I knew I shouldn't have come, I'm just asking for trouble."

"Mother, can you blame me for this? Well, who wants to make a fuss? It's not because some people are so high-spirited that they don't even let people say a word..."

Holding the handkerchief, Shen looked at Bai Ningxiang angrily, when she touched those cold eyes, she suddenly stopped her mouth, and the following words also died down.

While shivering in my heart, I couldn't help being annoyed. In the past, Xiangxiang's eyes were aimed at those who bullied them, but now they fell on her.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her mother with a proper smile on her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes.

"Why didn't mother say anything? Except for me, the entire room is from the Shen family. If mother has any grievances, just complain. Everyone will protect you."

The Shen family: "..."

I thought that the host and guest would enjoy a meal, but I didn't expect these conflicts to arise because of a piece of braised pork.

The most ridiculous thing is that the people in this room are all blood relatives.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Shen glanced at her natal family, and subconsciously straightened her back. Since she was sensible, she knew that her natal family was her backer.

"You don't need to remind me every time. I, Shen Jingyun, don't have such a rebellious daughter like you. In the past, people in the village said that you were domineering and tough. I even argued with others and felt sorry for you. Now it seems that you are just like this."

As soon as Shen's words came out, the whole room became even more silent. Everyone looked at her in disbelief, as if they couldn't believe that the words just came from her mouth.

No mother would say that about her child.

Old Shen tightly held the armrest of the official hat chair with both hands, trying hard to keep his mind calm.

She was wrong. She shouldn't have come to Bai's house today.

"Thank you mother for confirming my name as a shrew. If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. How did I get the name of a shrew?"

"At that time, your second uncle broke his leg, and you went to visit enthusiastically, but you were scolded all over your face, saying that you had bad intentions, and Dai Xiao came to send you bad luck. If I hadn't come forward to anger people, what would have happened to my mother? She would still cry Run home and cry yourself sad?"

(End of this chapter)

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