Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 841 Uncle is here

Chapter 841 Uncle is here
Looking at the carriage going away, Yun Ni clapped her hands, "Che, the new official has three fires, and he wants to burn them on our heads, and he doesn't want to see if we let him burn them."

Bai Ningxiang glared at her, "You can be rude, although Mu Xiancheng is a bit rigid, but fortunately he has a mind to do things impartially."

Judging by his age, he has just entered the officialdom not long ago. It is hard to say whether he will have such sincerity in the future.

"Then you can't look down on people with a dog's eyes and deny the girl if you don't understand anything. He doesn't even think about it. Can we do business that loses money?"

"Which person is not young and vigorous?" She and Xie Furong looked younger.

Although there was a little friction, the last procedure of the winery was over.

Next, Bai Ningxiang can order food openly and aboveboard. This kind of errand and labor-intensive work is most suitable for Bai Wu, and even saves the escort.

Without complicated procedures, Bai Ningxiang can completely hand over the management of the winery to Xie Furong.

As a partner, she can give support at any time, and she can't do or interfere with the things she can't do.

Picking and making tea is her strong point.

During this period, she contacted Master Li again and asked him to take people to Xiaoyao Village to start building a pig farm. As for pig teeth, she would send people to collect them in various villages at that time. It is difficult.

In a blink of an eye, the picking of Mingqian tea began. Under the command of the young man, the tea pickers who had been recruited earlier entered the tea garden with baskets on their backs, and started picking the first batch of Mingqian tea.

For the first batch of tea in spring, Bai Ningxiang didn't want to pretend to be someone else, so she was going to make it herself. By the way, she brought her little uncle along. When she left, the production of the tea factory would have to be entrusted to him and the boy.

While waiting for the tea to turn green, Bai Ningxiang sat under the gazebo drinking tea and reading a book.

"Girl, my uncle is here with a basket of fish." Ding Yang walked over with a cold face and replied.

"Uncle? Please come in." Bai Ningxiang put down her teacup, and after walking a few steps, she met the oncoming uncle.

"Uncle, it's the time when spring plowing is busy, why do you have time to go out?" After Bai Ningxiang saw the ceremony, she directly let her sit in the gazebo.

"Cough~, your second uncle caught some fish. Seeing that he is quite tall, he wanted you and Xing Geer to try it too."

Shen Ping's face was slightly embarrassing, but fortunately he worked all year round, his face was tanned long ago, it was hard to find that he was blushing without looking carefully.

"Thank you, Uncle. Brother Xing was arguing about eating fish balls yesterday. Unfortunately, the family is busy and there is no time to go fishing. Today is a coincidence."

After Bai Ningxiang thanked her, she chatted with her uncle about the housework, and greeted everyone in the family, except her mother.

These days, Shen Ping has been talked about by his wife every day, which somewhat changed his previous thinking of pampering his sister unconditionally.

In addition, the girl has been picky at home for a while, and this will not be good for a while, and that will not be right, which makes the family members very anxious.

Although the mother said a few words to her, the effect was not good. I heard from the daughter-in-law that the little sister had run out of the things her own brought, and she was not used to what her mother gave her, so she clamored for her mother to send her back in person.

I don't know which muscle my mother twisted, but she ignored it. The younger sister had no choice but to beg in front of her.

He also saw that the younger sister was used to living a good life, and she was not used to staying at her mother's house, so after thinking about it, he still came here.

He thought that his niece would have to greet his mother no matter what, and he would be fine with a few words of persuasion, but it was embarrassing for Sister Xiang to keep silent.

(End of this chapter)

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