Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 862 Familiar Love Chapter

Chapter 862 The Familiar Plot

"Cough~, don't be afraid of sister Xiang's jokes, the three of us, mother and son, can no longer live in the village."

Aunt Zhang's face was gloomy as she spoke.

If she was not desperate, how dare she run out with her child as a woman?
She is not afraid of the hardships of life, but the actions of the clansmen are really chilling.

Bai Ningxiang got out of the car, looked at the baggage in the hands of the three of them, and knew that what they said was true, they really looked like they were going on a long trip.

"Where are you going when you leave the village?"

Aunt Zhang wiped her face, "Although there is nothing in the village, if I am not forced to, I will not leave easily."

"Sister Xiang should also know the situation of my family. After the head of the family died, the clansman ignored us. At the beginning, they used my child as an excuse to help me farm. At first, they gave some rice back, but later they didn't even have any rice. He even threatened me that if we dare to speak out, the three of us, mother and son, will be allowed to sleep on the street."

"So, I have endured it all these years, relying on the remaining two acres of dry land to make a living, and doing some sewing and mending in my free time, and always beware of other people's malicious intentions. Even so, they still don't let go We actually want to hit my daughter's attention."

Aunt Zhang's family said this, with resentment in her eyes, she reached out and hugged Yingchun in her arms.

"They can abuse me in any way they want, but if they want to sell my daughter, even if they risk their lives, I have to fight to the end..."

But she is single and weak, and those people in the clan cannibalize people without spit out their bones. After thinking about it, she can only abandon the field and escape with the children.

It was only when she ran here in one breath that she began to be afraid. The sky and the earth are big, and there is no place for their mother and daughter.

Listening to Aunt Zhang's narration, and looking at the poor crying child, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but twitched her lower lip in anger.

So, she's in trouble again.

"Is the head of the Zhang family so confused?"

"Heh~, he is not confused, but wants to completely covet my family's three acres of good paddy fields... At the beginning of spring this year, Yingchun went to the patriarch and said that she had grown up and could work, and wanted to buy the paddy fields. Come back, otherwise there will be no disaster."

Aunt Zhang said gnashing her teeth, and Bai Ningxiang saw it hurting her teeth. This patriarch is really not ordinary dirty. In order to worry about some land property, he wanted to sell his daughter...

How familiar is this situation?
Didn't she have a similar experience a long time ago?
It's a pity that no one was protecting her at that time. Looking at Aunt Zhang, although she was panicked and scared to death, she still rushed out bravely protecting her son and daughter.

It's really enviable to say.

Yun Ni leaned against the carriage with her arms folded, seeing the trouble she had caused, she pulled her hair irritably.

"The land is something that can be taken as your own with just a single threat. As long as you hold the title deed, no one can take it away. If it doesn't work, you can sell the land and move to another village to live in."

"They wanted the title deed in my hand, so they threatened to sell Yingchun. I was afraid of being caught by them, so I didn't bring the title deed with me, and I hid it."

Aunt Zhang's eyes were red, and she said bitterly.

"You need to find a tooth dealer to sell the field. If there is too much noise, it will definitely alarm the clan, otherwise I would have sold the field long ago."

"A group of white-eyed wolves planted my fields and harvested my food. They didn't even leave us a way to survive. If God had eyes, he would kill them sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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