Chapter 866 Melancholy
As Lou Chenlu spoke, her expression darkened a lot. I heard that the girl in the mansion said that when she was not here before, every spring and autumn, her aunt would go to sister Xiang's house to stay for a while.

After I came, I not only deprived my aunt of leisure, but also made my aunt run around for her illness.

"Sister Lu, what nonsense are you talking about? My aunt is not only a doctor, but also your elder. It's her duty to take care of you, but you are too thoughtful, which is not conducive to recuperating."

Mrs. Lou looked at her niece's sleepy look, and felt very helpless. Ever since she knew that she was in danger in Rongcheng, this girl had been feeling guilty, and she was even more depressed in the past two days, and her condition was a little serious.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the appearance of the aunt and nephew, and couldn't help chuckling, "Why are you aunt and nephew being polite in front of me? Do you want me to praise your aunt and nephew for their deep affection?"

Mrs. Lou gave her a coquettish look, "Sister Lu, you see, we made Xiangxiang laugh."

"It's my fault." Sister Lu blushed and sat obediently aside.

Bai Ningxiang took a sip of tea, actually she was a little bit considerate of Lou Chenlu's mood, because of her weak body, she didn't go out easily, and after staying at home for a long time, she couldn't help thinking about things.

Whenever there is a slight disturbance, it can cause her emotional fluctuations. To put it bluntly, she is too sensitive.

"Sister Lu'er, you are Aunt Ping's blood relative, she naturally hopes that you will be well, otherwise even if you go shopping, you won't be able to cheer up."

"The weather is nice today, how about younger sister Lu'er accompany me to go around the yard?"

"Naturally no problem. My aunt's yard is envied even by the county magistrate's wife. She said it is weeping willows, and the scenery is just right." Lou Chenlu held the handkerchief and walked towards the yard with Bai Ningxiang.

Mrs. Lou looked at the backs of the two leaving, and sighed silently. It was not that Sister Lu was sensitive, but that she knew that there was no hope for her illness, and she felt sad.

"Order, let the kitchen cook a few dishes, and I want to stay fragrant for a few days." Girls of the same age are together, and it is easier to open their hearts.

"Madam, don't worry, the servant girl will explain."

In summer, the weather became more stuffy. The two walked slowly on the gravel path by the lake. The breeze blew slightly, the weeping willows swayed, and the lake water rippling lightly. It was very comfortable to watch.

But after shopping for a long time, it is inevitable to sweat.

Lou Chenlu accompanied Bai Ningxiang around the lake twice, and her face became tired.

Bai Ningxiang knew her body and immediately urged her to go back and rest.

"Sister Xiang laughed, my sick body is always disappointing."

"It's not as bad as you said. It's such a hot day. Don't say you can't hold it. I'm too tired. Look at the sweat on my forehead. I need to take a good bath later."

Bai Ningxiang wiped the sweat from her forehead, and walked her all the way to the gate of the yard before returning to her own small yard, watching the pomegranate flowers blooming in the yard, and stopped to watch.

The last time I came to Aunt Ping's party for a party, the scene was very lively. After more than a year, things have changed.

"Girl, do you want to take a bath?"

"Well, let's go get some water." She had to go out to see her brother-in-law at night, so she had to clean up naturally, and she couldn't be exempt from being a woman who pleases herself.

After bathing, Bai Ningxiang took another nap, and when she opened her eyes, it was already dusk.

It wasn't until the girl called her to have dinner that Bai Ningxiang changed into a light blue gauze dress and went to the dining hall.

(End of this chapter)

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