Chapter 868
Based on her understanding of her brother-in-law, she will definitely stay at the Yanshan Inn. As long as she goes there to block people, she won't fail.

Thinking of the scene where her righteous brother suddenly saw her, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, just like what Aunt Ping said, she really had the cheek to meet her lover privately.

"Girl, the Yanshan Inn has arrived. The servant girl went to the front desk to inquire, which room does the young master live in?" Yun Ni volunteered and went directly to the inn.

Bai Ningxiang and Ding Yang stood by the side of the street, under the dim light, staring at the door of the inn.

In just a blink of an eye, Bai Ningxiang felt her eyes go dark, and someone covered her head with a cloak, and then her whole body was embraced by a strong arm, and before she could cry out, her mouth was blocked.


Accompanied by the familiar scent of cold plums in her nostrils, Bai Ningxiang stopped struggling instantly, stared at her big eyes, raised her head, trying to look into those sparkling eyes.

She envisioned many possibilities of meeting her brother-in-law, but she didn't think of this. After a brief shock, she was more joyful.

Brother Yi's body smelled faintly of alcohol, Bai Ningxiang had time to think, but felt that Shun's body was full of his breath.

Although there were thousands of words in her heart, she couldn't utter a single word at this moment... In front of her was someone who reassured her, Bai Ningxiang simply gave up thinking, obediently catering to the thoughts buried in her heart.

"Girl, do you miss me?"

Looking at the well-behaved girl, Han Jing felt unspeakable joy in his heart. Originally, he planned to rush back as soon as possible in these two days, but he didn't expect the girl to find her by himself.

This kind of surprise was really useful to him, and his exhaustion seemed to disappear at this moment.

Holding her tightly in his arms, feeling her tenderness and his familiar sweetness, he lowered his head and rubbed against her neck, his voice was deep and hoarse.

The warm breath made Bai Ningxiang shrink her neck subconsciously, but as if someone had expected it, she opened her mouth and bit her earlobe, with a wicked smile on the corner of her lips.

The sudden attack made Bai Ningxiang tremble uncontrollably, and almost groaned,
"Yeah, what are you doing?"

Bai Ningxiang glared at him angrily, raised her hand and pushed Han Jing's chest, but at this moment her eyes were still red, and her voice was unintentionally weak, like a small hook, scratching People are itchy.

Looking at the shy and timid expression in front of him, Han Jing's heart was as if being spoiled by a feather, his eyes were dark, his arms tightened suddenly, and he pressed the person directly to his chest, avoiding letting his emotions out of control.

Bai Ningxiang leaned against Han Jing's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, this kind of lover's intimacy made her heart pound violently, her cheeks showed a shy blush unconsciously.

Han Jing lowered her head, looked at the little girl in her arms, and unconsciously curved her lips into a smile.

In the past, he had imagined many times, what kind of woman would he be with for the rest of his life?
Gentle, virtuous, glamorous, charming?
After meeting the girl, his hazy fantasies became clearer and clearer. The woman he had been with for the rest of his life was the woman in his arms. She was strong, independent, intelligent, and occasionally a little confused girl.

In the eyes of others, she may be cold, aloof, unkind or even domineering, but in his eyes, she is still a kind-hearted girl.

(End of this chapter)

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