Chapter 870 Beautiful ~
Bai Ningxiang was sitting in the yard drinking tea, thinking of the resentful eyes of her righteous brother just now, and that indescribable position, one of them couldn't help but laughed out loud, causing Yun Ni and the two of them to look at the sky speechlessly.

What the little man said was indeed true. When the girl and the son were together, the dog food was thrown out as if they didn't want money, and the supporters hiccupped.

Yun Ni looked at the corners of the girl's raised lips, walked up to Ding Yang secretly, and winked at her.

Seeing that the girl is happy, the marriage between the two may have entered.

Ding Yang hugged his shoulders and leaned against the side pillar, his eyes glanced at the claws that were coming in and out, and the corners of his lips curled up almost imperceptibly. When the son and the girl got married, their life would be more exciting.

When Han Jing finished bathing and walked to the door, he immediately saw the leisurely and comfortable figure under the lantern in the yard, looking at him eagerly with his head propped up.

Seeing brother Yi come out, Bai Ningxiang's eyes lit up.

A long robe was hanging loosely on her body, her black hair was casually draped over her shoulders with steam, water droplets flowed down her neck, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help drinking a cup of tea while watching.

Zongzhi is a handsome and handsome young man, with his head up and his eyes looking at the blue sky, as bright as a jade tree before the wind... so beautiful!
"Brother Yi, why didn't you wring your hair dry? It's easy to have a scalp pain when you catch a cold."

After admiring Bai Ningxiang, she got up and walked in front of him, and tugged on his collar, she could vaguely see the collarbone.

"It's okay, just get used to it." Han Jing let her tidy up her clothes, and her eyes just caught her smooth forehead.

"How can you get used to this kind of thing? Be careful of stroke," Bai Ningxiang said, looking at Dazhuo who was waiting beside her, "Go and prepare two clean cloth towels."

Bai Ningxiang pulled Han Jing closer to the room, and pushed him to sit on the chair. Even though it's summer, as a general, you still have to be careful.

In her previous life, she knew that brother-in-law had a lot of hidden wounds, and every time it was cloudy and rainy, his whole body was sore. According to Mrs. Han, the old general Han was the same, the older he was, the more he suffered.

Da Zuo put down the two clean muslin towels, glanced at the master, and immediately lifted his feet to leave.

While wringing his hair dry, Bai Ningxiang helped him soothe his scalp,
"I heard from an old man in the village that wet hair cannot be blown dry, and it is easy to suffer from headaches. You have to be careful, and don't make mistakes with yourself."

Han Jing squinted, enjoying listening to the girl's chanting, the smile on her lips couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

"...The girl will help me in the future."

Bai Ningxiang choked for a while, and it took her a while to realize that her brother-in-law was acting like a baby with her again?

Han Jing didn't hear Bai Ningxiang's reply, and directly raised her head back, her twinkling eyes were fixed on Bai Ningxiang, and her Adam's apple rolled up and down as she spoke.

"What? The girl is not happy?"

Bai Ningxiang stared blankly at her brother-in-law, especially at that fair neck and protruding Adam's apple, subconsciously clenched her mouth.

This monster.

The net will tease people.

However, the figure of practicing martial arts is good. Sitting on the chair and leaning back, you are not afraid of breaking your neck.

"Girl~, what are you thinking?"

Han Jing raised his eyebrows, he didn't miss the girl's flash of amazement.

"Eh? It's nothing, I just think your body is so soft."

After all, Bai Ningxiang felt that something was wrong again, just as she was about to explain, she bumped into those teasing eyes, which shone brightly under the light.

Han Jing just watched Bai Ningxiang's face flush from embarrassment quietly, and finally couldn't help but laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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