Chapter 876

"It doesn't matter if you make a mistake in advance, as long as you don't go with the prisoner, there will be no problem."

Ding Yang snorted softly, and tightened his hand holding the long sword. It has been a long time since he had a happy fight, and he really misses it.

Back in the guest room, the three master and servant went to bed to rest after a brief wash.

"Let's leave at noon tomorrow. Brother Yi is busy, so I won't bother him."

"By the way, girl, should we leave early or a few days later?" Yun Ni asked out of curiosity after all.

Bai Ningxiang leaned on the soft pillow, subconsciously stroking the black jade on her ring finger, "Go ahead, there will be people from the government clearing the way ahead, and the road will be much quieter."

If Yixiong's team is really attacked, maybe they can still catch up.

Early the next morning, when Bai Ningxiang appeared in the dining hall, she immediately met two pairs of teasing eyes.

"What's wrong? There's something wrong with the clothes on my body?" As she spoke, Bai Ningxiang shook her sleeves seriously, and straightened the jade hairpin on her bun.

"Pfft~, Sister Xiang, don't pretend, look at your face full of spring, don't ask, it must be the concubine's love, life is complete."

Lou Chenlu covered her mouth with a handkerchief, full of teasing.

Mrs. Lou glared at her niece, "You girl, you have learned how to tease people, but judging by Xiangxiang's complexion, it is indeed full of red."

Bai Ningxiang listened to the two singing and talking, subconsciously raised her hand to touch her face,
"Is it really obvious?" She was obviously attacked last night, so she was worried, okay?

"It's quite obvious, giggling..." Lou Chenlu giggled happily, "I really envy my sister's wanton temper, who can control her own destiny and find her own happiness."

"Sister Lu'er doesn't have to envy me. You can do it too. When your body is recuperated, you will definitely be able to attract many good men to propose marriage. By then, the threshold of Lou Mansion will be smoothed."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Lou Chenlu restrained her expression, and smiled wryly, "I'm afraid I don't have this blessing?"

Seeing Lou Chenlu's gloomy expression, Bai Ningxiang's heart skipped a beat, thinking of her stubborn illness, she walked up to her and sat down, held her hand and patted it,

"With Aunt Ping here, my sister's body will definitely recover. When the fate comes, everything will fall into place."

She is the only daughter of the Lou family, even if Master Lou passed away, the Lou family still has three sons to support the family, I heard that they are all working for the court, with their protection, Lou Chenlu's marriage will not worry at all.

Even if you can't conceive an heir, at most you don't marry your only child. In addition, you can also adopt the heirs of the clan. As long as your status is high enough, all these can be easily solved.

No matter how bad it is, it is also possible to foster the concubine under his name. As long as the Lou family stands upright, Lou Chenlu's life will not be worrying.

She can think of this, the Lou family must have known it long ago, so they sent their daughter to Aunt Ping for recuperation.

Mrs. Lou looked at Bai Ningxiang's penetrating eyes, her face was full of admiration, "Xiangxiang is right, the Lou family's daughter is not worried about getting married, even if Sister Lu doesn't marry, the Lou family can afford it."

Listening to her aunt's love and care, Lou Chenlu's eyes turned red, and she lowered her head silently before tears flowed out. She already knew that aunt's meaning was also that of her mother and brothers.

"Auntie, how can you say that about your niece? It seems like your niece really can't get married."

(End of this chapter)

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