Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 883 Night Chapter

Chapter 883

Didn't hear Bai Ningxiang speak, the little man grabbed her arm and shook, "The novel is really right, you ancients are really precocious..."

"Ahem... Dahai, your daughter-in-law is drunk, take her back to rest."

Before the little man could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Bai Ningxiang. This girl's carefree personality was usually fine, but when she drank too much, she started talking nonsense.

As soon as Dahai came back from the next door, he saw his daughter-in-law pestering the girl, shaking her head and muttering without knowing what to say.

He was also very helpless, his daughter-in-law was too lively, and he was reluctant to speak harshly, so he could only let it go, but he would get entangled with the girl in the blink of an eye.

"I'm causing trouble for the girl. This subordinate will take her back to sober up." Dahai took her over, fixed her in his arms, and suppressed her two arms that were baring her teeth and claws.

"This girl said that I oppressed her." Bai Ningxiang squinted at the sea.

"...My daughter-in-law often says that a girl is the most special person to her." Dahai was very embarrassed, and explained in an embarrassing manner.

This girl is neither old nor young, she is obviously much older than the girl, but her ambition is the same as that of a fifteen or sixteen year old girl.

He looks stupid every day, but fortunately, he is reliable in doing things.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, "Tell her when she wakes up, and give her a three-month vacation when I come back."

"it is good,"

This girl is looking forward to the holiday every day, and he can even imagine the scene of this girl turning her back to bask in the sun.

Looking at the daughter-in-law who had already fallen asleep, Dahai's eyes were full of pampering, and the audience next to him covered their cheeks and shook their heads. This is not marrying a daughter-in-law, this is simply raising a daughter, isn't it?

Bai Ningxiang returned to the backyard and took a beautiful bath of flower petals. After being busy for the past few days, she didn't have time to catch her breath.

Fortunately, everything is ready and we can start tomorrow.

As soon as she lay down on the beauty couch to dry her hair, she heard the voice of the little aunt talking at the door.

"Little aunt, it's so late, why are you here again?" Bai Ningxiang sat up, and saw her little aunt walking in with a small bundle.

"Disturbed your sleep,"

Bai Huixia put the burden in front of her niece,

"I know you don't usually like to do needlework, and you're not good at it. When my aunt is free, she made a few underwear, all of which are made of fine cotton, which is comfortable to wear."

"It's still my little aunt who loves me, Yun Ni, take it quickly and put it in the salute, just bring it for a change of clothes."

Bai Ningxiang took her little aunt's arm and rubbed it affectionately.

"Fortunately, my aunt is here, otherwise I really don't feel relieved to go out."

"Don't worry, my aunt will take good care of Brother Xing. It's just wronged Xiangxiang. Auntie can't help you with your life-long affairs. You have to plan everything by yourself. Auntie loves you."

If it wasn't for the girl's luck to get that good boy Ting Ge'er, if she was in the countryside, she would definitely be wronged.

But now watching her go all the way to Qingdu for her own marriage, I feel worried.In a place like Qingdu, there are dignitaries everywhere, and I don't know what it is like.

In case of being made things difficult, there is no one to confide in this high mountain and far away.

For women, it is important to marry high and marry low, but the lintel of the Han family is too high, no matter how you say it, they are the ones who climb high.

Even if the niece is wronged, their natal family can't help.

The more she thought about it, the more worried Bai Huixia became. It was all for her that this aunt was useless. Apart from worrying, she couldn't help at all.

(End of this chapter)

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