Chapter 886
Although the descendants of the Ma family were not very good at teaching, they still had good governance skills. Bai Ningxiang pulled the corner of her lower lip and walked slowly among the crowd.

"Candied haws, sweet and sour candied haws." With a cry of selling, a peddler came over with a scarecrow on his back, with red candied haws stuck on it.

"Gu... son, I want to eat that." When Bai Cha saw the candied haws, his eyes lit up, and he reached out and tugged at Bai Ningxiang's sleeve.

"Here are six bunches of candied haws." Before Bai Ningxiang could speak, Yun Ni took out a copper coin from her purse.

"Thank you son, you bought a lot, and the small ones will give you an extra bunch."

The peddler pulled a candied haws from the scarecrow, and was the first to hand it to the white tea who opened his mouth. The young man has red lips and white teeth, so he must be a favorite boy.

"White tea, eat my skewers too." Bai Ningxiang glanced at her attire and waved her hands, hurting her image.

The little girl happily raised one in each hand, eating very happily, Yun Ni pinched two, glanced at Ding Yang with a cold face,

"You really don't want to eat it. It tastes good. I just had a meal. This is a digestive aid."


Ding Yang said something in a cold voice, holding the long sword and following behind the girl.

"Yes, the three of us have two sticks each. If we can't finish eating, take them back to Dazhou." Yun Ni took a bite of the candied haws and followed behind them.

After shopping down the street, I bought a bunch of food and things, and I kept all hands free.

"Okay, it's almost there, let's go back the same way."

At this time, the number of pedestrians on the street had already started to decrease, and Bai Ningxiang didn't want to delay too long when she was away from home, so as not to cause complications.

On the way back, Bai Ningxiang noticed some Lianjiazi appearing on the street at some point, they were holding things in their hands, their expressions were in a hurry, and there was a fierce look all over their bodies, but they didn't know what they were looking for.

"See, this is the nursing home of the Ma family. I heard that the young lady is lost."

"Shh~, keep your voice down, I heard that the young lady is unwilling to be lonely, and makes a lot of noise every day, making all the troubles in the house jump, and the old lady has to be locked in the Buddhist hall to meditate. It seems that she must have sneaked out."

"Tch, you don't know that. My natal nephew's sister-in-law's daughter works as a cook in Ma's house. She knows something different. I heard that the young lady brought a lot of dowry when she married. Ma's house was quite happy at first. , but the young lady's family committed a crime and was arrested, and the Ma family was afraid of being implicated, so they put the young lady under house arrest..."

"What? It's said that the crime is worse than a married woman. Wouldn't the Ma family make things worse by doing this?"

"Well, it's just that the woman is afraid of marrying the wrong man. I heard that Young Master Ma is all about concubine, and that concubine is the cousin of young lady. The matter is very complicated. Mr. Ma doesn't like his original partner, and he sees the Yue family's marriage. something happened..."

The man clicked to the end, but needless to say, everyone understood the meaning of it.

Listening to these whispers, Bai Ningxiang glanced at the tea stall opposite, blinked, Zhou Meng was forced to this?

The ups and downs of a family's honor and disgrace really have a big impact on women.

Apart from herself, a woman's confidence comes largely from her natal family's lintel.

However, this fight between the women in the backyard was relived again, and she no longer dared to underestimate it. It is really hard to draw a conclusion without evidence... Fortunately, this matter has nothing to do with her, and she has nothing to do with it.

"Let's go back to the inn, the street is too messy."

(End of this chapter)

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