Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 891 Scare people

Chapter 891 Scare people

The city gate official took the silver, glanced at Da Zhou, pursed his lips, and hummed softly with his stomach outstretched, his tone a little better than before.

"The county lord has an order. There is a riot in the city. Any passing vehicles must be opened for inspection, otherwise they will not be allowed to pass. Our brothers also enforce the law impartially. If the prisoner is missed, you and I will not be able to go around."

"Officer, what we pack here is full of tea leaves. Look at how full it is, how can there be room for someone? Please be accommodating." Saying that, Da Zhou handed over another dime.

Bai Ningxiang watched Dazhou negotiate with the city gate officials from a distance, and couldn't help frowning,

"Yun Ni, go over and see if there is anything I can help you with."

"Fuck me, luckily I didn't agree to that bad-hearted woman last night, otherwise I would really be implicated by her today."

Yun Ni jumped out of the carriage, pouted her lips and walked forward without concealment, and when she reached Da Zhou, she patted his shoulder angrily.

"What's going on, master is waiting impatiently, it's really useless, let the general fine you a month's salary later."

The city gate officer listened to Yun Ni's arrogance, his heart skipped a beat, he looked at his companion beside him, and immediately clasped his fists with a smile.

"I wonder who the general the girl is talking about?"

"Of course it is a famous young general. How many young generals does Daqing have?" Yun Ni raised her head, proudly like a peacock.

"Haha... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, turn around and say hello to the general, let me go." The man waved his hand and moved out of the way.

Da Zhou glanced at Yun Ni, got on his horse, and led the convoy slowly away from the city.

When Bai Ningxiang passed by the city gate, Yun Ni jumped onto the shaft of the car, swinging her legs, very frightened.

"Yun Ni, don't be rude, the city gate officials are also doing routine inspections, so don't make trouble." Through the curtain of the car, there was a cool and pleasant voice.

"Yes, girl, the servant girl knows it's wrong."

When Yun Ni heard the reprimand, she immediately bowed her head to admit her mistake, and then couldn't help sticking out her tongue at Ding Yang who was driving the car.

Ding Yang glanced at her, "Don't ask for next month's monthly money."

"Ah? Girl~"

The city gate officer listened to the conversation on the carriage, and the several people looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief. They really came from a rich family, and the rules are strict.

Fortunately, they didn't get confused. If they offend the young general, they can't afford to walk around.

The convoy traveled a long way, and finally Yun Ni's big laughter came,
"Haha... Those shameless guys were bluffed by a word, and they didn't even dare to say a fart, so they sent us out respectfully."

A group of guys who follow the wind and rudder, they can't do business, but they are very good at flattering and flattering.

"However, she is still a girl, and she cooperates seamlessly with her subordinates."

Bai Ningxiang bent the corner of her lower lip, this is the most basic posture of everyone under power.

It is a very realistic sentence to say that a higher official crushes people to death.

"Heh~, the girl really knows how to act. A young general scares the city gate officials. It's a pity that those idiots don't even know the general's name."

Following a tease, a young man in red on a white horse appeared by the window of Bai Ningxiang's car.

Through the curtains, Bai Ningxiang saw a young man in a red robe, holding a black riding whip in his hand, with a casual look.

"You made me laugh." Now that she was seen through, Bai Ningxiang did not deny it.

"Haha... The girl is refreshing, she is indeed a bit of the free and easy family of a general." The young man in red flicked his horsewhip and gave a chuckle of praise.

(End of this chapter)

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