Chapter 893

In his previous life, he became famous in one battle, and he seemed to be 20 years old when he established the Swallow Gate.

Is this young man with red lips and white teeth 20 years old?

"My question is difficult to answer?"

Seeing Bai Ningxiang's silence, Feiran raised her brows, and the interest in her eyes became a little stronger.

This girl looks like a girl from a wealthy family. Even if she is not a noble girl, she is also a daughter brought up by a merchant. No matter what kind, she will not be interested in Jianghu people.

Therefore, the chances of her knowing herself are slim to none.

Therefore, he felt that this girl should have heard about it from others, but he didn't know what she had heard about it?
Bai Ningxiang regained her senses, and in order to confirm her thoughts, she moved closer to the car window.

"Well... May I know how old you are this year?"

Feiran: "..."

He said this girl is interesting, right?

Sure enough, when he opened his mouth, he was different from others.

"Cough~, Xia Feiran, I have just reached the age of weak crown." After saying this, Feiran's face turned red for some reason.

Just turned 20?
Did you become famous in the end?
Has Yanzimen been established?
"What's the matter? The girl has objections to my age? Or do you think something is wrong?"

Looking at her frowning, Feiran was very puzzled, dislike his age?

Is 20 years old or young?

Bai Ningxiang came back to her senses, smiled mischievously,
"Young master misunderstood, to be honest, I heard my brother mention the name Feiran a little bit, but I don't know if he is the same as you? My brother said that young master Feiran is a hero born a boy, and he is a well-known figure in the world."

"Oh? Really?" Feiran looked at Bai Ningxiang with a smile in his eyes.

"That's right, my brother also said that he has extraordinary martial strength and is as light as a swallow. If he wants to, he is completely qualified to be the leader of the martial arts."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's narration, Feiran's eyes narrowed, and his smile became brighter, "Oh? What good things did your brother say about me?"

This little girl is really interesting.

"...Are you really the Feiran that my brother said?"

"If it's fake, it's a pity that your brother has exaggerated."

Usually it's fine, but bragging in front of a little girl is a bit embarrassing.

"Although I am a member of the Jianghu, my military strength is acceptable. As for leading the Jianghu, I have no interest, and I don't want to bother... Of course, if I really want to be the leader of the alliance, I am not sure whether I will be able to do it. Therefore, it is better to be free and easy. Let’s start a small sect and be a free sect master.”

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

It's not easy to finally get what you want after going around in a big circle.

"Young Master Fei Ran is not for fame and wealth, but is unrestrained and unrestrained. This is a realm that many people dream of but can't reach. My brother has always praised you very much."

When Bai Ningxiang was happy to get the answer she wanted, she couldn't help but praise her.

"I don't know the name of the girl's elder brother. When I meet again, I will buy him a drink."

This was the first time he heard someone praise him so seriously, even if he was thick-skinned, he still felt a little hot.

Bai Ningxiang's eyes flickered, this person and brother-in-law will meet sooner or later, brother-in-law can't let him take the lead.

"Brother Bai Wu, if there is a destiny, we will definitely meet."

After weighing it, she still felt that Bai Wu was more suitable, he didn't talk much and was the safest.

"It turned out to be Miss Bai. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Feiran thought about it, but Bai Wu was not in his mind.However, it is easy to look up with a name.

(End of this chapter)

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