Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 896 The little heart is thumping with fright

Chapter 896 The little heart is thumping with fright
"No, I seldom get in close contact with people, and I don't have that habit." Besides, those women in the Jianghu are as tough as tigers, let alone climbing trees, even the heavens don't need his help.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

As soon as Ding Yang and Yun Ni jumped up, Bai Ningxiang's eyes lit up, and before she could speak, Fei Ran lifted her back up a bit and stood firmly on the top of the tree.

"The treetops are weak, you two don't make trouble, they will fall if they break."

Feiran looked at the two tails behind him, and gave a faint warning.

Bai Ningxiang held Feiran's sleeves tightly, glanced at the twigs she was stepping on, and subconsciously swallowed her saliva, but if she dared to take a big breath, the twigs might be broken by her.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you, you won't fall." Feiran looked at her pale face and chuckled lightly.

"You...I don't know how to do it lightly." If she fell, she would be shattered immediately.

"I know, don't you want to see who the other party is?" Feiran looked at Bai Ningxiang's resentful eyes, and pouted at her, "Hey, it's still on."

Everyone came up, Bai Ningxiang took a deep breath, raised his eyes and looked into the distance,
A mile away, there was indeed a group of people fighting, but it was too far away to see clearly.

There are a few cars indistinctly, and as for people's clothing, it is a blur.

"I heard that you martial arts practitioners have very good eyesight. Can you tell if it's a Jianghu person seeking revenge, or a bandit blocking the way?" Bai Ningxiang glared at her, and tested him angrily.

"Looking at the body skills, they are some well-trained Lianjiazi. There are a few cars next to them. The chances of bandits are not high. They are either looking for revenge or looking for money."

Feiran said, looking at Bai Ningxiang gently, "Want to help?"

"I don't even know who the other party is. I can't tell whether it's an official or a bandit. How can I help?"

Besides, she still has to escort the transport team, if the eye is punched, wouldn't it be a chicken and an egg.

She doesn't have such a broad mind to help others put herself in it.

After receiving Bai Ningxiang's white eyes, Feiran was not angry, "Do you see clearly? Do you want to go down?"

He is not in the mood to meddle in other things, if he really has that mind, he might as well tease the little girl.

"Of course," she kept thinking.

Feiran held her waist, and with a little force, the two of them landed lightly on the ground.

After setting her feet on the ground, Bai Ningxiang immediately took a few steps away and let out a deep breath, "Ding Yang, go ahead and check the situation."

"Yes," Ding Yang looked at Feiran coldly, and after a few vertical jumps, he disappeared.

"You girl is good at stretching your hand." Fei Ran put her hands behind her back, and the corners of her lips curled up in joy.

"Of course, we as maidservants can do whatever the girl wants to do. So, please be careful in the future, sir. You are from the Jianghu, you can be informal, but we girls can't. Qingyu is comparable to the girl's family." life."

Yun Ni stood in front of Bai Ningxiang, pinching her waist, looking at Fei Ran with vigilant eyes.

Little wolf cub, if you dare to peep at her girl, turn around and ask the young master to pick out your eyeballs.

This guy is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He is gentle and polite in front of them, but when they relax their vigilance, he starts to make bad water.

Feiran leaned against the tree trunk beside him, and just casually nodded at Yun Ni's blame, expressing that he understood, as for whether he would take it to heart or not, only he knew.

"Girl, the chicken soup is ready, girl, come and have a taste."

(End of this chapter)

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