Chapter 898 Defense
In fact, during this trip to Qingdu, she never thought that the girl would take her with her. Usually in the mansion, she has been helping Qiuniang in the kitchen, and rarely served the girl up close. She thought that she would spend the rest of her life in the kitchen. , Fortunately, she likes cooking very much, and she doesn't feel sad.

In addition, the population of the Bai family is simple, life is very easy, and she can still cook new food with the boy from time to time, she is very satisfied.

But now, the girl was going on a long trip, and she even took her with her. Serving her master cautiously was the honor she could only wish for. After getting excited, she carefully prepared for a long time, hoping that the girl could eat delicious meals anytime, anywhere.

After dinner, Bai Ningxiang went back to her room directly. The town was dark, and there was only a broken lantern far away, swaying left and right in the night wind, looking cold.

When passing the aisle, I suddenly heard the sound of arguing from the next door.

"Father, we have to call a doctor for mother quickly, otherwise, I'm really afraid that mother won't be able to hold on." Along with the voice, there was the sound of weeping.

"Daughter, it's not that Dad didn't invite a doctor, it's that we've been targeted by people, and more than half of us have been killed or injured. If there is another wave, Dad may not be able to protect you siblings."

"But mother... Mother looks so painful, my daughter can't bear it, woo..."

"Hey, after hiding for so many years, I still haven't escaped. This is fate, fate..."

Bai Ningxiang stopped in her tracks and couldn't help frowning. Although she listened endlessly, it was so miserable that it made people feel very uncomfortable.

At this moment, the door next door opened suddenly, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy rushed out with red eyes, obviously crying just now.

An uncle in his 30s followed closely behind him, "Young master, don't be reckless."

When he saw Bai Ningxiang standing in the corridor, he grabbed the boy's arm suddenly, shook his head at him, and then stared at Bai Ningxiang's master and servants cautiously.

Before the boy could speak, the middle-aged uncle grabbed his arm and pulled back, closing the door with a bang.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

She didn't mean to listen either.

"Girl, this is the group of people who were attacked this afternoon." Ding Yang recognized the middle-aged uncle at a glance.

"So that's how it is." Tuo's family was chased and killed, presumably there was a lot of grievances.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, and went back to the guest room, "Tell Dazhou, let the brothers be more vigilant, and don't let anyone spoil the tea."

She was really worried about living with this group of people.

"The subordinate will explain immediately."

Ding Yang nodded, although the raiders were repelled, there is no guarantee that they still have eyeliners in the dark, and the other party still dares to guard against them, who might be responsible for whom?
When she checked around and was about to go back to her room, she saw Fei Ran leaning on the corridor,
"Be careful, it might not be peaceful tonight."

"What did you find?" Ding Yang knew that this person was unfathomable, and he also knew that he was no match, so he was extra vigilant.

Although she didn't know why the girl was so tolerant to this man, the girl even endured his offense.

Either she is familiar with her or she is jealous, so, this person in front of her has long been listed as a dangerous element by her.

Feiran didn't care about Ding Yang's hostility at all, she was just a girl protecting the lord.

"It's nothing serious, just a few sneaky guys. As for the should be the family in the guest room."

If they don't spread here, it's okay to say, if they disturb others' rest, then you're welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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