Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 921 Almost Misunderstood

Chapter 921 Almost Misunderstood
Ding Yang jumped out of the carriage and helped Bai Ningxiang down, Da Zhou had already knocked on the door.

knock knock knock
"Who is here?" With a creak, the door was opened, and a head poked out.

"This is the backyard of the tea shop. No guests are accepted. You have to rest your feet and enter from the front lobby."

"Little guy, talk carefully, my boss is here." Yun Ni stepped forward, pushed open the door, looked at the spacious courtyard, and nodded with satisfaction. The girl lives here temporarily, which is barely enough.

"Boss? Who are you lying to?" Their boss was obviously thousands of miles away.

"Open your eyes and see clearly. The owner came to inspect the property in person, and delivered the goods to the door. It's fine to go out and see if it's right. It's for no reason. Who brought all these goods to the door?" Yun Ni held him by the collar, Go straight out.

"Hey, who are you, let go...Quanzi, go and call the shopkeeper, someone broke into the house."

Bai Ningxiang leaned against the carriage, watching everything in front of her with relish.

Following the boy's roar, a few moments later, several people rushed over with sticks in their hands.

"Who dares to cause trouble in our Yipin Ganquan tea shop? Do you want to die?"

"That's right, first find out whose territory this is, and be careful about moving your head."

While talking, a middle-aged man in his 40s rushed to the door with three teenagers carrying sticks in his hands. When he saw the scene at the door, he was stunned and waved his hands quickly.

"May I ask the girl's surname?" Shopkeeper Wang glanced at the transport team, and he already had a clue in his heart, but in order to confirm the identity, he still needs to confirm it personally.

Seeing shopkeeper Wang's demeanor, Bai Ningxiang's eyes flashed a smile, she deserved to be the steward next to Mrs. Han.

"You are shopkeeper Wang, right? My surname is Bai, Bai Ningxiang, the owner of this tea shop."

"It turned out that the owner came here in person, but he couldn't meet him from afar, so he apologized face to face."

Shopkeeper Wang reached out and patted the young man beside him, glared at him, and bowed.

"Please, Qingzi, what are you doing in the host's house, help me, you reckless guy, tell your grandpa later, I can take you home, and I didn't wink at all."

"Don't blame shopkeeper Wang. Qingzi doesn't know us well. It's normal to be worried. Just be careful next time."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Qingzi's bitter-melon face, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of her lower lip.

"However, before encountering this matter next time, it is better to ask clearly first, so as to avoid misunderstanding."

"Yes, thank you for your magnanimity, Master, I have offended you just now, please punish me, Qing Zi will definitely have no complaints." The young man lowered his head, his face full of remorse.

Yun Ni walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, if you really regret it, just help unload the goods, just don't be lazy."

"Never dare to be lazy, thank you sister." Qingzi scratched his head, secretly glanced at Dong's house, blushed, and ran away in a hurry.

Entering the yard, Bai Ningxiang sat at the head of the living room, and immediately a teenager brought a basin of ice and put it on the shelf next to her, which made people feel much cooler.

"I'm King Quan. I used to be the manager of a Zhuangzi. My wife learned that Miss Bai was short of manpower, so I assigned me to come here. During the time I was in charge of the teahouse, the accounts were recorded and sent over later."

"Treasurer Wang, thank you for your hard work. I live far away and have never been free. I have caused trouble for Mrs. Han."

Seeing Shopkeeper Wang's easy-going attitude and reasonable demeanor, Bai Ningxiang was very satisfied.There is no need to question the ability of Madam Han's subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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