Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 924 Want to stay

Chapter 924 Want to stay

"Now that the girl is here, I can also explain to my wife. Through today's welcome banquet, I will borrow flowers to present Buddha and offer a cup to Miss Bai. If there is any need for me in the future, as long as my wife agrees, I will definitely go through fire and water and die."

Listening to Shopkeeper Wang's words, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, "Why did Shopkeeper Wang say that? Although I have come to Qingdu, I am not as familiar with the situation here as Shopkeeper Wang. Besides, it will not take a while to get familiar with it." Things, from now on the tea shop will have to be supervised by shopkeeper Wang."

"As for Mrs. Han, I will come to visit in person in a few days, and I will naturally explain the current situation to Madam. So, I have to ask shopkeeper Wang to work hard."

When Bai Ningxiang mentioned this point, she couldn't help thinking for a while. It seems that I have to talk to shopkeeper Wang in private to find out what he means, so that I can arrange the next thing.

As the saying goes, water flows to low places, and people go to high places. If he has another way out, his side will naturally not hinder him.

If he just said politely and wanted to test the boss's mind, as long as he was relieved, it would be resolved.

"Thank you for your trust, girl. I will naturally do my best, and I dare not neglect at all."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, shopkeeper Wang felt a lot more at ease. To be honest, he was used to the management of the tea shop, and if he returned to the Zhuangzi, he would feel somewhat unwilling.

There are not a few well-known stewards in the Han family. He has always been assigned to Zhuangzi, except for the products sent to Zhuangzi on New Year's Day, he is rarely summoned by the master.

This secondment, thanks to the blessing of Manager Han, allowed me to be promoted from the manager of Zhuangzi to the shopkeeper of the tea shop... But he is a member of the Han family after all, if Miss Bai didn't intend to keep him, he naturally couldn't stay.

"In this case, I will ask the shopkeeper Wang. Our master and servant are new here. After all, we are not familiar with the place, and we still need the help of the shopkeeper Wang in many places."

Seeing the look in Shopkeeper Wang's eyes, Bai Ningxiang chuckled and gave him a reassurance.

"Miss, you're too polite, I'm afraid, just rely on orders."

With shopkeeper Wang's words, Bai Ningxiang knew that as long as she spoke to Mrs. Han, the matter would be settled.

However, before visiting Mrs. Han, she just took advantage of this time to inspect Shopkeeper Wang's ability to handle affairs. If it is really not satisfactory, she can only make plans.

After changing the subject, the rest of the servants also came over to toast, taking the opportunity to get acquainted, Bai Ningxiang was not polite, and drank several glasses of fruit wine in succession.

Before the party was over, Bai Ningxiang discovered that everyone's relationship had been drawn into a lot, and some even started to hook shoulders and call themselves brothers and sisters. As for the rest, it was just a matter of time.

"Girl, don't drink too much, you'll get drunk easily." Xia Xue thoughtfully gave her stomach-warming soup and reminded her softly.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with the fruit wine. Besides, after driving for nearly a month, I am very tired. Drinking some wine will just relieve my fatigue."

Bai Ningxiang took a sip of the stomach warming soup, it was sour and sweet, she was really a caring girl.

For the next few days, Bai Ningxiang stayed in the backyard to recuperate. Apart from getting enough sleep, she just sat under the pomegranate tree and drank tea.

She had no intention of intervening in the operation of the tea shop, and shopkeeper Wang was worried for a few days.

I don't know if I thought of something, the whole person is full of energy, serious and thoughtful in doing things, and the smile on his face has never been broken.

(End of this chapter)

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