Chapter 926 Worry
Ding Yang said, seeing Bai Ningxiang's stunned expression, his heart moved, "Master said, you don't need to hide anything in front of the girl."

"You don't need to explain, there is no such relationship between me and my brother-in-law."

Seeing Ding Yang's nervous expression, Bai Ningxiang smiled,

"In this case, you and Yun Ni go to check the situation together. We are in Qingdu City, and nothing will happen. The two of you go out together, so you can have someone to take care of you."

"No, just one subordinate is fine, Yun Ni stays, we can't both leave."

Hearing the girl's plan, Ding Yang shook his head directly. If the young master knew that they had left their posts without permission, they would definitely be punished.

"What Ding Yang said makes sense. The servant girl can't leave the girl's side. It's fine if Ding Yang is alone. Besides, the young master must have made perfect preparations for chasing the enemy, and nothing will happen."

Yun Ni's attitude is the same as Ding Yang's. In Qingdu, the rich and powerful gather together, who knows when some unsightly people will appear, and if the girl is bumped into, it will be putting the cart before the horse.

"Well, be careful. If you really encounter a situation, don't take any risks. Send a message back and let Dazhou respond."

Seeing that the two strongly opposed it, Bai Ningxiang did not insist. Fortunately, those people in Dazhou have been living in Jiutiao Street and can rush to support them at any time.

The matter was settled in this way, Ding Yang made preparations and set off early the next morning.

Bai Ningxiang didn't go out to go shopping, she still stayed in the backyard. Before her brother-in-law came back, she didn't have any extra mood.

After being curious, Bai Cha and Xia Xue have also been completely quiet these few days. One is obsessed with cooking, and the other is busy with needlework.

Bai Ningxiang sat under the pomegranate tree in the yard, sipping tea, reading, and helping Xia Xue try various pastries from time to time, living a leisurely life.

In the blink of an eye, another five days passed, not to mention there was news from Yixiong, even Ding Yang went to contact him.

Although Bai Ningxiang was anxious in her heart, fortunately she was quite stable on the surface. If there were no occasional wrong names, the girls would not have noticed that their girl was often sitting absent-mindedly under the pomegranate tree, reading a book and drinking tea, looking at her from time to time. The direction of the door.

When Yun Ni came out of the kitchen, she found that the girl was still staring at the book and hadn't turned the pages for a long time. It wasn't until then that she realized, no wonder the girl likes to sit under the pomegranate tree... just look up, and you can see the location of the door.

The girl must be very worried about the safety of the young master... It's a pity that she can't leave now, otherwise the girl will have no one to protect her.

"Girl, this is Xia Xuegang's improved pineapple cake. Try it. It tastes pretty good, but the servant girl thinks it's still a bit too sweet."

"Really? I'll try it."

Bai Ningxiang put down her book and looked at the pineapple cakes on the plate. They were small and easy to eat, one bite at a time.

"Well, the skin is crispy and the filling is crystal clear. It is indeed a bit sweet. You can add less honey when boiling pear paste, or leave it out and eat the original flavor directly. Pears are very sweet."

"The girl is right, I'm going to try to boil a bottle of original pear paste."

Before Yun Ni could speak, Xia Xue had already rushed out of the kitchen. She took off her apron and ran out with a basket in her hand.

"Hey, you girl, didn't you boil pear paste? Why are you still running outside?" Yun Ni looked at her, one or two, they were all crazy.

"...the pears are used up, I have to go to the vegetable market to buy some.

(End of this chapter)

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