Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 929 Unique style

Chapter 929 Unique style
The sun is setting and the sky is full of rays of light. You are the burning cloud in the sky, wrapping me, as warm as the sun.

After a long time, the two parted reluctantly. Han Jing looked at her gentle eyes glowing with water, like a feather sweeping the tip of his heart, making his heart tremble and tremble, trembling and trembling. Knead into the body and never separate.

"Girl, I'm sorry to make you worry."

Han Jing kissed her on the forehead with apologies in his eyes, he never thought it would take so long.

"As long as you come back safely."

Bai Ningxiang raised her head, reached out and patted his chest, "As long as you always remember that there is someone waiting for you to go home, you will definitely return safely."

"I've always had you here...cunning girl."

Looking at her sly eyes, Han Jing couldn't help but chuckled, "Is everything going well in Qingdu?"

"It's all good," Bai Ningxiang said, pulling him and pointing to the coffee table beside him, "Here, there is food and drink and someone is waiting for you. It's a comfortable life."

Han Jing looked at everything in front of him, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly. He knew that the girl had a strong adaptability.

In the hall, Yun Ni turned on the lights early and placed the cakes again. Seeing the two coming hand in hand, she blessed her body with a smile,
"I have seen you, son, congratulations on your safe return."

"Well, Ding Yang joined us, temporarily helping Feng Yi deal with things, and he will be back later."

Seeing Yun Ni, Han Jing thought of Ding Yang.

"Ding Yang said that you have a special contact method, and it is true. I was afraid that she would not be able to find you."

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, thinking of the wounded soldiers outside the city, she asked, "Have the attackers been caught?"

"Two people were captured, and they still need to be interrogated. Those people are dead men, and their jaws are clenched." Han Jing snorted softly, and there are many ways for people who fall into Feng's second hand to make them open their mouths.

As long as the person is alive, he is not in a hurry to get out of the trial or not.

In short, he is not the one to worry about.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the brother-in-law's sneer, and silently lit a piece of wax for the other party in her heart, and it fell into the brother-in-law's hands, counting them as unlucky.

For those people, she doesn't have the heart to sympathize. She hasn't seen her righteous brother for a while, so how can she have time to care about other people's affairs?

"Yun Ni, tell Xia Xue to cook something delicious..."

Before Bai Ningxiang finished speaking, she was interrupted by Han Jing, "There is no need to prepare meals, I will take you to a good place today, it is a special food in Qingdu, if you like it, we will go there often."

"Okay, brother Yi, wait for me."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she went directly into the room next door, changed into a pink and purple gauze dress, tied up her hair in a simple bun, inserted a purple magnolia flower hairpin of the same color, and two pearl flowers the size of fingernails, simple and delicate.

Seeing Bai Ningxiang coming out from the next door, Han Jing's eyes lit up. In her impression, girls always wore plain dresses.

"Sure enough, it's better to dress brightly."

"What? Did I not look good in the clothes I used to wear?" Bai Ningxiang walked up to Brother Yi, raised her head, and said in a coquettish tone.

"In the past, the girl's dress was simple and elegant, as noble as an orchid, but today's girl is like the pomegranate flower in the courtyard, delicate and delicate, I like everything you look like."

Han Jing raised the corners of his lips, and explained in a serious way that it is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sure enough, he also thought it was true, even if the girl was wearing a rag, he would think that the girl had a unique style.

(End of this chapter)

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