Chapter 931

Han Jing turned her head to the side, looked at the inquiry in the girl's eyes, and couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile, "Me? It's hard to say~"

"Brother Yi is a military commander, he must obey the imperial court's orders, he is ordered by the imperial court, and he can't help himself. I can understand all these."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, indicating that she could accept it.

"Since I'm a general, I have to guard the border. For this, I have long been mentally prepared, but how can I go to the south to sit in the town? Brother Yi has to spend some time thinking. If you are transferred to the north, I have to think about it. What kind of industry is suitable for development there?"

Bai Ningxiang raised her head, and looked at Han Jing with a smile. It's this time, and her brother-in-law dared to tease her.

"Oh? What about the tea garden in Daba Mountain? You are willing to let go."

He knows how much energy those industries have consumed the girl, and now listening to the girl's tone, it seems that if you say let go, you can let go.

If she could really do this, it would be too free and easy.

"What? I don't like my ability? To tell you the truth, as long as I have money, it is very easy for me to start a business. Besides, the tea garden on Daba Mountain can be managed by a young man or a little aunt. of."

"That's the foundation of Brother Xing and I, and we can't move it easily, but with my aunt and boy taking care of me, I'm still at ease until Brother Xing grows up."

Everyone in the family has their own specialties, and they have been exercising openly and secretly for two years. She trusts this, and it is okay for Guardian Xing to grow up.

If brother-in-law is really sent to another place to guard, when he settles down, she will take brother Xing with her at the worst, so as to avoid a long separation.

"So, during this period, if I want to open up other industries, it won't take much effort... Brother Yi, it's better to let me know where you are going to guard the border."

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, she gave him a very rude look.

Upon receiving those provocative eyes, Han Jing couldn't help but chuckled, "I really found a treasure, with a capable girl like you by my side, it's really hard to let go."

"I've been chasing my husband for thousands of miles, and you still want to let go?" Bai Ningxiang stared at him, "If you become a scumbag, I won't be afraid of you."

Han Jing looked at those big purple grape-like eyes, pinched her palms, leaned her head against her ear,

"Holding you such a cornucopia, it's too late to hug you tightly, how can you be willing to throw it away, unless my head is broken."

Bai Ningxiang rolled his eyes at him, "A man is a breath of life, a Buddha is a stick of incense. If you do something that I'm sorry for, be careful that you end up becoming a pauper."

It's not that she is talking big, just use the disabled soldiers taken in by her righteous brother, if they are consumed like this, they can't make ends meet, and even a meal of white rice is a luxury.

"Haha... Just saying this to you, I can't let you go without saying anything. If you become a pauper, I will rely on the girl to support you."

Thinking about the situation of the poor, Han Jing couldn't help laughing. If he really messed up that day, he would really like to experience it.

Da Zuo, who was not far away, listened to the conversation between the two and nodded repeatedly.

"Ding Yang, don't tell me, I think your girl is really foresighted. Although my master is rich, he can't afford to spend year after year... It's really close to making ends meet, but unfortunately he never cares. "

It's not easy, he says it's useless every day, and today the future mistress mentioned it to her face, so the master should take care of it, right?

(End of this chapter)

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