Chapter 10

After reaching a certain level, such as gold, even if it is the first time to play a hero that does not require manipulation, you can still win the whole game in the bronze game. After all, players have reached this level and already have a strong consciousness. Operating this hero can also destroy the opponent with consciousness.

Low-end rounds rely on operation, while high-end rounds rely on awareness. Awareness is more important than operation. After all, at a certain level, although there is still a gap in operation between players, it is no longer obvious. At this time, which side will win , consciousness is the most decisive factor.

"Hey, why is there a red one coming out?" At this time, a certain student glanced at the screen and found that a red line appeared on the top of a row of green ones, which was very eye-catching, but he was not immediately sure whether it was a previous record or a red one. The record just came out, so I have some doubts.

"Uh, Brother Feng seems to have lost." Brother Yi was stunned, and found that the place where the red appeared was indeed the first page, which meant that Ding Feng had just finished a round and lost.

"Gold beat bronze and you still lose, isn't it? What's the situation? Did you ask to fight for you when you met the opponent?" Some students were very surprised. Could it be that the judgment just now was wrong?

"Xiaohui click to open it!" Someone urged Xiaohui who was stunned.

Xiaohui came to his senses and hurriedly clicked on the latest record.

"I'll go, brother Feng ran away with 15 heads." Seeing the data of the lost game, the students were ashamed for a while, they never expected such a result.

"I've said it all, his computer often has problems. It takes at least seven or eight minutes to re-enter the game after being disconnected, and sometimes he still can't get in." Xiaohui was also a little dumbfounded, and the 8-game winning streak ended because of running away. , anyone would find it a pity, this is really tormenting.

In the League of Legends ranking, winning one game can only add 5 victory points at most, but if you can win [-] games in a row, you can jump a short section, and if you win [-] games in a row, you can jump two short sections in a row. The more ranks you can jump, if it is not because of the crash, Brother Feng should have no problem winning thirty games in a row.

But now, the winning streak has been terminated and it is a pity that we have to start all over again.

"Fifteen kills were taken in the 25-minute game. Brother Feng's teammates are so talented. They need to support for a while. They can still win when Brother Feng goes online. Seven or eight minutes behind is very difficult for gold players. It’s nothing to say.” Some students couldn’t help complaining.

One person took fifteen heads in 25 minutes, and it's not known how long Brother Feng lost. It's not hard to imagine how smooth Brother Feng's round was, even if you don't have such a bad food.

"Xiaohui, right-click to see if Brother Feng has recorded game videos." Brother Yi couldn't help laughing bitterly, but he was even more curious about how Brother Feng played.

"Let me see!" Xiaohui responded, and right-clicked on the losing round, and several options appeared, all of which were lit up, except for the item 'Game Video' which was dimly lit. Hui shook his head and said, "No, Brother Feng doesn't have the habit of recording game videos."

"It's a pity, I still want to watch it!" The students expressed their pity one after another. What they were most curious about was how Brother Feng took fifteen heads in less than twenty minutes. It is an average of one head per minute. How did this happen? !
At this time, the class bell rang, and Teacher Li stepped on the bell and walked into the classroom. Seeing the teacher coming, the students shook their heads and returned to their seats.


In the dormitory, Ding Feng stared blankly at the computer screen with an inexplicable blue screen, and then smiled wryly. He knew that if his computer had a blue screen, he would not be able to enter this game no matter what. This is what Ding Feng's memory told him.

In the two days of the weekend plus today's day, he played a total of 29 games, and won [-] consecutive victories. As long as he wins another [-], he can jump a rank. Unexpectedly, something went wrong at the critical moment, and fortunately, it didn't happen. At the time of [-] consecutive victories, otherwise he would be so depressed that he would go crazy.

"Let's just sell this computer!" Feeling helpless, he was really afraid to use this computer to play games. He couldn't remember how many times he was disconnected in the past three days. It's too bad, of course, he doesn't have the money to go to the Internet cafe to play games.

Put the computer in the computer bag, take the key of the dormitory and walk out of the dormitory, lock the door of the dormitory, then take a look at the sky, and walk towards the downstairs of the dormitory.

Along the school road and the lawn, he came directly to a computer store named Huaxin.

"Hello, do you want to repair the computer?" The waitress of the specialty store greeted the customer immediately when she saw the customer coming, and noticed the computer bag in his hand.

"I want to be a computer, do you accept it?" Ding Feng nodded politely, and lifted the computer bag in his hand.

"When?" The waitress nodded amusedly, expressing that she was defeated by his words, then pointed to the stool beside her and said, "Sit down first, and I'll give you an estimate."

"Okay!" Ding Feng nodded with a smile, sat down on the stool she was pointing at, and casually put the computer bag on the glass table in front of him. The waitress went around and sat down opposite him, and took his computer bag He opened it and took out his old notebook that couldn't be seen from the inside.

"No wonder you say 'dang', your computer is definitely an antique." Looking at his computer, the waitress couldn't help but teased him, and then asked casually: "This computer is too old and can't be sold How much is it, the maximum is no more than two hundred, what price do you have in mind?"

"Uh, I'll sell it for [-]." Ding Feng nodded. As an emergency fund, [-] is enough for him, and if it can be sold directly, it can save a lot of trading time, after all, the computer needs to be appraised , It takes a lot of time, he is spending money to buy time.

"Oh, although the configuration of this computer is not very good, I think it's not worth it just for 100 yuan!" Putting the computer flat on the table and turning it on, she looked up at him and said casually: "If it's just an emergency I can lend you a hundred, of course, if you don’t need this computer, forget it.”

Ding Feng was taken aback, a little surprised that she would say such a thing, after all, the two met for the first time and were completely unfamiliar, but it could be seen that she was a warm-hearted woman.

"Thank you, but no need, I've wanted to throw away this computer for a long time." He nodded with a smile, and didn't want to accept the favor of others for no reason, let alone a stranger.

"So, it's my trouble!" She also felt that her words were a bit abrupt, and apologized a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay!" He shook his head and smiled, not caring.

"Wait a minute, I'll check your computer, I won't keep you waiting for long." She smiled and instructed, and after he nodded, she took the computer and went to the back room.

(End of this chapter)

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