Chapter 108 Victory over RBZ
Seeing that the five OQN members ran towards the dragon after queuing up, the five RBZ members lost their composure, and hurried out of the house in a hurry, rushing to the dragon.

Once the big dragon is taken down by OQN, they will lose in this game, but because the vision is almost excluded, the action appears to be very cautious.

At this point in time, with the damage output of the OQN five, it doesn't take long to defeat the dragon, so even if they are careful, they won't be careful.

Thresh took the lead, followed by Pan Sen and other four teammates. They approached the most dangerous grass outside the first 4F, and Thresh inserted a fake eye into it.

With this false eye, it showed the wandering, the female tank, and the male gun, which shocked Thresh and his teammates, because they preconceived that the five OQN must be fighting the dragon, so this false When the eyes were inserted, he and his teammates didn't stop.

Therefore, the five people failed to react immediately, some of them couldn't stop the car, and the slow reaction in less than half a second was caught by OQN.

At the same time, the prince and the blind man came out from above.

There are wolves before and tigers behind!

At the moment when this eye position was inserted, the female tank pointed forward, and by coincidence, she held Kenan in place. Wandering Q threw EZ's face, and then imprisoned EZ in place, and the male gun E Go to the side, raise your hand, and a big move shell flies out, perfectly hitting the five enemies.

The three of them beat this set, EZ was killed on the spot, Thresh's blood volume was disabled, Pan Sen and Kenan, who was held by the female tank, were framed inside by the prince who came over from the second company of EQ, and the blind man approached with a Q skill, and shot Hit the ground to slow down, then touched the eyes at the speed of light, and kicked Pan Sen.

Pan Sen was kicked into the air and hit Kenan and Thresh. The bloody Thresh died on the spot, and Xerath immediately retreated when he realized that something was wrong.

The four of RBZ were killed in the shortest time, and only Xeras at the back escaped, but his existence alone could not stop the five of OQN. One of the four of RBZ died, and the five of OQN went straight Point to the middle road, and quickly destroy the middle road.

"One wave, one wave, the speed has been pushed, Nima must beat Little Japan this time, let them dare to say that there is no one in China, and make you arrogant."

"The female tank's E is too bright. If it's halfway through the night, it's not Kenan who can control it. Once Kenan uses his ultimate move, it won't be so easy to play zero for four in this wave."

"RBZ is a little too urgent, but there is really no way. OQN's lineup has such equipment at this point in time. It is a bit fast to fight Baron. Once Baron is taken, RBZ will undoubtedly lose."

"I just thought of a scene that people can't bear to look at directly, that is, Pan Sen directly jumped into the dragon pit with a big car, and then looked back, Nima started fighting. You said it was funny, but it's a pity that Pan Sen was too cautious, otherwise the stewardess My younger brother will become the laughing stock of the game industry in Japan."

"It's so dark!"

"... "

keep pushing!

Standing in the distance, Xerath wanted to stop the five OQNs from attacking by asking for soldiers. The blind man touched his eyes at the speed of light, grabbed Xerath's Q skill, and threw it out.

Hit, directly activated the second paragraph and kicked up.

'Ding', as soon as the blind man rushed up, he was immediately locked by the defense tower, and a purple light ball fell. Xerath turned around and a cyan ball fixed the blind man in place. Si hurriedly retreated to the water spring, consuming the line of troops far away.

The five members of OQN had just pulled out the two front teeth of the big crystal, and the four members of RBZ who died were resurrected at this time, and ran out directly, but it was already too late.

The five RBZ members ignored them and chose to forcibly demolish the big crystal. After paying the price of three deaths, they successfully won the game.

As early as when the four RBZ were squatted to death, the audience watching the game had already started to shout and cheer, and they already knew the result of the game.

"Yeah, we won, we won, this game was really exciting, our Chinese team beat the Japanese team with a score of [-]-[-] for the first time."

"It's just a change of top laner and mid laner, and the result is completely different. Mr. Lu and Qingchen are really strong. If they play together for a while, I believe it will not be a problem to abuse the Japanese team, and even if they are against the top laner. The Korean team is not powerless."

"Haha, Little Japan is such a big idiot. Our big China has a history of 5000 years. The Chinese culture has a long history and profound knowledge. It is best at playing tricks. No, it's tricks. If you don't die, you won't die. How dare you play tricks on us? , but it turned out to be a wave of reversal by us."

"That's right, I will torture you to death, little Japan. When we, Mr. Lu and Qingchen form a team, your good days will come to an end. What is the second largest e-sports country in Asia, is it as strong as China?"

"Haha, Mr. Lu and Qingchen are both my idols. If they form a team, I will be the first sponsor of their team. Not to mention throwing hundreds of millions, tens of millions is not a problem. For our Chinese With the development of e-sports, this small amount of money is really nothing.”

"Visually, the upstairs is the son of a super rich man in China. Damn, tens of millions of dollars are not used as money to see it. What can we poor people do?"

"... "

The [-]-[-] victory over Japan's No. [-] team is really satisfying. The psychological shadow of the Chinese team being abused by the Japanese team in this year's finals has disappeared at this moment. The situation will be completely reversed.

And when people were talking about S5, that is, how the team formed by Mr. Lu and Qingchen will beat the Japanese team in next year's global finals, someone suddenly said this sentence:

"Even if Mr. Lu and Qingchen form a team, they won't be able to participate in next year's global finals."

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately aroused the audience's anger, but after some people's explanations, the audience realized that this sentence had a deeper meaning, and because they understood the meaning of this sentence, the audience's enthusiasm As if being watered by a basin of cold water, the mood is not good.

Domestic LOL players know that the teams that can participate in the S-series global finals are all selected through the results of the domestic LPL spring and summer seasons.

And if Mr. Lu and Qingchen want to form a new team, the new team has to participate in the national audition, and then successfully advance to the LSPL professional league. Only in this way can they enter the LPL professional league and participate in the S-series global finals selection.

The LPL Spring Split hasn't started yet, but the LSPL has already ended. That is to say, even if Mr. Lu and Qingchen form a team at this time, they can't play in the LPL professional league, and naturally they can't participate in the selection of the S-series global finals. Have to wait until next year.

(End of this chapter)

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