Chapter 118
In a certain female dormitory of Qiyu University, there were two hurried footsteps in the corridor. Liu Xiaohua and Li Xiaoxin hurried back to the dormitory. When their dormitory was opened, their strength seemed to be drained. It's just pitch black.

It was an ordinary night, but there was a sense of desolation.

She still went to look for Liu Ming.

The two looked at each other. From each other's eyes, they felt decadent. They could predict that after this night, Qingxue's fate would be rewritten from then on.

This was not a difficult choice in the first place, any girl could easily make such a choice, but when it came to Qingxue, it became completely different.

As for the difference, they couldn't tell.

Turning on the lights in the dormitory, the two of them walked to their respective desks without interest, neither of them in the mood to speak.

After a while, Li Xiaoxin thought about it, then got up and walked to the balcony, took out his mobile phone and quickly looked through the address book, and quickly found Ding Feng's mobile phone number.

She hesitated for a while, finally gritted her teeth and dialed a phone number.

The purpose of her making this call is to ask Xiaofeng to come out and do some ideological work for him, so that he can understand Qingxue's difficulties. She knows that Qingxue will not explain this kind of thing to Xiaofeng in person, and she doesn't know how to explain it. , but she didn't want him to worry.

If Xiaofeng expresses that she can understand Qingxue's difficulties, as long as she conveys this matter to Qingxue, I believe Qingxue will feel better psychologically.

What a pair of fateful mandarin ducks!
"Hi, how are you!" The phone was connected quickly, and a frivolous male voice came, Li Xiaoxin was startled, she could tell that it was not Xiaofeng's voice.

"Hi, I'm looking for Xiaofeng." She said softly.

"Do you have anything to do with Brother Feng?" Brother Yi was smoking a cigarette in the ward, and smiled into the phone. The girl's voice was very pleasant, and she must be a beautiful woman.

"You don't care what I'm looking for Xiaofeng, you give him the phone." Li Xiaoxin, who was already a little irritable, said very dissatisfied that he still had so much patience.

"Uh, it's not that I don't call Brother Feng, it's that Brother Feng can't answer. He has been in a coma for three days in the hospital, and he hasn't woken up yet." It seems that Brother Feng is an acquaintance, Brother Yi put away his frivolity. With a worried expression on his face, he glanced at Ding Feng who was sleeping beside him, and said.

Li Xiaoxin was startled, she didn't expect to hear such news, and after she realized it, she asked eagerly: "How did this happen, what happened?"

In her heart, there was no reason to feel a burst of sadness for them. The two were indeed a pair of fateful mandarin ducks. Qingxue was undergoing the test of reality and made an extremely reluctant choice for her father's life. He was in a coma for three days in the hospital.

He was unconscious for three days, which shows how serious his condition is.

Fate is really unfair to her and him!

Hearing the anxiety in her words, Brother Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know about this either, I only received the news later, Brother Feng is now lying in Ward 403 of Nanling City People's Hospital, he won't be able to wake up today If you want to visit a doctor, come back tomorrow."

"I'll go there now!" Li Xiaoxin hung up the phone after finishing speaking, went back to the room, and said to Liu Xiaohua who was in a daze: "I'm going to the hospital, do you want to go with me?"

"Why are you going to the hospital?" Liu Xiaohua came back to her senses, looked at her and asked in confusion.

"Xiaofeng has been in the hospital for three days, and he hasn't woken up yet. I'm worried that he will go over and have a look." Li Xiaoxin explained, opened the door and walked out after speaking.

Liu Xiaohua was startled, and quickly followed out before she had time to think about it.

"The two of them are really hard-working couples!" Following in Li Xiaoxin's footsteps, Liu Xiaohua sighed quietly: "It's so serious, why don't you call Qingxue."

"Alright, I'll ask her if she wants to go." Li Xiaoxin nodded after thinking about it, picked up her phone while walking, and called Ye Qingxue.


Dexin Cafe.

When Ye Qingxue said 'Yes to anything', Liu Ming, who was staring at her, caught a hint of sadness in her eyes, which made him feel inexplicably sad.

It seemed that he was infected by this bad mood, and he didn't say the words "we can try to have a relationship" that he was about to say at the first time.

He pondered for a moment, thought for a while and said, "My condition is that you will give me a chance to pursue you. What do you think?"

She was taken aback. The request of 70 yuan was not too much at all. Since it was a chance to pursue, the initiative was still in her hands, and she could still refuse later.

It's just that the meaning can be understood in this way, but she knows that once she accepts his 70 yuan, the other party can change her mind at any time.

Here's the deal!
Now as long as she nods, it means that the deal is established, her father's medical expenses are covered, and she will accept his pursuit.

However, compared to the worst outcome she had ever thought of, this condition didn't seem very good. She had no reason to refuse it, and she couldn't refuse it.

She didn't think much, and smiled slightly.

Just when she was about to nod her head in agreement, the phone in her trouser pocket rang suddenly, and she smiled at him apologetically, intending to ask.

"Go ahead!" He smiled nonchalantly.

She nodded slightly, and took out her cell phone to see that it was Xiaoxin's call. She frowned slightly, wondering why Xiaoxin would call herself at this time.

Do you want to persuade yourself?

Thinking of this, she hesitated for a moment, she didn't want to listen to anyone's advice now.

But after thinking about it, she still connected the call.

What she didn't know was that it was precisely because of this phone call that her fate was completely changed and her fate was forcibly pulled back to the original track.

As soon as the call was connected, Li Xiaoxin's urgent voice came from the phone, "Qingxue, where are you now?"

Xiaoxin's eagerness warmed her heart. Someone still cares about her. She adjusted her mood and said with a smile: "I'm outside, Xiaoxin, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Xiaofeng had an accident. He has been in a coma for three days in the hospital, and he hasn't woken up yet."

Xiaoxin's words exploded in her mind like a bolt from the blue, all her thinking ability was instantly emptied, her mind went blank, her heart seemed to be pulled hard again and again, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe, her face The smile on the face froze completely at this moment.

She couldn't react for a long time.

Maybe feeling the pain and heartbeat she is suffering now, Li Xiaoxin's eager words eased, and he comforted softly: "Qingxue, Xiaohua and I are going to the hospital to see, I know you still have something urgent to deal with, then you Take care of your business first, I believe Xiaofeng will be fine."

She finally came to her senses, stood up from her seat with a bang, and shouted desperately: "No, I'm going too, where are you now?"

(End of this chapter)

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