The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 120 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 120 The Uninvited Guest

There was a sudden exclamation in the quiet ward, which shocked everyone present, but no one had time to blame Brother Yi for yelling, they all looked at the place he pointed, and soon noticed Ding The movement of Feng's fingers.

"It really moved!" Li Xiaoxin exclaimed happily.

The arc of Ding Feng's finger movements became wider and wider. First, he only moved one finger, then his wrist, and then his entire forearm.

"Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng..." Afraid that he would fall asleep again, Ye Qingxue hastily reached out and shook his shoulder gently, calling his nickname softly.

Soon, Ding Feng opened his eyes in a daze. The long and deep sleep made him unable to adapt to the indoor lights, so he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Qingxue paused and looked at him cautiously.

She suddenly had an extremely strong urge to throw herself into his warm arms and cry loudly.

For more than half a month, she has endured too much pain, staring at the ceiling for countless nights to choose between her father's life and her own love, she is struggling in pain.

Later, she made up her mind, resolutely gave up on love, contacted Liu Ming, and asked him out to borrow a high amount of medical expenses from him. This was also very painful for her.

And this is not over yet, when she suddenly heard that Xiaofeng had been in a coma for three days in the hospital and might become a vegetative state, the news made her nerves so tense that she almost collapsed, and this led to a series of desperate madness move.

But luckily, he still woke up.

Although she really wanted to throw herself into his arms and cry aloud, pouring out the pain and difficulties she had endured for more than half a month, but in the end, she held back.

Her father's medical expenses have not yet been paid, and she also agreed to give Liu Ming a chance to pursue, throwing herself into his arms is tantamount to rejecting Liu Ming's offer.

It can be said that her father's life is indirectly in Liu Ming's hands, and for her father's life, she can give up everything, including her own love.

So, she could only endure it.

After getting used to the light, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Ye Qingxue's beautiful face, he was startled, and noticed that her eyes were flushed, and there were faint tears at the corners of her eyes, indicating that she I cried just now, probably because I was too worried about myself.

Thinking of this, his eyes softened a little.

He moved his arms and tried to sit up while supporting the sheets, but he felt sore and weak all over his body, and fell down again. Seeing this, Ye Qingxue hurriedly stretched out her hands to support his back, and helped him lean against the wall.

Ding Feng took a deep breath, and after a while, until the sense of powerlessness subsided, he looked at her with a concerned face, smiled softly, and said, "Qingxue, why are you here?"

Only then did he notice that there were other people in the ward, and looked up with difficulty. Besides Brother Yi, there were Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua, and there seemed to be another boy.

His vision was too blurry, he couldn't see the boy clearly.

Ye Qingxue didn't know how to answer his question, and asked with a trace of blame: "What happened, how did you end up in the hospital?"

The last time I drank tea and chatted with him, everything about him was normal, and he was even more energetic than normal boys. Unexpectedly, I hadn’t seen him for more than half a month, but he suddenly fell into a coma in the hospital for three days, and I didn’t hear about him. Being beaten, how could such a situation happen so easily!
"It's a long story, and I'll explain it to you later." He blinked vigorously, and his vision gradually became clear, and only then did he see the boy's appearance clearly.

Very familiar, he soon knew who this handsome boy was.

Liu Ming, team captain of Qiyu University.

As if he remembered something, he felt an inexplicable throbbing pain in his heart. The reason why Liu Ming appeared here was probably because he came with Qingxue.

This is the only way to explain it. Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua are not familiar with Liu Ming, and he knows this.

It seems that she has already made up her mind to save her father, and she seems to have come together with Liu Ming, it seems that her action is still a bit late.

He opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't express his doubts to her. He could understand her difficulties, and he could only blame himself for being half a beat slow.

His every move could not escape her who was always watching him. Although she didn't turn her head to look, she also knew that the direction he was looking at was exactly where Liu Ming was standing.

She panicked and opened her mouth, desperately wanting to explain clearly to him, but in the end she restrained her and fell silent.

The behavior of Ye Qingxue and Ding Feng made everyone present very strange. They felt that the conversation between him and her was a little abnormal. It seemed that both of them had something to say, but they didn't say it.

Li Xiaoxin could see every move of these two people, and she could somewhat guess the hesitation in their hearts, but she didn't know how to comfort them.

What a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, Li Xiaoxin sighed again!
Of course, no matter what, Xiaofeng's waking up is the most gratifying thing, as for what will happen in the future, he can only resign himself to fate.

The atmosphere in the ward was very depressing, Li Xiaoxin smiled and was about to open his mouth to ease the atmosphere, but at this moment, the door of the ward suddenly opened.

Everyone present turned their heads to look, but saw a man and a woman walking in.

The two people who came in, the woman was wearing a pink one-piece gauze, the skirt just reached the knee position, a white and flawless slender calf was exposed, very harmonious beauty and elasticity, little feet painted with black nail polish Stepping on a pair of black and white high-top slippers.

She was dressed in a fashionable and sexy outfit. The light gauze on her body was very finely crafted, and it was not ordinary at first glance.

The woman has extremely delicate facial features, a flawless white face with a faint ruddy complexion, and is a beauty of Ye Qingxue's level.

The woman's dress, appearance, and that pure and noble temperament made Brother Yi and Liu Ming's eyes light up, and they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It's just that this woman feels more and more familiar!
Compared with the beauty of a woman, the man next to the woman is more attractive, or more vigilant.

Underneath the man is a pair of dark blue jeans, with a hooded jacket on the upper body. The hat covers the whole head. The first impression of the man's outfit is the European and American hip-hop style, the dress of a hip-hop lover, and he is exposed. Most of his face was covered by large black-rimmed glasses.

Everyone present looked at me and I looked at you, shaking their heads, no one knew these two people, even Ding Feng looked at these two uninvited guests suspiciously.

He frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

The two people who came in ignored the strange eyes of everyone present and walked over directly.

Walking slowly to the bed, the man stopped, reached out and took off the large black framed glasses on his face, revealing an extremely delicate and handsome face.

And when they saw the man's appearance clearly, everyone present was extremely surprised.

"Mo Qingchen?" Liu Xiaohua was the first to react, and couldn't help covering her mouth and whispering.

(End of this chapter)

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