Chapter 148 The Best of Both Worlds

In fact, there are many beautiful and generous girls like Liu Qian, and there are many gentle and virtuous girls around him, but not all of them are like her and just want to be with him. Purpose, either worship his ability, or value his future.

After all, he has been with Liu Qian for five or six years. During the period, he has experienced countless ups and downs, and also had many sweet and beautiful memories. No one can replace her in his heart.

It can be said that besides his own hard work and talent, Liu Qian's company also played an extremely important role for him to be able to have today. It is precisely because of her silent support behind him that he can display his talents without any scruples , to pursue your dreams with confidence.

And her efforts were not in vain. He ascended to the altar in the shortest time and received countless honors and applause. He has a pivotal position in the domestic e-sports circle and is of great help to her career.

For the future, both of them are full of visions and fantasies, but such beautiful visions and fantasies have to stand the test of reality.

21 years old is the age for ordinary people to enjoy college life, but for Liu Qian who left the society early, it has come to the time to talk about marriage. Coupled with the tight pressure from her family, she really has no way to ignore her parents’ pleadings. You can't leave him forever because of this.

In fact, her parents didn't particularly object to her being with him, as long as he promised her parents one condition.

And this condition is, get married!

Mo Qingchen, like Liu Qian, is 21 years old this year. According to the legal age for marriage stipulated by the state, men must be at least 22 years old, and women must be at least 21 years old. Liu Qian is up to the standard, but Mo Qingchen is not enough Two years old, his [-] is just a fictional age.

Her parents also knew this, so they gave him more time, but as soon as he turned 22, he had to marry Liu Qian immediately.

For ordinary people, in the case of a successful career, marrying a beautiful, generous, gentle and virtuous lover is definitely what they wish for. Both love and career will be double, even though it is still a bit early for many people to get married at this age, But there will not be too much hesitation.

It is a pity that Mo Qingchen is not an ordinary person. Once he returns to the professional arena, he will not have much time to take care of his family until the end of his career. He even meets Liu Qian very rarely, and her parents let her Isn't the purpose of getting married early is to have children!
A person who doesn't even have time for himself, and meets his lover so rarely, let alone take care of the family and children, maybe his only contribution to the family is to provide financial resources, nothing more.

Since leaving LXM, he has been free during this period, and he does not have to participate in training and games day and night, but he is also troubled by this trouble. This is a problem he must face and cannot avoid, because he wants to escape As a result, Liu Qian was allowed to leave forever.

He can't do it!

Love and career, he must choose one of the two.

He will not let Liu Qian go, nor will he give up his dream. He is thinking about how to achieve both love and career, so that she will not be so troubled.

"What are you thinking about? You're so engrossed!" A soft voice brought him back to his thoughts in an instant. With a sneer, he put all his troubles behind him, shook his head and said with a smile, "It's nothing!"

"Drink, I'll cool it down for you." Blowing into the porcelain cup, the tea was still a little hot, she handed it to him carefully, and he took it with a smile.

Naturally, she could guess what he was thinking, but she never thought of mentioning it. It was rare for him to have half a year to rest. At this time, she tried to avoid him from facing marriage problems.

Then she was busy in the room, and he watched the whole process. Her virtuousness almost made him shake his determination to pursue his e-sports dream.

It wasn't until the second positioning match started that she returned to the bed and sat down.


"It's about to start, I can't wait any longer, what hero do you think Mr. Lu will bring out this time?"

"Hehe, didn't you dislike watching professional games before? Why did you suddenly become so impatient? Don't you have any bad fantasies about Mr. Lu?"

"I guess it's Sichun!"

"Why do I miss spring? I'm afraid of Mr. Lu's words. Believe it or not, it's useless to stop talking to me. I still don't believe you are not curious at all!"

"This is the rhythm of wearing a green hat to your boyfriend!"

"Okay, okay, our school belle is going to be angry, I guess it's Ruiwen."

"Ruiwen is likely to be defeated, but I feel that Mr. Lu can take any hero, so I will just guess one to deal with our school belle. I guess it is EZ."

"I hope that Mr. Lu will have another blind man. I didn't see Mr. Lu's R flash last time. I am a little bit reconciled, and Mr. Lu's blind man is fine."

"... "

In the e-sports plaza of Qiyu University, not far from the three of Ye Qingxue, a group of girls chattered and laughed. Among them, the tough-talking girl was one of the top ten campus beauties of Qiyu University. It feels like an extremely wild girl.

Just as the audience chattered about the second positioning match, there was a 'bang' sound on the screen to enter the selection interface, and the scene gradually quieted down.

The election will end soon!
It is almost the same as the previous one. The heroes who were eliminated by both sides are without exception the most powerful heroes in the current version. Among them, the three heroes of Raven, Wine Barrel, and Mundo are not necessary to be selected, and they are all eliminated. .

This blind man was also released, but Mr. Lu did not choose, but chose a VN, which surprised the audience watching Yaohua TV, and then exclaimed.

Mr. Lu's adc, this is the first one!
There are two ADCs that Ding Feng likes to play the most, one is the Night Hunter VN chosen this time, and the other is Glory Executioner Delevingne.

Among all ADCs, VN and Delevingne may not have the highest instantaneous burst, but their continuous output is definitely far higher than other ADCs. Correspondingly, these two heroes have higher requirements for operation and reaction than other ADCs. Less, it is difficult to get started, and it is even more difficult to master it.

Of course, just because he likes to play VN and Delevingne doesn’t mean that his other ADCs are bad, such as EZ, female police, male gun and other popular ADCs, he also plays very well.

Not only the adc position, he also plays the other four positions very well, or it can also be said that he has already mastered all the heroes in the League of Legends game, but he is still far away from the "god level". Not a small gap, after all, his energy is limited.

After the selection is completed, enter the countdown!
Enter the game loading screen!

(End of this chapter)

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