The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 15 The Great Illusion of Life [Part 5]

Chapter 15 Ten Illusions of Life [fifth update]

Demolish the outer tower, and continue to follow the pawn line to demolish the second tower on the opposite side. The Juggernaut has just demolished half of the tower. Galen drove Q and rushed under the second tower, trying to make him retreat. Ding Feng smiled and killed Guanghui just now. At that time, his ult had been refreshed, and Galen only had one piece of Sun Flame on him. With his current equipment, he could completely jump over the tower and kill.

As soon as he saw Galen rushing, he immediately opened up to meet him. First, he slashed Galen twice. After being locked by the attack of the defensive tower, he QQed Galen. He temporarily disappeared and successfully avoided the lock of the defensive tower. The next thing was a slash. Galen was a little surprised that the Juggernaut dared to jump over the tower to kill him. Surprisingly high speed.

It turned out that Galen couldn't bear the damage of the Juggernaut and was stuck to death by the red BUFF, and the Juggernaut was also ignited by Galen's E and ignited. The high movement speed escaped the attack range of the defense tower. After turning on W in a certain corner to recover some blood, he got out again and continued to grind the blood volume of the second tower.

The second tower was quickly pushed down by him. At this time, Guanghui appeared from the heights. He ignored it and rushed directly to the road. What he wants now is to fast-pace and end the game as quickly as possible. Although it is easy to abuse Baiyin It is pleasant, but it can also make people feel tired and tired after a long time.

Shen on the top road is pushing the line, and he intends to meet up with Shen at the two top towers opposite Lianba, but the reality is cruel, as soon as he comes to the top road, Shen drives away.

"I'm just not welcome by you!" Ding Feng had a resentful expression on his face. When he went to the middle lane to support Annie, he ignored it. , as soon as he came to the road, he left without saying hello. Why did he feel that he had become a mobile tower demolition tool? They seemed to be saying 'the head and the defense tower will be handed over to you'.

Reluctantly, with a Q, he collected the four remaining blood soldiers neatly, and directly led the troops to demolish the outer tower opposite. The outer tower had less than half of its HP, and was quickly pulled out by him. The second tower moves in, this is the rhythm of the Juggernaut, seeing the defensive tower is like seeing a beautiful woman.

Galen did not give up and continued to guard the tower, but this time he was not as arrogant as last time, and the reason why he dared to stay under the second tower was because he saw that the red buff of the Juggernaut disappeared. Without the red buff, the Juggernaut wanted to surpass It will be very difficult to kill him from the tower, or he may counter-kill him. After all, in terms of movement speed, the movement speed provided by Galen's Q is not much slower than the Juggernaut's ultimate move. If you run around the tower, the sword San had a hard time catching up to him.

It's just that he thought so, but Ding Feng didn't think so. As soon as he saw him showing his head, the Juggernaut rushed forward again and slashed at Galen. Before falling down, the Juggernaut opened Q ahead of time and disappeared, and then Xiao Ruibai slowed down and continued to slash.

"It's over, it's over, I forgot that he still has Little Rundown." Upon seeing the slowdown, Galen knew that he was done for. Although Little Rundown's slowdown effect is not very good, it is not important to the Juggernaut, as long as it is a slowdown. , Galen's Q that can relieve the deceleration has been used just now.

There is no doubt that Galen once again died under the tower.

"Why is Galen dead again? Don't worry about it!" The bad news of Galen's death came again, and he was unwilling to pull out the male gun in the outer tower opposite. Sheng Qie died, and he also watched the operation of this Juggernaut, and he really knew how to play.

"His damage is too high, I can't handle it!" Galen was also helpless. Twice he thought that the opposite Juggernaut would not dare to fight him, nor would he be able to kill him, but he was treated as a joke by the Juggernaut. It is true that the torch does a lot of damage during the period of time, but he still has an immunity, but he still can't hold it.

Ten illusions in life, he can't kill me!
"Assemble and fight in a team, and if you can't beat it, shoot." Although the male gun is very dissatisfied, he has no choice but to pin his hope of victory on the team battle. The opposite mid laner and bottom laner are very good, but the top laner and jungler He played very slowly, and he was not sure that he could win the team battle, but he couldn't do without it.

"Gather in the middle, they can't beat us in a team battle." Guanghui also agreed with the male gun's proposal. Now when he sees the sword master, he is like a mouse seeing a cat. She doesn't dare to use the Q skill in her hand, otherwise she will be sword by the opponent. Sheng found out that she has no control skills, that's no joke.

After discussing tactics again, Nanqiang, Guanghui and others went home to replenish their equipment and assembled in the middle.

Ding Feng's Juggernaut went back to the city after pushing down the twin towers on the opposite road, and he exchanged nearly [-] Dayang from the old man in Quanshui for a dilapidated and a big storm. He added a lot of output, and then went out happily.

He wanted to push down all the twin towers in the bottom lane first, because it was too eye-catching, but the opponent had already gathered in the middle lane, so he had to rush to the middle lane, calling his teammates, "Come and gather in the middle lane, let's hurry up, my network card Almost out of money."

"What, you still play games when you don't have time, cheat us!"

"It's easy to be wiped out by the group in such a hasty fight!"

"... "

As soon as this remark came out, the teammates were immediately taken aback. The teammates made complaints one after another, but they didn't dare to say too much. EZ and the female tank, who were not mature enough in the bottom lane, also complained, and rushed to the middle lane in confusion. Come.

"Female tank and Annie open directly, even if they are as big as one, don't worry about it." The sword master hid in the grass outside the dragon, his eyes fixed on the opposite position of Guanghui and male gun.

"Can you win by driving casually?" The female tank expressed deep doubts about the Juggernaut's ability, and there was still a trace of resentment. Although the Juggernaut had the most kills in the team, he had been calling the Juggernaut for support since level six, but he always Without any response, the Juggernaut did what he should, so that the bottom lane was blown up.

Moreover, after this fight, she found that the male gun on the opposite side is not a normal walker. If he can't control the male gun and let him output, the team battle is likely to be lost, and Guanghui is not jealous, the explosion is extremely high Annie did not kill her in seconds but was killed by her in seconds, which shows that Guanghui can also play.

From the female tank's point of view, it is difficult to win this wave of groups with just a Juggernaut and Shen, let alone in the case of casually starting a group, so she is not optimistic about this wave, and EZ must be developed anyway. , but there is no way, time waits for no one, Juggernaut's network card is almost out of money.

"Open it casually. It's the best output if you can open it on the opposite side. It doesn't matter if you can't open it." The Juggernaut walked around behind the blue BUFF on the opposite side, and walked down a few steps, ready to go.

Holding the mentality of 'lose, lose', the female tank saw that the male gun on the opposite side was moving forward, and directly threw it over, and was dodged by the male gun with an E. It was empty, and this wave was impossible to fight. , but Baiyin is Baiyin after all, as soon as she saw the female tank opened up, Annie also flashed up and stunned the male gun.

Seeing that Annie started a team, and Shuguang had an empty ult, the opponent chose to fight back. Guanghui used a Q to imprison Annie and Fire Bear Tibbers, and then E and R set Annie to disable Annie. The ult also affected Shuguang, and He opened up on the spot, allowing Shen to find a chance, and an E taunted Guanghui.

Afterwards, Galen rushed up with Q, and was at the front. As soon as the male gun was out of Annie's control, he continued to output Annie and EZ against the shield given by Radiance and Wind Girl.

The team battle started in this haste.

(End of this chapter)

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