Chapter 151

It's fine if you're not afraid of being seen, Ye Qingxue is still wearing skirts now, isn't the schoolgirl wearing rigid clothes like school uniform and jeans?When did you even put on the skirt!

In the consciousness of some boys, there must be an unknown reason for girls to wear skirts besides making themselves more sexy and fashionable.

The reason for this should be that it is convenient to have sex with the boyfriend who is on fire at any time!
Ai Nima, it's too wretched!

This is the Ye Qingxue they heard about!
It's over, the goddess' heart is about to be captured by this boy!
The boys around couldn't help but look at the boy with her a few more times, but they didn't find anything special about this boy. How could he be favored by the goddess!

Could it be that, in Ye Qingxue's mind, this boy is better than Captain Liu Ming?

Anyway, they didn't see it at all!

The taste of Goddess seems to be heavier than they imagined!

The boys are powerless to complain!
Ye Qingxue and Ding Feng chatted happily for a few words, and then, under the strange eyes of the boys and girls around them, they walked side by side to the street outside.

This is?Going on a date rhythm? !

One mile away from the two universities, there is a world trade commercial avenue. There are many kinds of shops here, and the traffic is huge, but compared with the bustling surroundings of the universities, it is a little worse. But usually every weekend, Students in university towns always like to run here.

Facing the cold breeze, the two came here on foot, stopped, and looked at the World Trade Commercial Avenue where people and cars were coming and going, with splendor in their eyes.

"Are you really okay?" Looking back, she looked at his pale face, her eyes were full of worry. She had asked this question many times along the way, and she had also advised him not to come to such a far place , but he always said it was fine, but his complexion never improved.

Although I don't know how he became like this, maybe something happened during the game!But she could clearly feel that he was weak now.

"It's okay, I'll be fine if I'm full!" He gave her a reassuring look with a slight smile, then turned his head to look at Commercial Avenue, and asked casually, "Where do you want to eat?"

Seeing him like this, she couldn't say anything more, she smiled softly: "It's my first time here too, let's watch as we walk, I will choose the place to eat this time!"

"Okay!" He nodded amusedly.

In order to bear its weight and make it less strenuous for him to walk, she reached out and gently grabbed his shoulders, and led him slowly to the depths of the commercial avenue.

When they came to a steaming area with a strong aroma of meat and vegetables, the two stopped. She raised her eyes and looked around, her eyes froze on the plaque of a certain restaurant, and then she took his arm and walked away. past.

When they came to a restaurant, he was startled when he saw her stop, and looked up at the door of the store. There were five large characters written on the plaque above, 'Healthy Medicine Hall'.

"Want to eat here?" He laughed amusedly and looked at her strangely.

"Go in!" She smiled and nodded, this time she didn't ask him if he agreed, she dragged him in and walked in, randomly found a corner seat by the window, she helped him open the stool and sat down opposite him.

Compared with ordinary restaurants, this restaurant has significantly less oily smell.

"What do you want to eat?" The waitress wearing the unique cheongsam of this restaurant quickly walked over and looked at her who was holding the menu and looking at it seriously.

"Sister, what would be better to eat if you are weak?" She raised her head and humbly asked the waitress for advice.

Hearing this, the waitress glanced at Ding Feng beside her, and couldn't help being startled. The boy's entire face had no color at all, and his face was as pale as a piece of white paper, which can be described as pale.

It's so scary in broad daylight!

The waitress calmed down, took the menu from her hand, and pointed to the names of some medicinal foods on the menu, while introducing them to her in detail.

She listened carefully and kept nodding until the waitress finished speaking. After thinking for a while, she pointed to the herbal diets on the menu one by one and said, "Then I'll have a piece of Yuzhen chicken, a piece of angelica silky chicken, and a piece of chives." White Rice Shrimp…”

She ordered several medicated meals one after another, all of which were for blood, qi, yin deficiency, and yang deficiency. She ordered several for him, and ordered two for herself.

She memorized everything the waitress said, but she still doesn't have a thorough understanding of these medicinal diets, and the waitress doesn't seem to be very clear about them, so to be on the safe side, she ordered a portion of each aspect, anyway, medicinal diets eat a lot It won't kill people, the more the better.

Seeing her ordering so much in one go, and looking like she wanted to have a portion of everything, he could only laugh and shake his head, but he didn't stop, anyway, he could finish it all by himself, and he wasn't afraid of wasting it.

After the waitress left, he looked at her with a funny face and said, "Why do you order so much, no matter how much you eat, it doesn't seem like you can fill your stomach!"

"There is no food that can't fill your stomach. You think your stomach is a bottomless pit, but it's just that you get hungry easily." She said angrily, if he didn't insist on coming here, she wouldn't need to eat these It's better to go back early and get a full sleep after eating these things.

This is all for his consideration. He seems to be normal along the way, but careful she still finds his occasional reluctance. After all, his face is pale to this extent, and his body must not be much better.

But he did it just to accompany her around. She was sweet and touched, so it's hard to blame him.

He just shook his head amusedly, but did not speak. He looked casually into the store, and she followed him with a random glance, and then asked with concern: "How are you doing now? Can you still play the positioning game this afternoon? If it really doesn’t work, don’t fight, it’s never too late to fight again.”

"Don't worry, you'll be fine after eating and going back to sleep, and I still have a choice!" He shook his head indifferently, and smiled wryly at the end of his words.

Yaohua TV's live broadcast was not canceled just because it was cancelled. He took other people's money, of course he had to follow their regulations, otherwise he would have to pay liquidated damages.

Perhaps because of his reputation, Yaohua TV would not charge him that little liquidated damages, but due to emotion and reason, he still has to keep his promises, which is his principle of life.

Moreover, his timetable for the positioning match has been announced. There are countless players in the country waiting for his performance. Some are not good, he must consider the feelings of the audience.

She also knew these things, what he said just now was just talk, since he said he was fine, that's fine, anyway, he didn't have any major problems except being weak.

(End of this chapter)

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