The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 154 Can I Give You a Hug?

Chapter 154 Can I Give You a Hug?

Ding Feng looked down, and saw the darkness. Even he who has been a man in two lives and has seen the world can't help but feel palpitations. Now there are less than 10 minutes before the start of the positioning match. If he still has to deal with these people, I am afraid it will take time It takes a lot of time, and it's hard to say whether I can keep up.

Afterwards, he followed Brother Yi, Brother Yi and the others towards the back door, and walked up the stairs to the first floor. Just as Brother Yi opened the back door, his heart almost stopped beating.

I saw a bunch of girls standing outside, looking eagerly at this side.

"Mr. Lu, I saw Mr. Lu..."

"Where, who is Mr. Lu?"

"Let's go there quickly, Mr. Lu is in a hurry!"

"Don't make it loud, if you attract other people to sign, it won't be our turn, act fast..."

"... "

Fearing that these crazy girls would make public, Brother Yi hurriedly stretched out his finger to his lips and made a gesture of silence. Some girls who were too excited and exclaimed hurriedly pressed their hands on their mouths, and kept looking around. For fear of being discovered by others, they would also come over and snatch them.

Brother Yi and a group of people got out one after another. The girls couldn't bear it anymore and rushed over like crazy. Brother Yi and others hurriedly stood in front of Ding Feng.

"Keep your voice down, hurry up if you want to sign, Mr. Lu is in a hurry." Brother Yi shouted in a low voice, the girls didn't care about him, they pushed him away as soon as they got close, and competed for the autograph book that had been prepared. Ding Feng handed it over fearfully, but Ding Feng was helpless, but he did not escape.

Reaching out for an autograph book, he quickly signed the three artistic characters of 'Mr. Lu' on it, and then continued to sign other girls.

The girl standing in front of him saw that he hadn't accepted her autograph book for a long time, she was very unconvinced and made a bold move, and embraced him with her arms wide open.

Wen Xiang fell into his arms, Ding Feng was taken aback, he couldn't help but stop, and then he didn't care about the girl, let her hold him, and continued to take the autograph books handed over by other girls to sign quickly.

"Who is this, dare to hug my idol, I really want to kill her!"

"I also want!"

"It doesn't matter, I want to hug Mr. Lu too."

"... "

The girls beside her stared dissatisfiedly at the girl who was boldly hugging her idol, but they didn't pull her away. Some girls also stepped forward and hugged Ding Feng tightly, and they huddled together. Ding Feng in the center didn't stop signing.

What a beautiful scene!

Brother Yi, Brother Yi and the others standing aside stared blankly at the delicate bodies of the group of girls hugging Brother Feng tightly. Among them were some beautiful and sexy girls, which made them almost unable to hold back the urge to pounce on them. , It's so tempting, this is definitely the dream of many men.

'Gulu' Brother Yi stared at these girls with fiery eyes, and couldn't help swallowing, which made Brother Yi and others laugh, but he didn't point it out.

Brother Yi sneered, but he didn't look away!

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving!" Ding Feng, who was surrounded, really enjoyed the feeling of being hugged tightly by a group of girls. It was fragrant, warm and soft, which made him feel distracted for a while, and his spear was also strong. Get up, but only the girl who hugged him at the beginning can feel it.

However, he didn't forget the business!

Business is more important!
Hearing what he said, Brother Yi, Brother Yi and others who were in a daze hurried forward to pull these girls away, but before they could do anything, the girls who were holding him obediently let him go, one by one. The expression on his face was still unfinished, as if he really wanted to hug him all the time.

"Mr. Lu, you haven't signed for me yet!" As soon as the group of girls hugging him parted, a sweet and innocent girl came up and handed over the autograph book in her hand with an obedient expression.

"Mr. Lu, I saw Mr. Lu, he's there, he's..." A girl yelled, the voice was so loud that even the people at the front door could have heard it.

Ding Feng was startled, and the girls around looked at the yelling person very dissatisfied. It was a very fat girl, no wonder she could make such a high-pitched and ugly voice.

As soon as the fat girl finished shouting the first sentence, several groups of girls rushed over from all corners. Ding Feng had nowhere to run, so he stood there for a while.

"Follow me!" Seeing this, the pure girl who was asking for his autograph resolutely put away the autograph book, took his hand and ran in another direction. He struggled a bit at first, but then let her pull.

There were also a bunch of girls rushing in the direction where the pure girl led her to run. He looked at her suspiciously, wondering why she would choose this direction to run? !

But he will soon know!
Face to face with the group of girls rushing forward, the pure girl stopped, stepped forward without saying a word, snatched all the autograph books from these girls' hands, extremely domineering, and then dragged him to continue running, turning her head while running Shouted: "Wait for me at the e-sports plaza..."

Hearing this, the girls who still wanted to catch up stopped and smiled at each other. They didn't walk in the direction of the e-sports square until she pulled Mr. Lu away.

She dragged him to run for a while, and quickly ran into a forest. Behind the forest, there was a tall wall with a big hole.

The hole is so big, let alone him, I'm afraid Yao Ming will have no problem getting through it.

When she came to the cave, she saw that no one was chasing her, so she stopped, panting uncontrollably with her hands on her knees, after taking two breaths, she handed him a bunch of autographed books in her hand, smiling sweetly Said: "Mr. Lu, please help me and my classmates to sign, thank you!"

"Okay, can you tell me your name?" Ding Feng took the notebook she handed over with a smile, lowered his head and began to scribble his signature, and asked casually.

As he said that, he would look up at this girl from time to time. This girl's personality is a bit similar to Qingxue's, both belong to the pure and sweet type of girl, but her looks are slightly worse than Qingxue's, but she can still be regarded as a big beauty.

If Jiangling Science and Technology also has ten campus beauties, this girl must be one of them.

Asked her name by the idol, the pure girl blushed, her previous arrogance was gone, and she muttered, "My name is Liu Yuxin!"

"It's a nice name, don't call me Mr. Lu, my name is Ding Feng." Ding Feng laughed, folded the signed notebooks and handed them to her, "It's signed!"

"Ding Feng!" Liu Yuxin moved her lips, murmured his name silently, then smiled sweetly at him, reached out to take the notebook he handed over, without checking it, and lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking .

Seeing this, Ding Feng looked at her strangely and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Yuxin gritted her teeth, blushed and said embarrassedly: "Ding Feng, can I give you a hug?"

(End of this chapter)

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