The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 157 Yaoguang's Passivity

Chapter 157 Yaoguang's Passivity
The card returned to the line, quickly pushed a wave of pawns past, then got into the top lane wild area, took two steps up, but turned back soon.

The top pawn line is at the center line, Shen didn't flash, but the crocodile didn't dare to press too hard, it still focused on development, and occasionally stepped forward to consume a wave of Shen.

Although the cards are not big now, the time for the cards to appear on the line is very short. Every time a wave of pawns is cleared, they will disappear for a short period of time, making it difficult for other lines to judge the position of the cards, which invisibly increases their pressure , fear of being gank when laning up.

If it is a card in the general Asian region, even if it has a big move, with the strength and self-confidence of their top e-sports academy students, they will naturally not be careful to this extent, but Mr. Lu's strength is too strong. Coupled with the erratic whereabouts, it is difficult to judge his whereabouts.

Be careful!

After the card pushed another wave of pawns past, it entered the wild area again, this time changing to the second half of the wild area, and got in when Jess happened to see it.

Seeing this, Jess immediately sent a signal to the bottom lane.

The blue party doesn't seem to realize that they have become the audience unknowingly, the audience who always pay attention to the every move of the actor Kaka, and put all the judgment ability on Kaka alone, thus ignoring many things , such as Wei's position.

After receiving the reminder from the card, Wei rushed to the middle along the river below the blue BUFF, and got into the grass as soon as Jess' eye position disappeared.

And there are cards who went into the grass with Wei!
The disappearance of the eye position made Jess feel worried, but he didn't retreat immediately. He moved up a little, planning to clear the wave of soldiers and return to the city for supplies.

At this moment, the figure of the card came out of the grass and rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed. The color of the flashing card above his head was quickly fixed at the yellow card.

Run away!

Jess frowned, one card wasn't enough to kill him who was close to the defense tower, but what if he added a jungler Wei!
Sure enough, the moment the card appeared, Wei also got out. Jess was not slow to react, and immediately gave himself an acceleration door, and ran to his defense tower desperately.

Jess ran in the vertical direction of the card, so even with the brief acceleration of the Acceleration Gate, he couldn't run out of the attack range of the card in the first place.

But this is already the best escape route. After all, if he runs in a straight line, although he can temporarily get out of the attack range of the card, he will be chased by the sprinting card sooner or later if no one responds. At that time, there is still no possibility of surviving.

And fleeing to the defense tower, there may be hope of survival.

The golden card flew lightly towards Jess, who was speeding up and fleeing. Jess' body suddenly stopped, and then a card passed through his body.

Wei followed, and a punch knocked back Jess at the limit. Jess paused again, and was then attacked by Wei with a heavy punch.

Out of control, Jess switched his weapon into a hammer form in an instant, swung the technological hammer and slammed it hard at Wei, knocking Wei back for a short distance, and then got into the defense tower without looking back , couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

These two mad dogs are really unreasonable!

At this time, Jess' blood volume was crippled, but he escaped at last. Although the cards with sprinting were still chasing him, the cards without skills were not enough to kill him.

But just when Jess was relaxing, a circle of cards appeared around the card out of thin air, which surprised Jess. This was the third pass of the card's E skill.

Jess looked at his remaining HP, which was slowly rising under the recovery of the little red medicine. The recovery of the little red medicine was still very impressive in the early stage. It seems that even if the card is played passively, it is not enough In order to kill himself, there should be about ten blood points to escape.

Extreme Escape!

Thinking of this word, Jess couldn't help being very excited. How could he not be proud of being able to escape to the extreme under the siege of Mr. Lu and the jungler without a flash!
Mr. Lu's prestige is so strong that even the world's top two Korean e-sports academies have to admit Mr. Lu's strength, and they all agree that Mr. Lu will become the future rival of the Korean team.

Formidable enemy refers only to personal ability!

As for the champions of various international professional leagues, in the eyes of the Koreans, they are all in the pockets of their own country. Although China has a large land and abundant resources, there are too few talents in e-sports, and there is only one thing that Koreans can value. Qingchen, maybe Mr. Lu can be added now.

These two alone can't shake South Korea's dominance in the e-sports world, unless there are three more players at the level of Mr. Lu, but is this possible?

the answer is negative!

Seeing that the card flew towards him with a passive general attack, Jess was not only not worried, but also looked very excited. While running away, he stared at his blood volume, ready to press the screenshot button at any time, planning to fight After finishing this game, send the screenshot to the circle to show off.

The card entered his body, and he immediately pressed the screenshot button!

The picture paused for a moment, the smile that had just bloomed on his face froze, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a black and white scene, and he thought he was dazzled.

Looking at the handsome back of Kaka's away, he couldn't help rubbing his eyes a few times, but the picture was still the same, his Jess was lying on the cold ground indecently.

He stared at the game screen eagerly, with an expression of disbelief. He has been in line with the card for so long, and he knows better than anyone how much damage this card can do to him.

It was not the first time that the card used the passive damage of the E skill in the process of chasing him. He naturally knew the damage of the card's E skill, so there was no reason to kill himself?And the card was not upgraded during the pursuit. It would be possible if the upgrade puts the skill point on E.

He called up the battle window in bewilderment. He didn't go back to the city to replenish the cards after drawing a wave of cards. Apart from the straw sandals for going out, the only equipment was Yaoguang.

He finally figured it out!

If Yaoguang's passive damage is added, it is indeed more than enough to kill him, and he also knows that Yaoguang's passive skill is added after the card's last general attack, and it is precisely because of this that he did not The first time I found out how I died.

This is common sense!
Players who often use the flare know that the passive effect of the flare does not need to be triggered sometimes. Before the damage of the basic attack is actually dealt, adding a skill can also make the basic attack trigger the flare The passive damage of the card is just taking advantage of this.

Turn the time to three seconds ago...

After the card was thrown at Jess with a passive general attack with the E skill, he immediately turned around and threw a Q at the minion. It's also hard for them to notice, let alone Jess who is about to take a screenshot.

(End of this chapter)

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