The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 163 Game Dynamic Diagram

Chapter 163 Game Dynamic Diagram
Once they made up their minds, the blue team suddenly became fearless, and everyone's militant emotions were fully stimulated. Not only were they not worried about this battle, but they were full of expectations.

Afterwards, the most intense battle since the opening broke out on the lower road highlands. Both sides' fighting emotions were extremely high. In addition to being influenced by each other, the operation, reaction and awareness of the ten players were greatly improved. The ability of itself has been brought to the extreme.

This is a classic contest!

This is an epic decisive battle!

In the team battle, the poodle and crocodile caught in the crowd were controlled by the yellow cards of the card one after another, and they could not escape to death. Wei and Shen also died under the besieging of Jess, VN, and Thresh, and then retreated.

This wave of the blue side miraculously played a two-for-two, but the three of them who escaped were not as good as the three of the purple side.

But this is not over yet, the card opened God's Eye and appeared in front of the three fugitives out of thin air, blocking the route of the three. He narrowly completed a triple kill, turning two for two into two for five.

The blue side was wiped out, and the purple side wanted to pull out the only remaining front tooth of the blue side. At this time, the blue side directly chose to surrender.


"Yeah, we've won the sixth game in a row, so how far is the seventh game in a row?"

"The next move must be a seven-game winning streak!"

"I'm looking forward to it, I can't wait, hurry up and start, let me see what hero Mr. Lu will choose next, it's better to be an unpopular one!"

"If you want me to say, with Mr. Lu's operation, you should play heroes who can show off and fly, which is pleasing to the eye, like Raven, Enchantress, Zed, and Yasuo are very good."

"Hey, Yasuo is my favorite!"

"... "

While the audience was talking about Mr. Lu's upcoming positioning match, a dynamic picture was quietly spread on the Internet, and then spread to the players at an extremely fast and brutal speed. Everyone who saw this dynamic picture The audience will always laugh uncontrollably.

That's right, the content of this dynamic photo is exactly the scene where Mr. Lu's card sold his teammate Shen, and ran to the jungle to clear the jungle without looking back!
"Hahaha, Nima's picture is so timely. I can't help but want to laugh when I see Mr. Lu's funny face. There are too many people, hold back!"

"I can't help it, your sister, it's so funny..."

"Haha... Who made this picture? Nima also has subtitles. It's so appropriate. This person is definitely a talent, haha..."

"Ahaha, it's so funny, Mr. Lu, I want to laugh after seeing this picture ten thousand times, ahaha, I'll save it quickly, and take it out to have a look when I'm in a bad mood, so happy..."

"... "

The players laughed again and couldn't help it!

And this dynamic picture soon appeared in the sight of Yaohua TV. The female commentator Xiaoqiao didn't see it, but heard that the director must release this dynamic picture, so she prepared a commentary, and then this funny The pictures were forced to appear on the live broadcast of Yaohua TV.

The content of the dynamic graph is as follows:

The card had just entered the grass at the bottom of the middle road, when the crocodile and the poodle appeared on the top road. I don't know if Mr. Lu did it deliberately, the card squatting in the grass faced the top road Standing still, a drop of sweat came out from the side of Kaka's face.

There is another passage:

"Oh, the policewoman is going to be beaten to death!"

Then the card opened the Eye of God, and the positions of the five enemies were exposed. The card took a step up, and a sentence came out from the top of his head:
"Ouch, it's too dangerous to go on the road!"

As soon as this passage came out, Kaka turned around and walked down the road, and there was another passage:

"It's safer to go down the road, Huhu, go down the road!"

There are two pictures in the middle of this passage, one is an expression of a face reaching out to wipe the sweat, and the other is an expression of a teasing grin.

"Go down the road!"

"I'm coming, hoo hoo!" The card flew down the road, and when it landed, a card popped and exploded the defensive tower that had been scratched by Shen for a long time:

"Funny, I'm amazing, if you have the guts, hit me!"

An extremely embarrassing expression appeared on the top of the card at the right time, Shen got angry, and a picture of gnashing teeth popped up:


"Come on, come and bite me!"

Cards walked forward, quickly received a wave of soldiers, followed by Shen and began to demolish the highland tower, and there was another dialogue and expression:

"Huhu, tease you, will they come and beat us?"

"Who do you choose between the woman and the tower?"



"I am a man!"

"That's right, they are all men too!"

"Then I'm relieved, hehe!"

"The one carrying the crossbow seems to be a woman!"

"Wrong, it's a man!"



"... "

Demolish the highland tower, the card comes forward, carefully prepare to go:
"Don't go, they can't do things so fast!"


Nearly half of the crystal was removed, and the crocodile appeared, and Kaka and Shen Qiqi sweated:

"Funny, how can such a strong person do things so quickly?"

"Let's be strong on the outside and do it on the inside!"

"Long experience, hehe!" "You are stronger than me, help me block it!"

"it is good!!"

The crocodile came forward and saw that the two were mumbling and didn't know what to say. Two big question marks appeared on their foreheads, and they walked towards the card.

The card is opposite the crocodile in a straight line:

"Huh, if you can't catch me, you can't catch me!"


Around the crystal, the crocodile goes left, the card goes right, the crocodile goes right, the card goes left, the crocodile continues to go right, the card sweats:

"Funny, stop him!"

"Ha ha!"

The crocodile catches up to the card:

"It's funny, I'm chasing you, hehe!"

"Didn't you see me?" Shen rushed forward and controlled the crocodile. The crocodile turned around and hit Shen in a rage and sweat.

"Hehe, let's just say you can't catch up, your legs will be weak after finishing the work!"

At this time, the five enemies rushed over quickly with angry expressions, and the card showed a furious expression:

"They do things so fast, hurry up and run!"

At the moment when the crystal exploded, there was wind under the card's feet, and he rushed out quickly without looking back, showing a beating expression, and three paragraphs came out while running:

"It's no wonder that the foreign strong and the middle do not beat you, so we are friends!"

"What a special way you meet your friends, hoo hoo!"

"Goodbye, see you later!!"

Seeing that the card disappeared after walking on the ground, a lot of complex expressions quickly appeared on Shen's head, which flashed past, making it impossible to see clearly.

Shen fell down, and the five perpetrators left the crime scene, showing a bunch of angry expressions:

"Unlucky, I met two house thieves!!"

"That guy runs so fast!!"

"Next time I see him, I must beat him to death!!"

"That guy seems to have gone to our chicken coop to steal chickens!!"

"Hurry up!"

"... "

 This is the last chapter before it goes on the shelves, after which it will start charging.

  In the past two days, I will post a testimonial on the shelf, and you can go and have a look at that time. The testimonial on the shelf may be between chapter 90 and chapter 91, and you can find it when you look for it.

  The third watch is over, everyone should go to bed early, today may be a little late, can't wait to watch tomorrow when I wake up!

(End of this chapter)

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