The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 169 8 consecutive victories

Chapter 169 Eight consecutive victories

Looking at the two big characters of "victory" on the computer screen in front of him, Ding Feng's eyes kept rolling, and he would shake his head from time to time. Although he is not as weak as in the morning, his head is still a little dizzy. If he can choose , The next one made him a little bit reluctant to hit him.

After taking a deep breath and moving his body, his mood improved slightly.

"I hope it's not too difficult to play!" He sighed softly, reached out and grabbed the mouse and clicked 'Continue Game' on the screen, his fingers trembling a little due to his mental weakness.

He picked up the Atama drink next to the mouse and took a sip, then tore open a betel nut and put it in his mouth for a few bites. The betel nut juice was swallowed into his stomach, and then a wave of heat rushed to his head, making him more energetic.

Betel nut seems to have a refreshing effect on his current state, which he only discovered in the morning, so he prepared an extra pack this time.

After a short rest, he didn't start ranking until he was almost recovered.

In less than three seconds, he was in line!
Those who blocked him still didn't want to let him go, but he wasn't worried either. Even if he wasn't in a good state, it shouldn't be a big problem to win the eighth game.

Of course, if he could win easily, he would also wish for it. It would be best to have a few more Korean teammates in this one. He is quite confident in the rhythm of Korean players.

Sometimes he has to sigh that the choice of a research direction directly determines the overall level of a country's players. Although each country's research direction is very comprehensive, there must be a distinction between primary and secondary.

Some countries mainly study lineups, and some countries focus on tactics, but only South Korea pays the most attention to the grasp of game rhythm, and South Korea is no worse than other countries in other research.

Therefore, the things studied by the Korean analyst team are used by major teams in professional leagues, and the audience who gained knowledge by watching professional games have also learned some things from the team, and then used these things in rankings .

Perhaps God heard his heartfelt voice, and this game even arranged two Korean teammates for him. In the end, one of the two Korean teammates chose the mid laner and the other played the jungler.

In the case of normal communication, this is probably the rhythm of the Nakano linkage.

However, he didn't know this when the game was held. Yaohua TV did not tell him the information of both parties until 3 minutes after the game started.

And when he saw the lineups of both sides, he was greatly relieved.

There are not only two high-achieving students from the Korean e-sports academy, but also a top student from the Tokyo e-sports academy in Japan, and the remaining one is a Southeast Asian king from Yeluzi.

As for the five opponents, except for a student from the Seoul E-sports Academy in South Korea, the other four have no special background. If there is no accident, this is a sure win.

This is the rhythm of lying and winning!
In the subsequent games, the two top students from Korea's e-sports academy did not disappoint him. Not only did they play a huge advantage online, but after the combination of the middle and the field, they directly caught the bottom lane, but they did not take care of him, the top laner. , but it doesn't matter, the top laner has been completely crushed by him.

This round ended when it was close to 25 minutes. He spent most of the whole game playing single player.


"Nimma, it's a bit challenging, okay! It's really not addictive!"

"Well, you are indeed a student of the world's top e-sports academy. This strength is really strong. No wonder those countries that want to enter the e-sports world are willing to spend a lot of money to send students to the Korean e-sports academy. Mr. Lu, these eight positioning matches The students from the Korean e-sports academy I met were not generally good."

"Well, when playing against Korean players, it's best not to let them gain too much advantage in the early stage, or you will be overwhelmed. Koreans are not only good at grasping the rhythm, but also have first-class snowballing ability."

"Hey, don't blow the Koreans into the sky. Our country also has a lot of good people. Let me see. If these two Korean students are facing each other, they will still lose. Believe it or not!"

"I believe it!"

"Believe it, of course you must!"

"Mr. Lu must win!"

"... "

Compared with the five rounds in the morning, the three rounds in the afternoon are a bit less, and two of them are still crushing rounds, and Mr. Lu didn't make a lot of shots.

Afterwards, the audience finished watching the positioning match with unfulfilled desires, downloaded the motion picture of Mr. Lu's card, and happily watched it over and over again.

In one day, Mr. Lu completed eight positioning matches, all of which ended in victory. However, compared to the next two positioning matches, today's eight positioning matches are just an appetizer. The real feast is the last The two of them are scheduled for tomorrow night.

In the last two games, it would be a pity to lose one. Chinese audiences naturally hope that Mr. Lu can become the first king in the world to win ten consecutive victories in Asia and win glory for the motherland.

Outside the e-sports plaza of Qiyu University, Ye Qingxue walked out of the turbulent crowd, chatting and laughing with Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua, paying attention to the mobile phone in her trouser pocket from time to time.

A few times, she could feel the phone vibrating in her trouser pocket, but when she reached out to touch the phone, she realized that it was just an illusion.

Regarding her nervousness, she just shook her head amusedly, and was even more eager for him to give her a call.

The two girls beside her soon realized that she was a little absent-minded, so they couldn't help teasing her a few words. She was thin-skinned and blushed again, but she just smiled and didn't refute.

Not far from the crowd, her heart skipped a beat. The phone finally vibrated. This time the vibration was more real than before. She was absolutely sure that a call was coming.

She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Xiaofeng's call, she couldn't help but climb her face with joy, and the two women looked at each other and smiled, greeted her and left first.

She smiled and nodded to the backs of the two women, and then pressed the connect button. Xiaofeng's voice came from the mobile phone: "Qingxue, I'm done typing, should we eat now or wait until night?"

He didn't ask her "Are you free?" or "Would you like to have dinner together?" He directly decided on two meal times for her to choose.

She frowned slightly. Although he deliberately hid it, she still vaguely noticed a trace of weakness in his tone. It seemed that his mental state was not very good at this time, but her brows soon relaxed, smiling as if nothing had happened. Said: "Then are you hungry now?"

"Not hungry, what about you?" Ding Feng smiled, at this moment a gust of cold wind hit his face, he was weak and shivered, goose bumps all over his body, he quickly stretched out his hand and tightened the coat on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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