Chapter 171
On a cold windy night, at the slightly dim Qiyu University gate, boys and girls kept coming in and out, walking leisurely alone or in groups. The cold air made the students wrap their clothes tightly and cuddle up to the walking ones. The lovers hugged each other tenderly.

In the shadow on one side of the school gate, a beautiful figure stood alone in the wind, she kept opening her mouth to breathe on her hands that were exposed together, the warm air relieved the coldness of her palms, and she stared at him without blinking. The cold side door of Jiangling Technology across the street.

Her strange behavior caused passers-by to look sideways at her, one by one, looking at her standing in the shadows, but they couldn't see her clearly.

She doesn't care about that either!

Just for a while, he appeared in her expectant and eager eyes, and walked slowly towards her.

Even in the cold weather, the street was still full of people and cars, and the bustling level was no less than that of a normal night. While waiting for the bus to pass by, he looked across to the gate of Qiyu University, but he didn't see her. Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked over slowly.

As soon as he came to stand still under the shadow of the big tree on the left side of the entrance of Qiyu University, someone patted his shoulder lightly. When he looked back, he saw a naughty and pretty face.

It was Ye Qingxue!
Qingxue blinked at him, looked at him who was stunned for a moment with a smile on his face, and secretly laughed in his heart, his heart warmed up, and he said amusedly: "Qingxue, when did you come out?"

He had confirmed it before, and it was nearly 10 minutes before the appointed time. He didn't want her to wait for him, so he came here early.

But he didn't expect that she was earlier than himself!

"Uh, I just arrived, otherwise why didn't you see me!" She smiled mischievously, but she didn't tell the truth, for fear that he would be embarrassed.

Before, she thought he would come out a long time early to wait for her. She didn't want him to wait too long, so she ran out early, but she didn't see him looking around, so she had to find a place to wait for him, but she didn't expect him to be late Chi didn't show up, making her wait for so long.

But she didn't complain. In such a cold day, only the nervous she would run out more than 20 minutes earlier, waiting for someone in the cold weather.

Besides, from the phone call in the afternoon, she could feel that his condition was not very good, he seemed very weak and needed a lot of time to recuperate.

It was precisely because of this that she, who was eager to see him at that time, pushed the appointment time to eight o'clock in the evening, in order to allow him more time to rest and adjust.

Winter nights come earlier than other seasons. Generally, the night falls at six o’clock, and it’s light night at seven o’clock. On such nights, most people, even couples, rarely drive until eleven or twelve o’clock Zhong, the cold in the middle of the night is not something ordinary people can resist.

Before, she still had a little complaint in her heart, complaining that he didn't care about herself enough, but when she thought of this, she no longer blamed him, but secretly hated that she didn't put herself in his place, which was very wrong, so her face I couldn't help feeling a little more embarrassed and apologetic.

Even if he doesn't know it!
He took a serious look at her, and he could vaguely see a clue from her frozen face, her face was not at all like someone who just came out, but as if she had been outside for a long time.

But he didn't think too deeply, and smiled slightly, and said: "That's good, it's too cold outside, I'll take you to a warm place to have a big meal!"

"Okay!" She obediently responded, and walked side by side with him.

The two came to the edge of the street and stood still. Seeing him waiting for the bus, it seemed that the place he mentioned was a bit far away. She couldn't help asking curiously, "Xiaofeng, where are you taking me?"

Seeing her curious baby's appearance, he wanted to keep it a secret, so he smiled without thinking too much: "Xiangyi family, do you know this place?"

"Xiangyi people? It doesn't seem very far away!" She thought for a while, then pointed to the dark place diagonally behind, "Is it the restaurant on the mountain?"

"Yeah, have you been there?" He asked with a smile.

"I haven't been there, but I've heard of its name." She shook her head with a smile, and then suggested: "It's not too far away, we can just walk there, no need to take a car!"

"Uh, I'm afraid I'll freeze you. I can get there quickly by car." He sneered. Xiangyi's house is indeed not far away, only three or four hundred meters away. It's best to walk naturally in normal times, but It was a cold day, and it was a little worried that it would freeze her on the way.

Hearing this, her heart warmed up, and she said nonchalantly: "I'm fine, if you don't feel cold, we can walk there, it's not very far."

This kind of weather is indeed extremely cold, but it also makes it easier to feel warmth and romance. Compared with this coldness, she prefers the latter.

"You are not afraid of the cold, what am I afraid of as a big man, let's go!" Feeling the hope in her eyes, she smiled gently, pulled her and walked out.

On the dark street, two thin figures walked side by side.

A gust of cold evening wind blew the clothes on the two of them slightly, but it didn't cool the warm hearts of the two. The wind didn't seem to be cold at all.

The couples cuddling together at the stop sign could not help but feel inferior when they saw the two laughing figures going away. Some couples subconsciously let go of each other, only to realize that the night wind was not as cold as they imagined. , just prefer to snuggle with each other.

Some couples separated for a while, and then embraced again soon.


Xiangyi Renjia is a large restaurant built on a small hill. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery and a large area. Because of its unique geographical location and a wide variety of delicacies, it is very popular among students in the university city. It is also a perfect place for couples to have a tryst at night.

The only downside is that the fees are relatively high, but correspondingly, Xiangyi's service is also very good, and it is indeed worthy of the price.

The two walked along a concrete road that was not wide. Dim yellow street lamps swayed on the road. The places around the path that were not illuminated by the lights were all gloomy and dim. At the end of this road was a brightly lit A high-end restaurant, or a community is more appropriate.

And this high-end hotel is Xiangyi Family.


On the left and right sides of the Xiangyi family's doorway stood a tall and beautiful woman, who bowed and smiled at the guests when she saw them approaching.

The two of them had never seen such a battle before, their expressions became a little unnatural, and they also smiled and nodded to the two beauties, and then walked inside.

As soon as the two entered, the two beauties looked at each other and smiled. They had been working here for a long time, and this was the first time they saw such an interesting guest.

(End of this chapter)

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