Chapter 173 Chef Ye
She hesitated for a moment, then raised her head, looked at him embarrassedly, he looked at her strangely, she smiled awkwardly: "Xiaofeng, lend me your phone."

Borrowing a mobile phone is not a big deal, but it is indeed a taboo for some people, and there is suspicion of spying on other people's privacy. Among some couples, if one party borrows a mobile phone from the other party, the other party will subconsciously feel that something is wrong. , the partner's behavior is like checking the post.

That's why she was embarrassed. It would be fine if she just borrowed her cell phone to make a call, but it would be very bad to borrow her cell phone for fun.

He was taken aback, thinking it was a big deal, it turned out that he just borrowed his mobile phone, and without thinking, he handed over his own mobile phone, with a funny face on his face, "Here!"

"Thank you!" She laughed and thanked him, and then gently took his mobile phone, with a cautious look as if it was not a mobile phone, but a valuable Heshibi.

This was the first time she looked at his mobile phone carefully. His mobile phone was not high-end at all, but it was much worse than hers. She could tell at a glance that it was a non-brand mobile phone, which cost 600 yuan.

Such a broken mobile phone is extremely inconsistent with his identity, and should have been replaced long ago, but he seems to like this mobile phone very much, and he is a very nostalgic person.

She was looking down at her phone carefully, but she didn't notice that at this moment, he was also staring at her phone on the table in a daze, wondering what he was thinking.

Her mobile phone looked very high-end from the outside, and he could tell how heavy it was without touching it. From the logo on the back of the mobile phone, it was obviously a non-brand phone.

He didn't care what mobile phone he used, but he felt that it was necessary to buy her a better mobile phone. Before that, he was still worrying about what gift to give her on her birthday, but now he had an idea.

I have to say that she uses her mobile phone very efficiently. For example, the last time he used his mobile phone to transfer money, the completion speed was much faster than him.

After just a short while, she raised her head again, handed the phone back to him, and met his questioning eyes with a smile and said, "I didn't find any special professional knowledge, but I probably understand, look at me."

After speaking, she stood up.

Seeing that she was going to do something, he smiled and stretched out his hand to open the lid of the pot. She smiled at him gently, picked up a plate of pork and poured half of it into the pot, then poured half of a plate of chicken, put the lid on the pot, and waited for a while Then she opened the lid of the pot again and began to pour enoki mushrooms, lettuce, spinach, etc. into it.

It's all half a plate at a time!

Seeing her stop and look very satisfied, he felt amused, so he humbly asked, "Chef Ye, what's the point?"

"Uh huh, I can't tell. I just followed the principle of 'meat first, then vegetables', and then I felt that putting too much at once would make the taste too strong, so I only put half a plate, hehe." She also half understood, In such a short time, she only learned a few superficial things, and she didn't know how to explain them.

"That's right, he's much more professional than me." He smiled and gave her a thumbs up. He was not stingy at all with her compliments. Girls don't like this.

"Where is there!" She smiled humbly, very happy to be praised by him, she made up her mind in her heart, and began to brainstorm life knowledge when she returned home.

He smiled slightly, poured a little salt and monosodium glutamate into the pot, looked at her while stirring with a spoon, and asked, "Do you want some chili?"

"Just put some if you like it, don't put too much or I won't be able to eat it." She looked at the box containing the chili peppers, which seemed to be very spicy chili powder.

"It doesn't matter if you eat more, chili peppers won't be too spicy in winter." He nodded with a smile, poured another half teaspoon of chili peppers into the pot, and then stirred them evenly.

The two chatted for a while, and there was a burst of aroma from the pot. The ingredients seemed to be cooked. He put a small spoon into the bowl and tasted it. The taste was really good, which made him full of praise. It's much better, this thing is really more delicious if you pay attention to eating it.

She was also starving, and looked at him hopefully.

He picked up her bowl and poured her a big one, picking out ingredients she likes, including two big chicken legs, and chicken is also her favorite meat.

"It's delicious, you should try it too, be careful not to get burned." Afraid of accidentally scalding her, he didn't let her take it, carefully placed the bowl in front of her, and whispered another sentence.

She giggled, and she was not polite, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat, and soon she saw two big fat and tender chicken legs in the bowl, she was sweet in her heart, picked one of them up and put it in his bowl with a smile, Facing his gaze, he smiled and said, "Good things are more delicious when they are shared."

"It seems to make sense!" He nodded with a smile, and did not refuse. Seeing that her food was so delicious, he was not polite, and ate with her.

Although the boys and girls around them kept paying attention to their side from time to time, although they didn't hear what they said, they also found that the way these two get along with them was very different, very delicate. It feels like the atmosphere is different from before.

Soon, all the dishes she ordered were fried, and the waitress brought them up one by one. The fragrance was overflowing for a while, attracting the eyes of the two of them, and they slammed into the dishes.

Although the hot pot is delicious, the taste is a bit bland without the smell of oily smoke. Now it is even more delicious when served with these stir-fried vegetables and fried meat.

The dishes of Xiangyi people have a very special taste, which is hard to describe, but the two quickly thought of a word, which is authentic.

After eating for a while, he felt less hungry, so he took out his mobile phone and looked down quickly for a while. After a while, her mobile phone rang suddenly.

It is a text message ringtone, and more than one!
She was startled, and gave him a strange look. He smiled at her, raised his chin slightly, and motioned her to check the text message. She laughed amusedly, took out her mobile phone and saw that the text message was not sent by him, and opened the text message. , is a power-on reminder text message, and the shutdown status of the mobile phone has been cancelled.

"Why are you charging me so much phone bill if you have nothing to do? One hundred yuan phone bill is enough for me for a year." After reading the three text messages, she realized what he was doing just now. The smile is very strong, and she is quite happy that he cares about her.

"That's not necessarily it!" He smiled slightly, without explaining too much, picked up a small bottle of beer from the table, and gently pulled the bottle cap on the stool, and it fell off. The technique was very skillful, as if he had done it before. This issue.

She was taken aback, and it was only now that she noticed that he wanted a bottle of beer. Although she thought it was bad, she didn't persuade him. Looking at his relaxed and comfortable movement of opening the bottle, it seems that his alcohol capacity is not small.

It's okay to have a little wine, and it's okay for a man to drink some wine.

Alcohol is a big taboo for professional players. Alcohol can paralyze people's nerves, slow down people's reaction speed, and greatly affect their emotions. Generally, professional players will not drink this thing, especially during competitions. Don't touch a drop of this wine.

 The third watch is over, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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