Chapter 175 Exercise Madman
Early the next morning, the sky was hazy and bright, he was still shivering in bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes, stretched out one hand under the quilt, picked up the cold mobile phone and checked, it was past six o'clock, he stretched out comfortably Lazy, looking out at the bright sky outside.

Putting the phone back in place, he gently removed the warm quilt from his body, and carefully stepped down the cold iron steps, for fear of disturbing the spring and autumn dreams of the two roommates.


Although his movements were light, he still woke up the two roommates who had been frozen all night.

Xiaohui, who was curled up on the bed, rolled over and looked at him with eyes full of fear. In such a cold day, it takes a lot of courage to get up and go to class, let alone him who has nothing to do, so he said casually : "Where is Brother Feng going, don't you sleep a little longer in this cold weather?"

"What's the difference between lying in bed in such a good weather and wasting time? I'm going out for a run to exercise. Do you want to join me?" Ding Feng smiled, glanced at him maliciously, and paused for a moment on his lower abdomen. Hiding there is a little belly.

"I want you to go, I won't go!" Xiaohui shrank back, it would be his life to let him go out in this damn weather, let alone do such boring things as running.

Brother Zhuang looked at the two chatting and smiled, but didn't interrupt.

Seeing that the two of them didn't intend to get up, Ding Feng had no choice but to give up, ignored them, stepped on Brother Zhuang's slippers and went to the balcony to wash up.

Nothing in this winter is not cold, the whole world is a big refrigerator, it is really difficult for ordinary people, of course he is an exception.

After washing, he went back to the dormitory, made a cup of warm water and took the Wild Oatmeal Healthy Tablets. The warm water melted in his stomach, and he felt warm all over his body. The cold air was swallowed up, and the coldness hit my heart again.

Putting on his sneakers and carrying some things, he opened the door of the dormitory and walked out without fear of the severe cold. A burst of icy air hit his body, making him shiver all over, and he couldn't help shivering violently. Get up, it's too cold for this ghost weather.

In the corridor, he met Brother Yi who was shirtless and talked with Brother Yi for a while before he walked downstairs.

After returning to the dormitory last night, he pondered for a long time, and gained a deeper understanding of that magical ability, and thus made up his mind that he must learn to use it flexibly and strengthen that ability.

He can conclude that his heaven-defying ability is derived from the perfect fusion of two souls, and he may be the only one in this world who possesses it. Since God gave him a chance of rebirth and such heaven-defying ability , if he doesn't cherish it, he will probably be punished by God.

Damn, maybe there really is!

For now, he still has very little knowledge of that ability, not even superficial, but some rules are interlinked, such as the theoretical method of strengthening this ability.

Now he can think of two ways to exercise this ability:
One is to use this ability as much as possible before going to sleep, so that his soul can adapt to this extremely exhausting ability as much as possible. He believes that as long as he persists, he will be able to use this ability flexibly one day, and perhaps increase the duration of the ability , to achieve a strengthening effect.

The first method is to start from the soul, so the second method is naturally to start from the body, a two-pronged approach, just like wild oatmeal tablets and physiological underwear.

The body is a container for the soul, although he can't be sure, but he thinks it will have some effect. Of course, even if there is no effect, strengthening his body is what he needs to do most at present. This body is too lack of exercise, he needs to exercise Take a look at yourself.

Jiangling Technology's football field adopts an international standard 400-meter circle, and the area is not too big and not too small. When he came to the football field, there were only a few people running in the football field. In the severe winter, even the able-bodied sports students escaped.

This is also the scene he wants to see the most. Although not many people know that he is Mr. Lu on campus, there are always a small number of them. The purpose of his coming out this time is only for running and exercising, and he does not want to be disturbed by other factors .

After warming up for a while on the sidelines, he started running.

Usually he didn't feel anything, but now that he started running, he deeply realized the fragility of his body. When he first started running, he was quite aggressive, and he was exhausted within two laps. In the end, I ran three laps, and then I couldn't run anymore.

Compared with the previous life, the gap is hard to see directly.

This is not to say that professional players in the previous life were generally of good physical fitness, but that he preferred to exercise in the previous life. He kept exercising all year round, which gave him a physique no less than that of an athlete, not to mention the three laps of 200 meters, he can run 5000 meters in one breath.

He was also helpless about this, but he had his own way of exercising, so he didn't worry about it. After a short rest, he continued to run.

There is a canteen next to the football field, which is full of all kinds of snacks and drinks. Every time he takes a break, he will go to the canteen to buy a bottle of sports drink that is good for exercise to supplement his physical fitness, prolong the time of exercise, and minimize the cause of long-term exercise. body load.

He desperately wants a strong body. Driven by this urgency and desire, he has unlimited motivation. He runs lap after lap, rests when he can't run, and continues to run after the rest. Saburo's posture of desperately exercising crazily as if no one else was around.

There were fewer and fewer people running on the football field, and in the end they were all gone, leaving him alone, but he still had no intention of leaving.

This run lasted all morning. Although he could still run, his body fatigue had reached a certain limit, and further running would be harmful rather than beneficial.

The pace of running gradually slowed down, and he was sweating all over his body. It is conceivable how hard he worked to be able to sweat to such an extent in such a severe winter.

Panting heavily, he walked slowly to the outside of the field. Just a few steps away from the football field, the hot sweat on his body was cooled by the cold air, and every cell in his body felt extremely comfortable. It's been a long time since I experienced such a feeling, and I can't help feeling a little nostalgic.

He went to the school cafeteria and had a delicious meal of hot food just out of the oven, and then went back to the dormitory to sleep. Before going to bed, he used that magical ability several times, until he was so tired that he fell asleep.

This ability seems to have the effect of helping sleep!

Waking up in the afternoon, he went to the football field to exercise again.

From this day on, there is an extra exercise fanatic on Jiangling Technology's football field.

(End of this chapter)

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