The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 184 Draven's Knife Picking Technique

Chapter 184 Draven's Knife Picking Technique

After listening to the two commentators, the audience glanced at the purple Fang Shuiquan. Sure enough, the jungler Wei really hung up and didn't even buy the equipment.

The Chinese audience breathed a sigh of relief. In the short three to four minutes, their emotions were ups and downs. From the beginning of the two-on-five fight, there was no hope at all, and then the three-on-five fight, the hope was equally slim. In the end, it turned into three-on-four, and the chances of winning were great.

So far, the Chinese audience has returned to their usual state, watching the game seriously with hope.

Yaohua TV has recorded countless positioning games since its establishment, but it is not uncommon for the less to fight more or the more to fight less, but it is very rare. Basically, the side with a large number of people can win with a great advantage in the end. Now This is the first time that three-on-four is regarded as the best chance of winning.

"I guess the winning rate of this game is at least [-]%."

"I think there are probably [-]% of them. Let's not talk about our Mr. Lu. The weapon of this Korean rookie king can [-]v[-] in the middle and late stages. Team battles are even more ferocious. Draven is the most fierce ADC. If Mr. Lu didn't choose Delevingne to mislead, so he should win."

"Tch, I don't think there is any hero that Mr. Lu is not proficient in. Mr. Lu can even make an unpopular hero into a popular hero. The popular hero must be better. I can be sure that this one will definitely win."

"Choose an EZ to line up with Draven, isn't that looking for abuse? Do you think that you can make up the knife with a Q skill? You think too much. The first time Draven goes home, EZ must not even dare to approach the line of soldiers! "

"Uh, isn't Thresh a support! Why did he go to the jungle?"

"Maybe I knew that Wei was going to hang up, so I changed my mind temporarily. Yaohua TV is not the only one capable of investigating player information. Basically, countries that develop e-sports have similar companies and departments. It is better to raise a weak EZ. If you take the other two roads well, your chances of winning will be even greater."

"EZ is about to be abolished!"

"... "

Army attack!

Following the sound of an impassioned female voice, three groups of small soldiers emerged from the large crystal in a fan-shaped direction, and the well-trained soldiers divided into three groups and went in their respective directions.

The strife has begun!

The pawn line reached the line, Draven stood behind the pawn line, one of the throwing axes held in the backhand slowly turned, and threw the knife at the soldier.

The throwing ax was bounced, and was skillfully caught by Draven. It went back and forth like this. After making up for a small soldier, when he saw EZ was in the attack range, he took a step forward and threw the ax over. The little yellow hair was not in vain. The basic attack returned the color, but unfortunately the damage was much worse than that of Delevingne.

Knowing that he was invincible, EZ quickly retreated after a general attack.

Soon, the number of throwing axes turned from one to two, Draven's damage was increased, and he stood arrogantly on the left side of the pawn line. When replenishing soldiers, he saw the little yellow hair approaching, and he went up with an axe.

Level [-] Draven doesn't have a strong pursuit ability, EZ can't be cowardly at this time, otherwise how can you play at level [-] or [-], so as long as there is no line of troops to block, EZ with Q skill will fight a wave, but it doesn't help What a loss, but EZ knows this is only temporary.

Thresh is in blue and is in the lower half of the field. As soon as he sees Thresh reach level two, EZ immediately asks for support, but without his reminder, Thresh has already rushed down the road.

Draven's first step to two, the second-up W skill rushed up to chase EZ, and it was a violent beating. The extremely smooth slashing and receiving knives made EZ, who was planning to fight a wave, lose his temper immediately, and made a general attack and a Q After that, he ran towards the tower without looking back, as if he would die if he ran too slowly.

Arriving safely at the foot of the tower, EZ wiped his sweat furiously. Seeing that he had only half of his blood left and even used up the red medicine, he couldn't help crying without tears.

What should I do next!

"Hey, EZ can't fight anymore!"

"Let me just say, since Mr. Lu dared to take out Draven, he must have played very well. The walking, cutting and receiving the knife are natural. It feels like Mr. Lu will fall on him no matter how he runs. How many times have I played?" Ten Draven, they ran away after turning on the W knife, how did this happen?"

"Well, Mr. Lu's movement of slashing and catching the knife is almost perfect. I have played hundreds of Draven, and I still can't do it to this level."

"It's really cool. This Delevingne should have skills in handling the knife. Go back to Baidu and have a look."

"It's actually quite simple for Draven to catch the knife. After throwing the knife, the knife will land about [-] yards in the direction Draven is facing. Standing still, the knife will land about [-] yards to the left and right. But if you think about it If you are proficient in receiving knives, you can’t learn it without hundreds of exercises, unless your foundation is deep enough.”

"Yes, there are a lot of Draven's quick strategies on the Internet. Among them, Draven's strategy is the most highly rated in the Chinese server, because his method is the most direct and effective. There are two most important points. First, you must know Draven's strategy. The approximate landing position of the throwing ax is followed by receiving the knife by feeling."

"The so-called feeling means that you don't deliberately judge where the throwing ax will fall, but that you know how to throw it so that the throwing ax will land where you want it to fall, and you will naturally receive it in your hand. A certain conflict, but the most important thing is to master the feeling."

"If you master the feeling, you will naturally know how to cooperate with W acceleration. Of course, if you don't have the foundation, you need to practice more to get familiar with it."

"Well, there are many skills in League of Legends, the most difficult of which is Revan's speed of light QA, which requires too much feeling, followed by the blind man's R flash, VN and Jess' E flash, Delevingne's knife, etc. As for JJ's Five-six-seven-eight knives per second, eight knives per second by Sword Demon, five feet per second by a blind man, R+E by a ball girl, etc., are completely pediatrics. As long as someone tells me that I have this skill, I can use it in minutes come out."

"Hey, before I saw these things like JJ five knives per second, sword demon eight knives per second, and blind man five kicks per second, I thought it was such an incredible skill. When I checked it out last time, I scolded my mother. It turned out that it was named It’s too exaggerated, how many knives per second, it should be how many times of damage per second!"

"SX, it's no exaggeration how to fool players into watching his video. In fact, it's bluffing to say that it takes one second. It's said that Sword Demon has eight knives per second, and Debang seven knives per second. The fastest time is almost two seconds. Moreover, these skills are not very practical, and it is difficult to rely on these skills to deal damage in team battles."

"That's right, there is a silver kid in our village who likes to play JJ. I told him that JJ can deal five damage per second, and he learned it after a few tries. Five blows is good, and then I told him that Sword Demon can hit eight swords in one second, and he was almost sprayed to death."

"Draven is considered the strongest ADC in the League of Legends, not one of them, but correspondingly, it takes more time and energy to use Draven well than other ADCs. Basically, as long as you can play Draven well , other ADCs are no problem.”

"Look, Thresh is coming!"

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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