The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 188 Li Ruihao's Horror

Chapter 188 Li Ruihao's Horror

At this time, the weapon has not returned home, and there must be no vision in the river. Thresh, carrying a lantern and chains, walked slowly along the triangular grass and squatted in the grass on the opposite side of the river. The grass stared closely at the weapon master in front of him.

Thresh's arrival made the wretched crocodile ready to move, and slowly approached the pawn line. This move was tantamount to telling Thresh to be squatting next to the weapon.

The weapon didn't seem to be aware of this. As soon as the crocodile entered the attack range, it immediately jumped on the crocodile's face, and chasing the crocodile was a brutal beating.

Just as the weapon jumped up, Thresh, who had been hunting for a long time, came out slowly, swung the chain and slammed the weapon fiercely, once, twice...

The blood volume of the weapon is not too much, and the E skill has been used just now. Although the crocodile was disabled, he still dare not be too arrogant in the face of Thresh who has two controls. Against the sky, there is no guarantee that he can escape safely in the hands of Thresh.

What's more, it's not worth it!

The weapon got into the grass and was temporarily out of Thresh's attack range. Thresh leaned over and used two controls but was dodged by the weapon, so he gave up the pursuit and squatted in the grass and went back to the city directly. Whether Shi left or not, he didn't dare to be too arrogant.

After the weapon returned to the tower, it went back to the city directly, and the crocodile also went back to the city after clearing out a wave of soldiers.

"That's the end? I didn't see how strong this South Korean rookie king is. It can't be that the information is wrong!"

"Thinking too much, the data report error can also make the Korean king of the purple side hang up?"

"It's great to be able to crush the crocodile like this in more than six minutes. Although I was also disappointed that I didn't see the Korean rookie king's extreme counter-kill, but this wave really can't be reckless."

"That's right, as a hero in the middle and late stage, the weapon's single-handed ability in the early stage is really not good. It is neither very fleshy nor has the ability to sustain. The blood volume is knocked out a little, and the E skill is also used up. The blood volume is so low. , it is difficult to kill Thresh, and there is a crocodile watching over him."

"Well, once the weapon is killed, the advantage in the early stage is gone, and the development will definitely be affected. It's not worth it at all. It doesn't have to wait until the middle and late stages for a weapon to be one against two, but at least it must have blood sucking as a battery life. If you suck blood, you can use a small ice hammer to support some blood."

"Hey, when the weapon goes home and replenishes a wave of equipment, the crocodile will be harder to fight. Thresh is here. It seems that it is almost enough money to buy a small ice hammer."

"... "

Although there was not much friction in this wave, the audience was indeed a little disappointed, but they didn't say anything. The early weapons really didn't have the ability to fight one against two.

However, this does not seem to be the reason for the weapon to retreat directly. After all, the Korean rookie king is at a young and energetic age. Which player in this age group is not young and frivolous, impulsive, even if they know that they can't be killed, they should be impulsive to try Fight hard.

But Li Ruihao still didn't take any action. Knowing that there are countless players around the world watching this game, he always insisted on putting development first.

And this, perhaps, is the scary thing about Li Ruihao. He can maintain enough rationality under any circumstances, and he will never give up if he can fight.

From Li Ruihao, some viewers who like to watch professional leagues seem to have seen the shadows of the two kings of South Korea. They are calm but daring to fight. They will never let go of any opportunity to strengthen the team, and will never give their opponents anything. A chance to turn around.

And this scene also made Mo Qingchen frowned, with a rare dignified expression.

The game perspective turns back to the bottom lane again...

Draven still cut off the line of troops behind the purple tower, and EZ, who had nowhere to go, was rushing down the road, and soon appeared in Draven's vision.

Being blocked by Delevingne, EZ had no intention of going there, and stood not far away, laughing and dancing, and started the teasing mode.

This scene made the audience laugh out loud!

Delevingne always kept two spinning axes in his hands. When he saw EZ standing in front of him and taunted him, he immediately turned on W and rushed up and was beaten violently. EZ retreated in a hurry.

As soon as Delevingne retreated, EZ ran back again, standing not far away, laughing and dancing, Delevingne turned on W again and rushed up, EZ ran back in a hurry.

In this way, a scene of you chasing me and running between the two towers in the bottom lane was staged passionately, and EZ turned into an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, no matter how hard he fought, he would not run away.

This delighted the audience!
However, this EZ seems to be playing very happily, but it also maintains enough sense, and always adheres to the principle of not giving away the head. Once it is disabled by Draven and has no supplies on it, EZ will go back for a while and buy five bottles The red queen reappeared and carried the play to the end.

A very professional actor.

Since EZ wants to play, Delevingne will naturally accompany him to the end, and the acting venue is no longer limited to between the two towers, and EZ is directly pressed under the second tower to prevent it from coming out.

Under the double gap of level and equipment, EZ’s blood volume, defense and attack are far inferior to Draven’s. Being hit by Draven’s spinning ax is not a normal pain. It was exhausted terribly, and it was almost killed a few times.

However, with the displacement of the E skill, it is very difficult for Delevingne who has not returned home to kill him. As long as you don't overplay it, it is basically impossible to be killed.

The five bottles of red were all consumed by Draven in less than a minute. EZ thought about it for a while, and found that he could still play a wave, so he approached Draven.

Delevingne was still so impolite, spinning the throwing ax and turning on W to speed up to chase him and beat him up again. Seeing that the blood volume was crippled, EZ decisively handed over the flash and fled to the Highland Tower, not forgetting to turn around and taunt Dreyer Text, but the next moment, EZ's pupils shrank suddenly.

EZ finally realized that Delevingne's flash had turned for the better.

Half a second faster than him!
And this half second is the speed of life and death.


As soon as EZ jumped forward, Draven followed with a flash, a throwing ax slammed at EZ, and then another axe, EZ flashed better, and immediately dodged Draven raised his hand but did not fall A deadly throwing ax.

Before EZ had time to be thankful for escaping, he heard a loud shout coming from behind him, but saw Draven suddenly lowered his body, and two flying axes cut the ground and quickly chased after EZ. EZ turned back in horror, the next He was overtaken by the flying ax in an instant and was scraped to death on the spot.

So far, Doubi EZ finally handed over his virgin blood.

After killing EZ, his pocket almost doubled in an instant. Delevingne cheerfully entered the wild area and walked towards the blue buff, intending to find a piece of bushes that would not be seen to hide and go back to the city, but found that the blue buff happened to be refreshed. He was also polite, and he turned on the throwing ax to quickly take away the blue buff.

Thresh was not seen online, Draven squatted in the grass, and did not choose to return to the city, it seemed that he planned to slander Thresh.

 The third watch is over, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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