Chapter 196
"Well, this is too much, a sword master who has no control and only one damage skill, actually replaced the card under the control of the card and the prince one after another, and if the sword master was not too deep, the prince might not have killed it. I have to die, if it is level six, the Juggernaut would probably have escaped by now."

"It's quite surprising, but if it wasn't for Juggernaut Fuxu Prince's passive stack, the cards would definitely not be replaced. Mr. Lu has done a good job in the details."

"Mr. Lu, the Juggernaut's Q skill damage seems to be higher than we imagined. The blue glyph belt should be the growth method. No wonder it hurts so much to beat the Juggernaut with one card. It turns out it is There is no glyph of magic resistance, but the sword master doesn't seem to need this resistance."

"Well, as a harvesting hero, the Juggernaut must carry out the output to the end. It is better to have more output than magic resistance. Sometimes the Juggernaut lacks this output to be able to carry out subsequent harvests. The Juggernaut Ignition is also to make up for this. A little damage, otherwise teleportation would be better for Juggernaut."

"Yeah, that point of magic resistance is really not very useful for a sword master. If you are charged, you will be killed in seconds. If you are not charged, you have high dual resistance and high blood recovery from meditation. No one can beat it. How can you last until meditation?" Finish."

"Hey, a small magic book, this card is even more difficult to play."

"... "

Although this wave did not fully demonstrate the horror of the Juggernaut, and it was not even as powerful as the AD Juggernaut, but it was enough for the audience.

Naturally, they couldn't see the horror of the AP Juggernaut from this wave, but it allowed them to see the feasibility of the Juggernaut. Therefore, even if Mr. Lu lost this round, it would be a glorious defeat, because Once again, he developed a great style of play for players around the world.

Even if it doesn't make it to the table, entertainment is sure to be fun!
I replenished a small magic book and a real eye in Shuiquan, and there are only a few gold coins that grow naturally, not even a bottle of red, but Juggernaut still has a bottle of red, plus the high amount of W meditation Reply, a bottle of red is enough, it is safe for the prince not to abuse the cards.

Being caught by the prince, Ding Feng was also helpless. Normally, he would be able to expose a big stick in the early stage, and then synthesize a hat in the shortest time. He hesitated, and he was caught.

He didn't use that magical ability during the wave of being caught, because he knew that even if he used it, he still couldn't avoid the fate of being killed.

But now, the hat can't be done, so I can only get a Lich first.

Without enough magic power, the passive damage of the lich is not high. Of course, if it can be made as soon as possible, a set of crispy skin that takes half of the blood is still no problem.

I took the time to look at the situation of the various lanes. The upper and lower lanes are [-]-[-], and there is no situation of being suppressed. Only the mantis has been nesting in the jungle and clearing the jungle. Enough damage, he is already very satisfied.

The Juggernaut came back to life and walked slowly towards the middle.

At this time, the card that died first has appeared on the line, and is controlling the army line in the middle. As soon as the Juggernaut hits the line, he immediately kills four enemy minions in good condition. A large wave of soldiers follow the card into purple Fang Yita, the Juggernaut took the opportunity to go to the upper half of the river to insert the real eye.

The True Eye Nail gradually disappeared in a small clump of grass alone on the river.

This is another difference from the game in the previous game. In the previous game, the real eye had been revised into five bloods and had no invisibility ability in S4, but it has not been changed in this game. It is said that it will not come together until S5. Change, when the time comes the game will look another way.

The real eye has a duration of 3 minutes, which can at least guarantee the development time of the Juggernaut for 3 minutes. At this time, no one will spend money on the real eye and the prophet.

The threat from the prince was weakened, and the return line of the Juggernaut launched a crazy crush on the cards.

In order to ensure the long-term development of the card, I bought four bottles of blood this time, but it still cannot withstand the consumption of the Juggernaut. The use of blood medicine has never stopped, and there is always a green light on the body. It can be said that the card The economy obtained by making up the knife under the tower is exactly the same as the cost of the red medicine.

It is very difficult for cards to make up damage under the tower. In addition, the level and equipment are relatively low. Even if there is no threat from the Juggernaut, the card will miss a lot of damage. If it is suppressed like this, life will be easier It is difficult, watching the little soldiers being killed by the defense tower, the heart of the card is bleeding.

After a few waves of soldiers, the card's blood volume was only about one-third left, so he had to go back to the second tower and return to the city. Looking at the only 200 to 300 yuan on his body, the card wanted to cry but had no tears.

What can 300 yuan buy?A piece of cloth armor?Then go to Central Asia?The Juggernaut's consumption is all magic damage, and the armor is useless, but apart from the armor, he can't afford any equipment.

It's the rhythm of all the red medicines again!
After a lot of hard work, what they got in exchange for their lives was a few bottles of red medicine, not to mention the cards of the parties involved, even the audience couldn't believe it.

The consumption ability of this Juggernaut is far beyond the imagination of all audiences. As a melee hero, the Juggernaut does not need to be close to the consumption, and it still locks skills, and the damage is surprisingly high. Skill upgrade, one Q can take away one-third of the card's blood.

This is why the cards are consumed so badly. If the cards need to make up the sword under the tower, they will be caught by Juggernaut Q. If you choose to avoid, the pawn line will be taken away by the defensive tower. There is really no way to deal with Juggernaut. The Juggernaut spent the cards home, not to mention drinking the red medicine, and he didn't even start meditation.

During the period, the prince also came to the middle road once, and was caught by the vision. The Juggernaut pretended not to see it, and still went his own way. After squatting for a while, the prince also guessed that he had been discovered by the Juggernaut. Too bad, even with his self-confidence, he didn't think he could catch him.

In the last wave of the same level and he had a red BUFF, he almost let the Juggernaut escape. If he can catch him in this wave, then there is really a ghost!

The prince didn't force it, and then went on the road to catch a wave. The cautious Shen even handed in the flash, but he still couldn't avoid the fate of being killed.

The prince gave up Shen's head to Wanderer. As a long-range high-explosive mage, the entry of this head seems to have completely broken the balance of power on the road.

I believe that the next time we meet, Shen will definitely face suppression!

In just over five minutes, the prince even caught the upper and middle lanes, resulting in kills, and established a head advantage for the top lane. The wanderers who are not weak will take advantage of this advantage to roll quickly. This may be Nothing, that's what a strong early jungler should do.

But if you compare the mantis on the blue side, you will find that the prince at this time is already "other people's jungler" and "the neighbor's child"...

(End of this chapter)

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