The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 198 Two major battlefields, the situation is not good!

Chapter 198 Two major battlefields, the situation is not good!
"Phew, I actually got a triple kill, which was even smoother than I imagined. In the early stage, the Juggernaut got the triple kill, and the purple side is really difficult to fight, let alone the AP Juggernaut, even if it is the chopper team. The dominant Juggernaut is also very capable of snowballing, and won't let the enemy drag it to the later stage."

"AP Juggernaut is just a sucker. He can still maintain his best state after taking the triple kill. There is nothing wrong with the triple kill without injury. The blood power of the Juggernaut this time is also really strong!"

"What AP Juggernaut, the AD Juggernaut can also kill three times in such a battle, it's even cleaner than the AP Juggernaut, the continuous output of the AP Juggernaut is still a bit lower, but the ability to recover blood is stronger, let's see , I don’t know if the AP Juggernaut with strong spells is strong or not.”

"Well, this wave of purple team made a big mistake, and they failed to judge the position of the Juggernaut in the first place, which led to a wave of superiority that turned into a disadvantage, and it was the core of the team that won the triple kill. Juggernaut, with such a big advantage, Mr. Lu will not let you come back."

"This wave is not completely a mistake, okay. The Juggernaut didn't just disappear from the lane, but rushed to the bottom lane as soon as he returned to the city. How can we judge this? Professional players are also human, and they don't have clairvoyant eyes. I think the reminder from this card is the most timely."

"That is, if this wave counts as a mistake, wouldn't it be a mistake if Mr. Lu was gank by the prince just now? The judgment of professional players is just more accurate than ours. Since it is judgment and guesswork, there will always be uncertain factors. Professional players are not Just rely on judgment to eat."

"Everyone has obsessive-compulsive disorder, isn't it? The top masters are also unavoidable. Just like the prince just now, if he retreated as soon as he saw the sword master, he would definitely be able to escape, but he still chose to kill Thresh first. I also believe that I have the possibility of escape, even if I die in the end."

"... "

In the middle, there is no interference from the Juggernaut. In the case of lagging behind in level and equipment, the experienced cards did not miss much supplementary damage under the tower.

Seeing that he has saved several waves of money, he can finally produce a small magic book, and finally there is a smile on the face of the card, but there is obviously a bit of frustration in the smile, which makes it difficult to see that he is smiling. She was still crying, her face was very ugly, but her expression was even more exciting.

Ka Card never thought that he would be happy to publish a small book of magic power. This person's life is really not an ordinary failure.

Annoyed, Kaka has already greeted the eighteenth generation of the game designer's ancestors countless times in his heart. Which sb designer designed such a disgusting hero like Nima, let me know and promise not to kill him!
Seeing Juggernaut returning to the middle lane, Kaka shrank his head subconsciously, and straightened up stiffly the next moment. Juggernaut didn't know what he was thinking, but this did not affect his suppression of Kaka. After the line of soldiers pushed past, they no longer missed it, and went back to the city directly under the tower.

Pushing the pawn line quickly, the Juggernaut slowly sneaked into the purple square field and stole the prince's F4. The prince also found the Juggernaut, but he didn't come to stop him.

After taking away F4, Juggernaut Huishuiquan made the first big Lich's Scourge.

Lich's Bane is very core equipment for some mid-lane mages, such as cards, murlocs, etc., including AP Juggernaut, after all, no matter how high the base damage and bonus damage of Juggernaut's Q skill is , It was just a moment, but the Lich could make up for the shortage of the Juggernaut's explosion.

With the Lich in hand, the burst damage of the Juggernaut instantly rises to a higher level, and with the increase in spell power, the power of the Lich will also skyrocket.

Randomly took a look at the various lanes. After the previous wave, although the bottom lane still did not have much advantage, the situation has stabilized and there is still a small advantage, while the top lane Shen has been overwhelmed by the wandering.

The Juggernaut doesn't need much advantage in other lanes, but at least the disadvantages must not be too great. Therefore, the Juggernaut rushed directly to the upper lane after going out.

Although it is easier to catch the two in the bottom lane, he still decided to help Shen stabilize the situation first, so that he can better deal with possible changes in the future.

He is not the only one who thinks this way, his own mantis has already rushed up the road first, which makes the sword master more confident. If the damage of him and Shen is not enough to kill the wanderer, then with the extremely high explosive mantis as companion, the wanderer can't die It's hard, as long as you don't delay too long, you'll be fine.

The mantis who was rushing up the road no longer flinched when he saw the Juggernaut coming, and went into the big dragon pit to poke a hole in the triangle grass under the enemy's outer tower. The prince was not there, and the wanderer didn't seem to notice either. Mantis hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and jumped into the triangle grass.

At this moment, Shen's Wandering is suppressing Shen's wandering, pushing the pawn line a little forward, and the position is naturally moved forward. It can be caught to death. The Juggernaut just entered the place where the river wandering might get in the eye from the blue BUFF, and immediately activated his big move. He rushed over quickly, marking the stray.

Sure enough, the Juggernaut had just appeared in the grass in the river, and when he saw the wandering of the Juggernaut, he immediately retreated, Shen stepped forward two steps forward, and then flashed.

It was Shen's E flash!
When wandering in Shen E, he knew that Shen wanted to hand over Flash to taunt him, but he didn't hand over Flash right away. With the damage from Shen and the Sword Master, he might not be able to kill him with Flash. He was afraid that Mantis was also nearby. , and if the mantis is nearby, he will not lose even if he dies.

Because the prince has rushed down the road at this time, the card is ready to fly to support at any time.

Before the prince judged that Juggernaut and Mantis would jump over the tower and kill cards. After all, with the damage of Juggernaut and Mantis, the cards could be destroyed in seconds, but he forgot that Mantis and Juggernaut are not the same way. I never thought of supporting the middle lane, but the Juggernaut also went to the top lane.

After squatting for a while, the prince did not see the Juggernaut and Mantis, so he judged that the two of them might have gone to the bottom lane, so he rushed over and called the card for support. Of course, if the Juggernaut is not in the bottom lane Best of all, at least you can jump over the tower and drive them down the road.

But now, the most threatening Juggernaut suddenly appeared on the road, which made the prince completely relieved, and what made the prince even more carefree was that Mantis was also on the road.

These two harvesting heroes are not there, so he doesn't have to worry about being harvested accidentally because of the anti-tower if he wants to jump the tower. He immediately marks the enemy's bot and the defensive tower.

A terrifying and deep eye suddenly appeared on the body of the five people on the blue side. The five people looked in the middle, but the card was not there, so it is not sure where the card will fly next, but what is certain is that if The cards flew on the road, and they came here to die.

With this in mind, the three on the top road suddenly realized that it was not good. After taunting the wandering and playing a set of explosions, Shen directly chose to retreat, and the perspective instantly shifted to the bottom road. Ready to fly down the road to support a wave at any time.

 The third watch is over, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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