The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 2 Hero skills that have not been developed in depth

Chapter 2 Hero skills that have not been developed in depth

Xiaohui was chatting happily with Brother Zhuang and other students in the dormitory. When he saw Ding Feng squatting at the door, he walked over quickly with a smile, handed him the lunch box bag in his hand, and said: "Haha, you finally woke up. You haven't slept to death in the past three days. How is your body recovering?"

"Thank you, it's almost done." Ding Feng sincerely thanked him. During the few days of hospitalization and discharge, he took care of most of his meals.

"You are welcome, we are roommates!" Xiaohui patted him on the shoulder angrily, and said with a smile, "I went to the restaurant a little late this time, and the shredded potato scrambled eggs you like are sold out, so I'll help you pack them." I got a piece of fish, a sweet potato leaf, and a chicken leg, which is enough for you to have a full meal."

This meal will cost at least a dozen yuan, and Xiaohui's family is not considered rich, and the living expenses are only about 1000 yuan a month. In the past few days, he spent almost 200 yuan on him, which shows that he How nice it is to him.

"It's okay, as long as there is something to eat." He nodded and smiled, no longer being pretentious, and nodded slightly to Brother Zhuang, another roommate next to Xiaohui, as a greeting, and walked into the dormitory with the lunch box.

"The sun outside is quite strong these few days. Brother Feng, your eyes are not good, so don't go out yet, and cultivate in the dormitory for a few days." Looking at Ding Feng who was eating, Brother Zhuang asked with concern, and said Then went to the balcony.

"Yeah!" Ding Feng didn't look back, he responded with a smile, took a bite of the chicken leg, and said casually: "Banhua and Brother Yi are matching, I wonder if it's full?"

"With this matter, how can there be no masters like me in matchmaking? I'll ask." Xiaohui exclaimed after hearing this, and then rushed out of the dormitory.

"Baiyin's scum dares to call himself a master!" Brother Zhuang, who was smoking and blowing on the balcony, turned his head, only saw the back of a hurriedly going out, and couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

The familiar sound of LOL games and Xiaohui's conversation with classmates came from next door. Soon, Xiaohui returned to the dormitory, "It's a pity, it's a step late, they are full."

That being said, there was a smile on his face.

"Xiaohui, let's get two!" Throwing the extinguished cigarette butts into the trash basket, Brother Zhuang sat by his computer desk and reached out his hand to press the power button.

"Okay, I've got 59 win points, I won 3 win points, I hope to be promoted to silver 4 next week, you can't cheat me." Xiaohui laughed, he always maintained a very high enthusiasm for the top score, and said He walked quickly to his computer desk, and after turning on the computer, he picked up the water glass and took several sips of water.

"Which time didn't you trick me!" Brother Zhuang curled his lips.

"Caibi, this will stabilize you a little bit. Just make up your pawns and don't send them away. I'll carry them."

"You ADC, I want Juggernaut to play jungle."

"Okay, my adc is the adc, if you lose, you will be blamed."

"My Juggernaut will lose even if I come out? Are you kidding me? Let's see how I fight five in the mid-term."

"Blow, keep blowing!"

"... "

During the bickering between the two, the game entered the selection interface with a bang. At this time, Ding Feng had just finished his lunch. After throwing the lunch box into the trash can, he pulled a stool from the side, and in Xiaohui's Sitting on the right side behind him, he watched them play games with great interest.

His eyes are still a little sore now, and he can't stare at the computer for a long time at close range, and naturally he can't play games, but it doesn't matter if he looks at it from a distance.

Both Xiaohui and brother Zhuang are currently in the rank of silver 5, which is a lot higher than the original owner of his body, but to him, silver can only be said to be at an average level.

The election has begun.

"Ai Keke is really great: 4L order, if you don't give it, you can give it away." As soon as it entered the interface, a classic line immediately popped up on the chat window.

"Hua Duo Duo Duo Duo Duo: 3L is looking for a middle-level unit, and I promise not to cheat"

"Don't move my mother's chrysanthemum: 1L support, this is up to everyone"

"Where's the chrysanthemum: I'm 5L, 1L help me grab the Juggernaut, I'm here to drive everyone"

"I'll give away your youth: 5L Juggernaut is very powerful, 1L help him grab it, as long as you don't give it away, you can win it lying down"

"Don't move my mother's chrysanthemum: OK, please change the name of 5L, it hurts to see it"

"Where is the chrysanthemum: I'm not interested in my mother's chrysanthemum, if it hurts, you can change it yourself"

"... "

Looking at the content on the chat window, Ding Feng smiled lightly and shook his head without speaking.

The atmosphere among the teammates was fairly harmonious, and there was no conflict in position. This match seemed to be very enjoyable. Afterwards, Xiaohui's side defeated the three heroes of Ominous Blade, Doomsday, and Mumu successively. On the opposite side are stones, cards, and Master Yi, the Everlasting Swordsman.

"My shit, my god-level sword master has been banned." Seeing the hero who was finally defeated, Brother Zhuang couldn't help but swear, with a gloomy expression on his face, he just asked the first floor to help grab the sword master , and said that he could open the audience, but the Juggernaut was knocked down by the opponent in less than a moment, which is really depressing.

Looking at the head portrait of the Juggernaut, Ding Feng was full of nostalgia. It is still S4, the model of the Juggernaut has not been reset, and all the skills have not changed.

That is to say, the current Juggernaut is still the powerful Harvest hero. With the plateau blood in the ultimate move, every time you kill a person, you can refresh all skills, including the ultimate move, whether you are playing AD Juggernaut or AP Juggernaut, It is extremely deterrent. If it is well developed, it can completely lead the way alone. If the opponent comes to block one after another, there is no pressure to hit five.

Speaking of which, the League of Legends in this world is somewhat different from the world he was in before. This is mainly reflected in the version. In a certain version in the same time period, the heroes that should be weakened are not weakened, and the heroes that should not be weakened are weakened. Yes, there are some items that are also in the game ahead of time.

According to his guess, these differences are mostly caused by the differences in the e-sports systems and player groups of the two worlds, but the overall difference is not very big, and he can accept it.

But one thing is exactly the same, that is the order in which the heroes appear.

What makes Ding Feng even more interested is that many heroes' playstyles and skills have not been developed in depth, such as Raven's light speed QA, the blind man's R flash, and the prince's EQ flash, etc.

This surprised him very much. E-sports in this world has become a part of the Olympic Games, and it is a national sport. LOL, which plays the most important role in it, has billions of players around the world. No one has developed these things?

The original owner of this body has seen a few high-end Raven videos, but these Raven QAs are too slow in his opinion. Without canceling the back shake, it cannot be regarded as the real speed of light QA. A set of QA is the fastest It took a full three seconds, which is 1.7:01 different from his 30 seconds.

But this is just right, since no one has developed these skills, I will carry forward these skills.

He thought to himself.

He has been lying on the bed since he came to this world, and he hasn't had time to check the game information. All these comparisons are based on the knowledge of the game by the original owner of this body. I'm afraid the average diamond player can't match the things.

It's a pity that it's useless to have knowledge without the consciousness not keeping up with it. Moreover, he obviously doesn't have awesome operations, but he likes waves, so he still stays at bronze.

(End of this chapter)

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