The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 205 Crazy Chongquan, 5 kills!

Chapter 205 Crazy rushing to the spring, five kills!

The economy of five heads, one small dragon, and two defense towers almost allowed the Juggernaut to make Central Asia. Although it is a pity, the Juggernaut is already satisfied.

Added two synthetic middleware from Central Asia in Shuiquan, and then went out again!
The policewoman, Thresh, and Tanglang followed the Juggernaut, and Shen Ye, who had repaired his equipment, stopped leading the line and followed the footsteps of the four to the enemy's middle.

The five people from the purple side have been revived and pushed the middle pawn line over. The Juggernaut didn't activate the skill to clear the line along the way. This kind of trivial matter was handed over to the four teammates.

Soon, the group of five arrived outside the high ground in the enemy's middle road.

Seeing the Juggernaut among them, the three big crispy skins of ***, Kaka and Qinnv backed away like a mouse seeing a cat. Even the prince and the vagabond who had a little magic resistance did not dare to stay under the tower. Sheng's equipment at this time is simply not what their magic resistance can resist.

The five people from the purple side resolutely let go of the high ground in the middle. The three crispy skins wandered around looking for opportunities, but they never saw the prince start a group, so they went back to Shuiquan and hung up the phone. Waiting for the end of the game, seeing the three teammates no longer go out , the vagabond and the prince were also helpless, and went back to Shuiquan.

Soon, the highland crystal was pulled out, and the pawn line was pushed under the two front teeth. The four teammates did not pull out the front teeth, but went to the water spring to block them.

Abuse spring!

The Juggernaut slashed at the front tooth on the right with a basic attack of the curse blade. The terrifying damage caused the front tooth to lose nearly one-fifth of its HP in an instant, and it also made the audience gasp.

If this injury hits a person, what will be the result?
Seeing that his teammates were abusing the spring, the Juggernaut had no choice but to follow. In fact, he didn't intend to do such a dishonorable thing, but since his teammates have done this, there is not much more than him, and no one will say that he What, and abuse of the spring seems to be the most popular thing for the audience.

Of course, the premise is which side the abuser is on!
Just like the Korean audience at this moment, all of them are tense, and their faces are extremely ugly. They have always been the spring of their abuse, when will it be the turn of others to abuse themselves.

But when the situation has developed to this point, they have nothing to do. The abuse of the spring was not initiated by Mr. Lu, and they are not unreasonable people.

The Juggernaut's footsteps directly detonated the emotions of all the audience except South Korea. Everyone was so excited that they couldn't help themselves, their eyes were fixed on the big screen, waiting for the exciting moment to come.

The audience has never seen a hero who can get a pentakill in the case of Chongquan, but they believe that Mr. Lu, the sword master, is very likely to do it.

A new moment in the history of e-sports seems to be coming!

As the protagonist, Mr. Lu must be famous in history, and his teammates will follow suit. This may be the purpose of the teammates of Juggernaut.

When the Juggernaut took the pentakill before, they either died early or couldn't keep up with the Juggernaut's footsteps. The Juggernaut's pentakill had nothing to do with them.

But at this moment, they are all present, and they are all in the same shot. Once the Juggernaut Chongquan gets the pentakill, this exciting scene will definitely become the most clicked scene in the history of the League of Legends general forum, and it may be even after many years Yes, it is still at the top of the list.

Because, the AP Juggernaut is the scariest hero in the history of League of Legends. There is no one. The AP Juggernaut completely broke the balance purpose of the League of Legends. It is the biggest mistake of the League of Legends design team. I am afraid it will be revised soon. And There will be no similar heroes in the future.

If this moment is missed, it will never be there again!
The purple side also quickly discovered their purpose, and they refused to let them succeed. After all, once the sword master Chongquan gets the pentakill, the five blue side players will go down in e-sports history, and they will become their famous ones. The stepping stone has become the object of ridicule by countless e-sports players.

Therefore, as soon as they saw the Juggernaut coming, the five people from the purple side crowded into the innermost part of the water spring one after another, huddled together, just not giving them a chance to consume.

This scene naturally aroused the laughter of most of the audience. The Korean audience also had a dull face at this time, but they also knew that Li Ruihao's choice was correct.

The shame at this time will be exchanged for liberation in the future!
The purple side was too far behind, and the blue side couldn't touch it. After a short stalemate, a signal sounded, and it was Shen's call.

Seeing this, all the audience's eyes were fixed, knowing that the exciting moment was coming, and no one wanted to miss it. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the big screen.

Shen sounded the signal, leaving his teammates a short time to react, and then he didn't hesitate anymore, an E rushed towards the water spring, and then flashed.

Juggernaut, Policewoman, Thresh, and Mantis immediately follow!
Seeing this, the five people from the purple side woke up suddenly. They are now huddled together, and it is very likely that Shen will taunt the five of them, and the Juggernaut's harvest is too fast and direct.

Once being ridiculed, the result is instant pentakill!

At the moment Shen flashed, the prince also handed over the flash to the left, and ** also moved to the right in time, the two successfully avoided Shen's taunt, only the wanderer, the card and the piano girl did not flash And the short-legged one was ridiculed, and uncontrollably attacked Xiang Shen.

At the same time, the mantis leaped high and rushed towards the three being ridiculed. Thresh pulled the rug and staggered the prince. While masturbating the dick, he wanted to lower the blood volume of the dick as much as possible.

As the main force, the Juggernaut had activated his big move Q the moment Mantis jumped up:
The first Q shot locked on the piano girl, and scratched the card, the wanderer, and the prince. The full-blooded piano girl was directly killed by the Q skill, and even the basic attack with the passive lich did not need to be played, and the cards with a slightly higher level could not be used. There was only a layer of blood left, and the prince and the wanderer also lost nearly half of their blood.

The horrible injury detonated the excitement of all the audience!
Shen was killed by the water spring!

Shuiquan locked Thresh!

Juggernaut's skills are all reset!
The second Q shot locked on the gun, and within a very small range, the prince, the vagabond, and the card naturally couldn't avoid it, and the gun and the card died on the spot.

The prince and the vagabond, who had the blood back from the spring, only had less than a quarter of their blood left.

Thresh is dead!

All Juggernaut skills reset!
The last Q shot locked on the prince and hit the wanderer. The blood volume of the prince and the wanderer was emptied in an instant, and they fell to the ground in a burst.

Five kills!

After the previous wave of pentakills, another pentakill!

Two five kills in one round!

And the sound effect of the pentakill this time is more impassioned than the first pentakill. This is not an illusion, but a further sublimation of the game sound effect.

When the five kills were completed, the mantis and the policewoman still did not exit the water spring. It seemed that they wanted to attract firepower to ensure the survival of the Juggernaut. The last thing the Juggernaut locked was the prince in the water spring. , and may not be able to leave the spring safely.

It's a pity that Shuiquan's attack still targeted the Juggernaut, and the policewoman and mantis had no choice but to leave Shuiquan quickly.

If Juggernaut can survive, this wave will be more perfect!

 Another two shifts, and one shift owed to everyone. A total of six shifts are owed, and it will be made up on the 20th at the latest. Sorry!

  The two shifts are over, book friends go to bed early, good night, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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