The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 210 Training and Treatment of Professional Players

Chapter 210 Training and Treatment of Professional Players
After talking on the phone, he stretched his waist, sat up suddenly, put the phone on the coat, propped his hands back, leaned his body and looked up at the sky in the mirror.

After taking a short rest, he took his coat and mobile phone and walked out of the stadium gate, holding the railing outside the gate with one hand, looking towards the school road ahead.

Soon, she appeared.

As soon as he saw her, he smiled and shook his hand at her, then quickly walked up to her. As soon as the two met, she said angrily and coquettishly, "I knew you were awake, and you still dared to lie to me."

"Who made you so smart!" He sneered, looked around, and asked, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Not yet!" She laughed and shook her head, and said indifferently: "You should have breakfast in the stadium, just go in and eat something."

"Alright, I'll treat you to a big meal at noon." He nodded with a smile, and then led her to the stadium.

Walking into the stadium, looking at such a cold track, she looked at his profile in puzzlement, and asked, "Xiaofeng, why did you suddenly come out to run and exercise when it was so cold, instead of sleeping in the dormitory? I heard Xiaoxin say that you used to He's very nerdy, he's an otaku, he doesn't like sports very much."

"She told you all about it." He laughed.

"No, I just asked her." She blushed. Although Xiaoxin had mentioned many things about him to her, Xiaoxin didn't know him very well, so most of the things about him were She took the initiative to ask, even so, she didn't know much.

"Well, I thought she told you all about me." He smiled indifferently, looked forward, and explained: "Because I want to become a qualified professional player, if a professional player does not have a pair of A strong body cannot withstand high-intensity competitions and training."

"Ambition!" She laughed and praised him, and asked, "I heard that the players of those professional teams usually train for more than twelve hours a day. Is this true?"

After speaking, she suddenly realized that he hadn't entered the professional circle yet.

"Of course there are more than [-] hours, but those are not very talented players. They need to spend more time to not fall behind too much talented players, such as those with extremely high talents, such as Mo Qing. Chen, under normal circumstances, eight hours of training a day is enough."

"As for the rest of the time, it's either for game analysis, entertainment, or physical training. They can have more time to adjust the game and life, and achieve the effect of combining work and rest. A good mental state can even allow players to surpass level play..."

He smiled and explained, basically saying what he thought of, but he didn't deliberately organize his thoughts and words.

What he wants to express is very simple, he does not approve of long-term training, it is best not to exceed eight hours, because eight hours is the best working time.

Why do countries implement an eight-hour workday?This is not a random arrangement, but supported by scientific theories. Of course, this is also a legal regulation.

First the law:
According to Article 30 of the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China", the state implements a working hour system in which laborers work no more than eight hours a day and no more than 44 hours a week on average.

Of course, this law is not strictly mandatory or binding. It is like a statutory holiday. Some schools may not release the holiday that should be given, and they have not broken the law.

There is a saying that goes, 'eight hours of work, eight hours of recreation, and eight hours of sleep', which is probably the origin of the eight-hour work system.

If a person spends more than eight hours in a working or training environment for a long time, it will definitely cause a lot of mental and physical burden on the person in the long run, and will cause people to have bad emotions such as irritability and rage, and even cause some mental diseases. This is inevitable.

Man, not Superman!
Take professional players as an example, if they are in a high-intensity training state for a long time, not only will the training effect be poor, but they will also have emotions such as lack of self-confidence and dare not fight because of poor mental state, which will affect the performance and quality of the game. Judgment, this is the most deadly.

Therefore, the general first-class team will not set too long training time for the players, and even object to the players training too hard.

In order to more actively adjust the game and life time of players, team bases generally have billiard rooms, physical training rooms, game archives, stadiums and other facilities. Some top team bases also have swimming pools, shooting rooms, cinemas and other high-end facilities. facility.

It is worth mentioning that this shooting room is said to improve the players' ability to predict. It seems a bit ridiculous, but it is not completely useless.

In addition, some teams will also be equipped with top nutritionists, psychological adjusters and other personnel to take care of the daily life of team members and improve the psychological quality of team members...

Personnel such as top nutritionists and psychological adjusters are too expensive to hire, and only the top teams will be equipped, such as some wealthy teams in Europe and the United States, the two champions and runners-up teams in South Korea, and even the sixth-ranked Japanese team. RBZ, also equipped with…

No way, people are rich!

Some top e-sports academies also seem to have high salaries to hire such personnel, such as the two major e-sports academies in South Korea, the New York e-sports academies, and the Royal e-sports academies in London, UK. Enjoying the high treatment of star players.

This is also the reason why some folk masters are so eager to enter the top e-sports academy. The treatment and specifications are so high-end that people feel inferior.

Needless to say, these wealthy teams and e-sports academy, after all, to develop e-sports, high investment is a must, and the boss behind the scenes is not short of that money, but India’s unfinished New Delhi e-sports academy is actually equipped with a lot Similar personnel, this seems a little unreasonable.

You must know that even these top teams and e-sports academies had no plans to hire such personnel at the beginning of their establishment. They only hired such personnel after the results were determined. However, the e-sports academy in New Delhi, India, is still under construction. It's been planned before.

But when you think about it, top nutritionists and psychological adjusters were not hired at the beginning because of their usefulness and necessity to the team. It is indeed of great help to e-sports players.

No matter how precious this kind of personnel is, they are just a drop in the bucket for these rich people. As long as they can help the team even a little bit, it is worth investing in.

As for the domestic teams and e-sports academy, even the first team OQN and the first Shanghai e-sports academy, it is said that they do not have such personnel. I don’t know why, but recently there is news that the boss behind OQN seems to be preparing to join the team here. plans to invest.

(End of this chapter)

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