The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 212 Tranquility Manor, walk the red carpet hand in hand

Chapter 212 Tranquility Manor, walk the red carpet hand in hand
At night, the boys have already taken a shower and set off early, parties and dates, only those single dogs without girlfriends still stay in the dormitory to play games, such a day worth celebrating has no meaning for them, usually What to do and what to do.

Ding Feng left the dormitory after taking a shower, and walked slowly towards Qiyu University.

At this time, he was rarely nervous, but more excited and looking forward to it. He has not done what he is about to do tonight in his two lives.

Standing at the gate of Qiyu University, there are constantly laughing couples passing by his side. In this cold night, everyone's heart is warm.

Soon, she appeared.

He smiled gently and walked up quickly.

Tonight she seems to be a bit different from usual, her clothes have not changed, she is still wearing a white T-shirt with a pink dress, and a thick gray-black coat with a hood. The difference is that her smile is stronger, perhaps It must be influenced by the festive season!
She is full of smiles, bright and moving!

As soon as the two met, he looked her up and down casually, and said with a slight smile, "Qingxue, you are so beautiful today!"

She was taken aback, she didn't expect him to say such a thing to her when he came up.

This was the first time she heard him praise her for being beautiful!
To be praised by her sweetheart, her heart is as sweet as honey, she giggled, winked at him cutely, and said with a mischievous smile: "Really? Am I not usually pretty?"

"Beautiful, all beautiful!" He replied with a sneer, and began to have the problem of being stupid again.

Knowing that he was stupid, she didn't care, instead she smiled and said, "Xiaofeng, where are you going to take me later? It's Christmas Eve today, so I can't go to the same place as usual."

"That's for sure. I've been ready for a long time. I'll take you somewhere." He smiled and touched her shoulder. She smiled knowingly and walked out of the school gate with him.

The crowds inside and outside the campus tonight were full of laughter and laughter. Affected by this atmosphere, the mood of the two became lighter.

He took her, slowly shuttled through the crowd, and headed outside.

The flow of people gradually decreased, and the two appeared on the other side of the busy street. Even on such a festive day, the popularity of this deserted off-campus street has not improved.

Although she didn't know where he was taking her, she didn't ask too much, and walked beside him as usual, talking to him about some topics she usually liked to talk about.

Under the dim street lights, the night wind was strong and sometimes weak, blowing on the two cheerful figures walking side by side, refreshing and comfortable, not particularly cold.

About 10 minutes or so, the two appeared in a certain community deep in Guomao Commercial Avenue, and then walked inside, turning several turns.

"Is it here?" Seeing him stop, she tilted her head and glanced at him, then followed his gaze and looked at the quiet place in front of her. There is such a quiet place, it is like a paradise.

The high wall is covered with green plants, bursts of cheers come from the other side of the wall, the front gate is brightly lit, and people are constantly laughing and coming in and out, through the high wall you can see The top of a tall building looks very impressive.

This is exactly the ideal date place for her!
"Yeah, isn't it good here?" He smiled with satisfaction. In order to give her a happy birthday, he ran for several days and almost visited the quiet places near the university town. Chose the location here and booked a room in advance.

"Well, I like it very much. How did you know about this place? It doesn't seem to be very famous here!" She smiled gently, and the cold evening wind made her move closer to him.

"I found it!" He smiled triumphantly, and then pulled her towards the door.

Stepping into the gate, the field of vision becomes more open. What comes into view is a large open space. There are many banquets on the left and right sides. At this time, the seats are full of people, toasting and laughing happily. It is very lively. On the avenue are the hurried figures of the waiters who are busy walking around.

Going up along the central avenue are two long steps, covered with red carpets, continuing to the end of the line of sight, in front of the luxurious mansion.

On the whole, it feels like a manor.

This is indeed a manor!
She followed him and walked straight forward, her eyes curiously looking around the brightly lit surroundings. After walking for a short distance, he stopped, and she also stopped.

When she turned her head, there was a patch of red under her feet, which was the red carpet. He said with great interest, "Have you heard of red carpet stars? This is the treatment that only stars can enjoy."

"Red carpet star? Do you mean those actresses who became famous by walking on the red carpet?" She smiled sweetly. "Red carpet star" was a brand new word for her, but she understood the meaning of this word just by thinking about it Yes, it's just not completely sure, but it should mean this.

"You're so smart!" His compliment made her feel sweet again. He stretched out his hand to adjust his clothes a little bit, and she imitated his movements.

Her jerky movements and eagerness made him feel amused, and the hand that was in contact with her body made a hand. She looked at him puzzled, but he smiled a lot, but he didn't mean to explain, and moved again. After a while, she thought for a while, then reached out and took his arm.

She blushed, looked at him carefully, and asked softly, "Is that so?"

"Yeah!" He nodded amusedly.

"Oh!" She responded, feeling that the distance was a bit inappropriate, and moved closer to him, with his arm close to his body, he stretched out his other hand and patted her arm twice, then held her wrist .

Her eyes were shy, but she looked eager to try. He no longer hesitated, and led her slowly along the center of the red carpet.

This scene attracted the attention of the men and women who were dining around.

In this regard, the two people who entered the state did not notice.

Although it was the first time she walked the red carpet, she didn't know how to walk the red carpet to be the most beautiful, and she didn't know what to pay attention to, but she still took out the steps that she usually thought were the most elegant, and coordinated with his every movement, step by step towards him. Walk forward, every step is meticulous.

Her hard work won the admiration of those around her.

At this time, she looked like a happy and sweet little girl, as if she was not walking an ordinary red carpet, but walking into the palace of marriage hand in hand with him.

And this is also her biggest goal in life.

She yearns for it!

(End of this chapter)

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