The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 22 Playing in the silver game? 【Part 4】

Chapter 22 Playing in the silver game? [fourth more]

"Liang Fat, what are you talking about? How could Brother Feng lose when he appeared on the stage?"

"That's right, have some confidence in Brother Feng, okay?"

"Brother Feng, don't listen to Liangzi, you must hang and beat the management and tease him."

"... "

The big fat brother’s words immediately aroused dissatisfaction and ridicule from the students, the fat brother didn’t care, he just kept smirking, Ding Feng sat down at Liangzi’s computer desk, and got used to his mouse and keyboard briefly, and then Looking back at the anxious classmates, he said with a smile: "I will be under a lot of pressure if you do this."

"Brother Feng, you can just treat us like air, everyone be quiet, don't affect our brother Feng's magical operation."

"What kind of air, as long as you win, you can treat me like a fart."

"It stinks, let's stay away from farts!"

"you wanna die!"

"... "

"Quiet, don't talk!"

The students made innocuous jokes, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Ding Feng smiled, moved his knuckles, and then logged into the game.

"Brother Feng, come in quickly, the teasers from the Department of Economics and Management can't wait." Brother Yi's shout was transmitted across five dormitories, which shows how powerful his voice is.

"Brother Feng has changed his ID, and his name is 'Mr. Lu', brother Yi, hurry up!" Ding Feng didn't need to respond personally, the students behind him shouted at the top of their voices when they saw his ID.

Afterwards, Ding Feng received the invitation from Brother Yi, he directly clicked to accept, and entered the team box. With his entry, he filled the last vacancy, and all the personnel arrived.

Once the screen turns, enter the selection interface.

"Is there anyone from the school team on the opposite side?" The two sides began to fight each other. Ding Feng glanced at the other party's ID, took off his earphones and turned around to ask everyone behind him.

"Hey, there are too many masters in the Department of Economics and Management, even if we don't have the school team, they can still abuse us."

"Those teasers are really amazing!"

"... "

The students all sighed, but they were all unnutritious words. Only the big fat man Liangzi looked over his head and said, "There is only one person from the school team, and his position seems to be the mid laner."

"Yeah!" Ding Feng didn't care, and put on the earphones. At this time, Brother Yi's words came from the team's voice, "Brother Feng, what position do you want to play?"

"I don't care, it's better not to be an assistant." Ding Feng responded.

"Okay, the other positions have been allocated, then you can play mid laner, and I will play the jungle." Jungle is a rhythmic position, and Yi Ge is worried about other people playing. Yi Ge has always played by himself, and Most of Ding Feng's [-] consecutive victories have been played in the mid laner, and giving him a mid laner is also reassuring.

"Ding Feng, you just need to be steady in the middle." A girl came, who seemed very worried about him. Ding Feng smiled and nodded, knowing that it was Ban Hua's voice. Ban Hua is not only beautiful, but also very good at playing games. Well, besides Brother Yi, she is the highest rank in the class, as high as Platinum Four.

Soon, the two sides finished fighting, and the one who defeated was the dryad, the unknown, and the enchantress. Among them, the enchantress must be pulled. If the enchantress is released, the mid laner of the opposing school team only needs to get this hero. It's really scary to walk around, and if it's not good, you might be taken by him in all three directions.

On the opposite side, Mumu, Shitou, and Galen were knocked out. Mumu and Shitou were knocked out, and even Galen was knocked out. He was suspected of being beaten as an entertainment bureau, but there is no way to do it. There, it would be strange if people are willing to fight you seriously!

Next up is the selection...

Banhua sacrificed her favorite and best Picheng female policewoman. The support is the current version of the support first sister and female tank. The jungler Yi Ge directly beat the blind man. When it was Ding Feng's turn to choose, he directly chose the Clockwork Demon.

"Why did you choose a clockwork?" In the team voice, Brother Yi asked in amazement. Ding Feng has never used a clockwork as a hero in his [-] consecutive victories, and very few people use a clockwork. , Ranking, or domestic competitions, he seldom plays, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an unpopular hero.

He shouldn't be playing this friendly match as a silver game, right?Brother Yi thinks this way, but he can't help but think otherwise, after all, the hero clockwork is not easy to play.

"I'm pretty good at clockwork, don't worry." Ding Feng replied, but he was secretly laughing inwardly. Naturally, he has his reasons for playing clockwork as a hero, and other people will be surprised and speechless later.

"That's okay, you can grow in the middle lane, I will gank in the early stage." Since he said so, Brother Yi didn't take it to heart, it was just a friendly match anyway.


Although the others were not optimistic about Ding Feng, they had all been selected, and it was useless to say more.

With the determination of Ding Feng on the fifth floor, the lineups of both sides came out. One side has a dragon girl in the top lane, a blind jungler, a clockwork in the middle lane, a policewoman and a female tank in the bottom lane, and a troll in the top lane and a prince in the jungle on the opposite side. , mid laner robbery, and bot lane male gun and bull head, both sides are ready.

"Brother Feng vs. Colonel's mid laner, interesting!"

"Brother Feng, don't pretend to be a primary school student in Baiyin. Think about it, you got fifteen heads in 10 minutes of playing Baiyin. What about the diamond on the other side? Diamond is also a human being."

"Yes, you can't lose your momentum even if you lose!"

"Xiao He, can you say something nice!"

"... "

Seeing that Brother Feng chose a mid laner to play against the main players of the school team, the students onlookers were very excited, and at the same time they were more curious. If you can get fifteen heads in 10 minutes, it won't be too bad!
Just a moment later, the game begins.

"Go to the opposite wild area." As soon as he entered the game, Brother Yi arranged the first battle plan in the voice, but as soon as he said this, he found that the clockwork went out directly. Brother Yi was startled, thinking that he didn't have any equipment After buying it, I went out, called up the battle information window to make sure, and found that the clockwork had indeed bought the equipment.

I bought this equipment too fast, right?Brother Yi sighed secretly, and couldn't help but have more confidence in him.

The others followed one after another. As the blue side, the first-level regiments usually take place in the wild area of ​​the lower road. The four of them followed the clockwork and drove towards the wild area. They stopped at the triangular grass in the lower road, and the opposite bull's head appeared in the field of vision In the middle, he danced and laughed at the position of the triangle grass.

"Has it been discovered?"

"How could it be, brother Feng went out fast enough, it should be just a coincidence."

"It may also be that our routine has been figured out by the opponent."

"You're stupid, this time it's Brother Feng who took the lead this time, it's impossible for the opposite side to know that we will appear here, it must be a random guess, and the opposite side is assisting the sb of Niutou..."

"... "

Staring at the arrogant bull head, the people behind Ding Feng began to whisper, not daring to speak too loudly, for fear of affecting Ding Feng's performance and communication with his teammates.

(End of this chapter)

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