The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 232 The Height of 'God'

Chapter 232 The Height of 'God'
After a fierce fight, the girl with not much blood volume died first, and even handed over the flash, and as soon as the girl died, Bron and the prince, who had not moved, were also beaten back by the male gun and Annie. Chasing all the way, both the prince and Bron were maimed, but fortunately they survived.

Hearing the sound of the first blood, the upper and middle two were surprised that the one who died was actually their own brother, Yasuo Qi said: "Well, how come three hits and two will suffer a lot instead."

"I made a mistake this time, and I didn't reach Annie." The assistant Bron voluntarily admitted his mistake with a smile.

"Don't blame me for everything, you will die if you give it to me!" The captain laughed and cursed angrily.

Speaking of mistakes, the biggest mistake in this wave was his prince, who got out of the bushes, and was actually dodged by Anne at such a close distance, which is unbelievable now that he thinks about it.

"Stop arguing, it's because Annie is too strong, well, he dodged such a sudden and fast EQ second company, you can believe it." The female team member gave them a blank look, but she was thinking In Anne's wonderful moment just now, there was a sparkle in her eyes.

Annie's gorgeous extreme turn, actually dodged two fatal control skills, this scene was deeply engraved in her mind.

This reaction speed is indeed a bit scary.

"Is it really that strong?" Yasuo muttered something, with a dubious look, but he didn't ask further, and continued to beat the enemy's cards.

The head of the next wave was taken by Annie, and Qingxue said mischievously to him, "This head is given to you, are you happy? Are you happy?"

"Happy!" He smiled and nodded seriously.

Ding Haoran couldn't help shaking his head amusedly when he saw the two people making fun of each other easily, Zhou Peng and Feng Qiang were also in a much brighter mood, and gave a rare smile.

From meeting Ding Feng to now, from the series of jokes he had with Qingxue, the three boys were surprised to find that this Ding Feng was not only too powerful to talk about, but he was also very easy-going. Any ostentatious words always have a calm expression.

It gives people the feeling that he is an eminent monk who is neither happy nor sad!

He always exudes a full of affinity and positive energy. Whether you pay attention to him or not, he can always subtly conquer the hearts of people around him.

This is a friend worth keeping!
Ding Haoran thought so, and Zhou Peng and Feng Qiang thought so too at the moment. As for Ye Qingxue, she was overwhelmed by his behavior a long time ago, and she has become his partner.

This is also a great achievement of Ding Feng's life in two lives. As a person who has really experienced death, there are not many things in this world that can move his heart. In addition, the perfect fusion with the original Ding Feng's soul has endowed him with a life far beyond the ordinary. Human will and ability are beyond ordinary people on the spiritual level.

This "ordinary person" is not that "ordinary person". Compared with human beings, his strength cannot be described, and he may be able to rise to the height of a "god".

On the way down, Annie and Nanqiang didn't go back, controlling the pawn line tightly, and when the police rushed to the line, they could only watch the male gun make up the knife from afar.

There was no way, Annie, who was one level higher than him, stood in front of him and blocked his way. She couldn't even get the experience of the soldier line, and she was so miserable.

He didn't dare to go up to make up the knife until Bron arrived.

At this point in time, no matter how powerful Annie's operations are, it is impossible for one person to push two people out of the experience zone, and it will be very difficult.

However, if it's just consumption, of course it's fine, no, just after the two returned to the line, Annie immediately launched a new round of destruction on the ***.

This time *** went out with a lot of blood medicine, but if it keeps being consumed like this, these blood bottles will not be enough at all. After a short while, *** had to let go of it to save some medical expenses Some touch-ups were within reach, and blood dripped out of distress.

The economy is not much in the first place, and you have to buy red medicine to live, and you have to give up some supplementary knife. How can people live these days, and the female team members are very annoyed.

Now she is too embarrassed to call the captain to come to support. In the last wave, when the equipment and level were the same, they were all exchanged for one. This wave is even more difficult to fight when the level is behind. It would even ruin her rare development opportunity.

But at this moment, good news came from the middle lane. The card was gank by the prince, and Yasuo successfully killed the card with Yasuo, and Yasuo took the head.

The advantage of the middle lane has been established.

This is not over yet, Shen who was on the road was somehow killed by the stone alone, and fortunately Mengmai noticed the defeat in the top lane and rushed to the road in time to take away the remaining blood of the stone, which saved some disadvantages. Otherwise, if the stone does not die, it will be more difficult for Shen to hit next.

A kill may be nothing, just a few hundred dollars of economic advantage, but what if the experience and economy of the soldiers are added?If it is combined with a little pawn line skill, Shen, who teleports back to the line, will not be able to control the pawn line in a strong position, and will have to face the threat of the stone man.

And all these disadvantages were resolved by Nightmare.

"This stone should have been replaced with a rune. I didn't feel much when I hit him, but it hurt a little bit when I was hit by him." Ding Haoran smiled embarrassedly. He discovered this from the beginning of the game. It is very difficult to bite the bullet and line up with the stone.

The team's advantage is not that big, although the bottom lane advantage is still so great, but he doesn't want to rely on the bottom lane to open Rui, at least he can't cheat his teammates.

And this one seems to be really tricked!

"It doesn't matter, the lane Shen and the Golem are similar, they are all consumed by Q, and they all deal magic damage. You have a shield and some magic resistance is enough." Ding Feng smiled casually and comforted him, After finishing speaking, he ignored him, and at this time, Xialu also reached a critical moment.

Almost level six!

Although *** and Bron said that the rhythm had been disrupted by Annie, they did not forget to always pay attention to the levels of Annie and the male gun. Seeing that it had been a while since the fifth level of the two of them, they did not dare to be greedy anymore, so they quickly retreated, Annie He was not in a hurry, and directly pushed the two of them out of the experience zone.

"These two are a little cautious, but unfortunately we don't know the exact time when we will reach the sixth grade." Qingxue giggled. In fact, she and Annie are still a short time away from the sixth grade, and it is not as fast as the other party imagined, but this cannot Blame the other party, it is indeed difficult for them to judge.

One dies, one returns to the city. Without one's own experience as the basis for judgment, it is normal to misjudge the enemy's experience.

"Well, it's nothing, they haven't received professional training in this area." He smiled and nodded lightly. This is also a relatively high-end game content, which is nothing to professional players who have undergone strict training. players will not work.

In short, it is not professional enough.

PS: It’s September, and I’ll also show my head to brush up my sense of existence. Here I wish my lovely book friends happy, happy and healthy, and all the best for a long time!

All right, book friends, rest early, good night, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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