The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 236 The background and strength of foreign aid

Chapter 236 The background and strength of foreign aid
"Brother Ming, let's make a deal!"

"You're welcome. The foreign aid your class hired is very strong. I heard that he is from Jiangling Technology. Why didn't I know that Jiangling Technology has such a powerful person?"

"Mr. Lu is not awesome?"

"You are not talking nonsense, who dares to say that Mr. Lu is not awesome, so I beat him to death."

"Brother Qiang, wouldn't this foreign aid be Mr. Lu?"

"Uh, I don't know that either."

"... "

In the cubicle where Class Three was located, Feng Qiang and others started laughing and talking with the members of Class Three as soon as they met. It seemed that they usually had a pretty good relationship.

Brother Ming is the captain of class three.

When the boys were chatting, they would glance at the boy who was chatting and laughing with Qingxue from time to time. There was no need for a group of boys to introduce him. This boy was a foreign aid.

Seeing Qingxue being so intimate with this boy, the boys' eyes became complicated. Judging from Qingxue's voice and smile at this moment, Qingxue seemed to like the boy next to her very much. This boy is not a couple yet, and it looks like they are going to be soon.

They are eager to know whether Qingxue has established a relationship with this boy, maybe the boys in Class [-] will know, but unfortunately Qingxue and this foreign aid are right next to them, and they are too embarrassed to ask directly, so they are always hesitant to speak. The look of stopping, want to ask but dare not ask.

Feng Qiang saw it, but didn't point it out.

In fact, it's not just the boys in class three, Feng Qiang and Zhou Peng are also reluctant to see Qingxue and Ding Feng together, and so are the boys who looked around.

After a short stay, Ding Feng led Qingxue out of the computer room under the complex gazes of everyone, still talking and laughing along the way.


"It's been more than 40 minutes. It's almost time to finish playing?"

"I think so. Of course, it depends on whether the foreign aid is strong or not. Generally speaking, they would have lost by now. If they have some strength, they can carry it until now."

"Do you think our class can win?"

"I've said it all, it depends on the strength of the foreign aid, and although Qingxue can beat gold, but at most it is at the level of Platinum III, and is considered the weakest in both teams. Even if the foreign aid has the strength of diamonds, it is very It's hard to move, but there are two diamond masters in the third class."

"Since when did Diamond become a god? Why didn't I know!"

"So this time we lose more and win less. Hey, I want to watch more games in our class. It would be embarrassing if we lose now."

"Our class is the weakest in the majors. If we lose, we lose. What's more, we are facing the third class in the top three majors. It is impossible to win."

"Xiaohua, why don't you say anything? By the way, you invited this foreign aid. If you lose too badly, you will be blamed." A girl saw Xiaohua and Xiaoxin, who had the most say, sitting on the sidelines without speaking. , couldn't help pushing Xiaohua, and glanced at Xiaoxin.

"Losing? Hehehehe!" Liu Xiaohua seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world, with an unbelievable look, and the ghostly screams attracted the students from other classes around, and they all looked at her suspiciously. , I don't know what kind of nerves she is having.

Feeling the gazes from all around, the girl who asked the question blushed, patted her on the shoulder angrily, and scolded with a smile, "What are you laughing at?"

Liu Xiaohua stopped screaming, and said seriously: "I'm not talking big, the foreign aid we invited has a lot of background, and I won't lose this one."

"A lot of background? Could it be Mr. Lu?"

"Hehe, do you think it's possible? A great master like Mr. Lu doesn't have time to participate in this kind of small competition held by our school. How can he kill a chicken with a sledgehammer!"

"I also think it is impossible, but the reason is not what you said. No matter how powerful Mr. Lu is, he is still a student. I am afraid that Mr. Lu will not be able to refuse a beauty like us Qingxue."

"Maybe it's really possible!"

"Thinking too much, Mr. Lu really wants to participate in our school's 'LOL Week' competition, why is there no news from Jiangling Technology?"

"You are stupid, Mr. Lu has always kept a low profile! How could such a thing be publicized?"

"Would you like me to analyze it for you?"

"Oh, our analysis emperor is about to start the analysis, let's talk quickly."

"Say it!"

"My judgment is this. Since Xiaohua has so much confidence in this foreign aid, and she is a student of Jiangling Technology, in my estimation, even if the captain of Jiangling Technology's school team comes, she can't guarantee that she will win the third round." Class, and Jiangling Technology hasn’t reported any newcomers with great skills recently.”

"Then, the result is obvious. I can almost conclude that this foreign aid is Mr. Lu. That's right. In Jiangling Technology, only Mr. Lu has such strength."

"One more thing, do you think Qingxue, who is not even liked by Captain Liu Ming, will get along with an ordinary boy? Of course, I'm not saying that Qingxue is snobby, I just think that Qingxue can make Qingxue There must be something special about the boy you like."

"Obviously, Mr. Lu has met almost all the conditions." After the girl known as the "Emperor of Analysis" finished speaking, she looked at Xiaohua confidently, and smiled gently: "Xiaohua, I'm right, right?" ?”

Xiaohua felt a little guilty after being stared at, and glanced at Xiaoxin, seeing that she just smiled and said nothing, she turned her head and smiled mysteriously at the analysis emperor: "Secret, I can't tell you yet."

"Xiaohua, you are so hateful!" The Analytical Emperor angrily patted her on the shoulder.

"Xiaohua, you can't tell me who you are, but you should be able to talk about her position." Xi Yi, the girl who was asking the question before, asked, Xiaohua's mysterious appearance, coupled with the analysis of the emperor's judgment, made her curious to death , even if you don't know the background, it's always good to know the rank.

"That's right, tell me!"

"You're trying to piss us off, so hurry up and say it!"

"Why is Xiaohua so naughty!"

"... "

Unable to bear the pushes and grievances from the female classmates, Xiaohua cleared her throat and said amusedly, "If I say that he is the king of the national uniform, would you believe me?"

"Is that true or not?" the questioning girl said impatiently.

"You're so stupid, of course, otherwise, why would I have such confidence in him? He is the king of the national uniform. Have you ever seen the king of the national uniform? This is the real god." Liu Xiaohua affirmed with a proud face , but I was saying another sentence in my heart: What is the king of the national uniform!
"Wow, you are really the king of the national uniform!"

"When did Jiangling Technology produce a king of national uniforms? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Needless to say, it's naturally Mr. Lu."

"real or fake!"

"I really want to tear up Xiaohua, and never tell us the origin of this foreign aid, so angry!"

"Well, the level of diamonds and kings is indeed too far apart, and only the kings of the national uniform have the strength to hang diamonds, just as I thought."

As soon as the analysis emperor finished speaking, a girl exclaimed, "Qingxue has come out!"

The girls heard the reputation and looked around, only to see two figures walking side by side at the door of the computer room, chatting and laughing as if no one else was there, it was Ding Feng and Ye Qingxue.

Seeing these two people, the girls laughed and walked up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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