Chapter 239 Confirmation
As soon as this reply was sent out, it immediately caught the attention of the Jiangling students who were discussing it. The students rushed to reply under this reply:

"Are you sure it's Mr. Lu?"

"I said big sister, when did you hug Mr. Lu? Don't mess around. If Mr. Lu and Goddess Qingxue break up because of this, I can't spare you."

"Is it really Mr. Lu?"

"You're not lying, are you?!"

"... "

The publisher who was editing the question saw that someone asked the question he wanted to ask, so he had no choice but to give up and eagerly waited for the girl's answer.

Soon, the girl replied:

"Why lie to you, he is really Mr. Lu, I have had close contact with him, and I am 100% sure that he is Mr. Lu." This is the reply to the first floor.

"Oh, what you said is a bit serious. I'm not the only one who hugged Mr. Lu. Also, I admire Qingxue very much. I don't mean to break them up. And I believe that Qingxue will not leave Mr. Lu just because of this." Yes, if you think too much, I will only bless them." Reply to the second floor.

"... "

After getting the answer, the poster quickly took a screenshot, and then turned to the post published in the Qiyu University forum. At this time, the number of replies to this post was close to tens of thousands.

Randomly glanced at the number of replies to the post, and posted a reply at the bottom of the first floor: "After confirmation, the real boy is Mr. Lu, there are pictures and the truth!"

Below this passage, a screenshot obtained from the Jiangling Science and Technology Forum is attached.

"I'll go, it's really Mr. Lu!"

"Haha, Mr. Lu is here to play with us at Qiyu. This time the championship will probably go to the E-Commerce Class [-]. This time, Qingxue has a fat rhythm."

"I'm looking forward to it, hurry up to Wednesday, I want to watch Mr. Lu play a game."

"Congratulations to Mr. Lu and Qingxue for finally getting married as lovers. Best wishes, but then again, how Qingxue and Mr. Lu met must be a good story."


"Blessings to Mr. Lu and Qingxue, our school belle of Qiyu University has finally found a home. I hope they can go on forever and grow old forever."


"+1, Mr. Lu and Qingxue are a good match, don't say much, I will send my best wishes first, and who knows how Mr. Lu and Qingxue got together, please let me know!"

"+1, I want to know too, it must be beautiful."

"Probably only Qingxue's roommates know about it. I asked the girls in Class [-] of E-Commerce just now, but they don't know about Qingxue. They are secretive."

"... "

When the poster refreshed the post again, the number of replies on the first floor had reached hundreds, which made the poster very happy. He just seized an opportunity and got so many replies. The forum account did not know how to increase With how much experience, the account level should be very high.

Now that it has been confirmed, with Mr. Lu's domestic reputation, he will definitely attract countless users. All he has to do now is to read the posts and wait for the harvest time.

About an hour later, the topic of Qingxue's boyfriend being Mr. Lu spread throughout Qiyu University and Jiangling Technology, and other universities also knew the news.


Outside a computer room in the e-sports plaza of Qiyu University, Xiaohua, Xiaoxin and other girls from the e-commerce class were also looking at this post and communicating with each other with great interest.

"Phew, I said it's no wonder the squad leader and Xiaohua didn't want to tell us that this foreign aid is Mr. Lu. If it's Mr. Lu, it's really worth keeping a close eye on."

"That is, if we spread the news, the whole school will know about Mr. Lu's participation in the school competition, and it will cause a lot of trouble for Mr. Lu. I heard that Mr. Lu is very low-key, and he probably won't I want to see the scene of being besieged by people, but fortunately."

"Unfortunately, I still can't hide it from those who are interested. Now everyone in the school probably knows about Mr. Lu, and they may be blocked at the school gate by then."

"Oh, I actually missed the chance to get in touch with Mr. Lu, and I looked at him a little bit badly just now. I must have left a bad impression on Mr. Lu. What should I do? I am a die-hard fan of Mr. Lu! "

"Woohoo, you're okay. At first I said that I didn't trust Mr. Lu. I hope Mr. Lu didn't hear it, otherwise I won't have the face to see him."

"Hehe, you take yourself too seriously. Mr. Lu has Qingxue, so I'm afraid I won't pay attention to you. Even if I pay attention, I probably won't take it to heart."

"Well, I don't know what Mr. Lu is like!"

"... "

"Do you want to tell Qingxue the news?" Girl A suddenly asked Xiaoxin with a laugh, and the chattering girls also looked at Xiaoxin with hope.

"Xiao Yan, what do you think?" Li Xiaoxin smiled slightly, and turned to look at the girl next to her.

This girl is the analyst king of their class.

"It depends on what situation you want to see!" The analysis emperor thought for a while, and explained with a smile: "First of all, if Qingxue is not told, Qingxue may not know about it, then she will still wait at the school gate Mr. Lu, when the time comes, he will definitely be surrounded by Mr. Lu's fans. If fans ask about it collectively, Mr. Lu will have to confess his relationship with Qingxue. Thinking about the spectacular scene, people look forward to it."

The girls nodded.

"On the contrary, if you tell Qingxue that Qingxue should be a girl who is prone to blushing and shy emotionally, if Qingxue knows about this, she will definitely think of many things, and maybe she will change the place where she meets Mr. Lu, Then maybe nothing will happen.”

"So, just figure it out!"

After finishing speaking, the Analytical Emperor smiled mischievously.

"The analysis is good!" Li Xiaoxin nodded with a smile, looked at the other girls, and said, "I can't stop your mouths, come on, let's vote."

"If you agree not to tell Qingxue, please raise your hand!"

As soon as Li Xiaoxin finished speaking, the girls all raised their hands unanimously, with expectations written all over their faces.

"You really are, isn't this pushing Qingxue into the fire pit!" Li Xiaoxin smiled helplessly, looked at Xiaohua, and said, "Okay, then I won't tell Qingxue."

"Yeah!" The girls were very happy, and the cheers attracted the attention of the boys next to them, and then the boys turned their heads to continue the discussion.

"It's really surprising, Ding Feng turned out to be Mr. Lu, no wonder he is so picky."

"Well, you are so lucky. It's an honor to be teammates with Mr. Lu. You don't have to be afraid of losing. This champion is already in our class."

"Of course, Mr. Lu can win ten consecutive victories in the Asia Kings group, and the national server Diamond group is not an opponent at all, and we are not overwhelmed. We are sure to win, hehe!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect to have a championship meal at the end of the deadline!"

"By the way, how did Qingxue know Mr. Lu? Who of you know?"

"I don't know, the squad leader and Xiaohua never mentioned Qingxue's matter to us, and Qingxue will definitely not talk about it."

"I do know a little bit about this. Qingxue seems to have been going out frequently a month ago just to meet Mr. Lu. I don't know how they met. I guess the girls in our class don't know either."

"It's so mysterious!"

(End of this chapter)

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