The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 241 Surrounded by Fans

Chapter 241 Surrounded by Fans

Afternoon classes at the university start at two o'clock, so many activities and trips follow this standard, and 'LOL Week' is no exception.

It was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Qingxue appeared at the gate of Qiyu University as scheduled, waiting for the figure that made her think about it day and night, her face was full of anticipation.

Her eyes were fixed on the iron gate of Jiangling Technology opposite, and her whole heart was thrown on the iron gate, but she still noticed that something was wrong around her.

Usually she waits here, there will be many boys standing in every corner peeping and watching, she doesn't care, but now, the number of people paying attention to her seems to have suddenly increased, there are boys and girls, and every one who comes in and out, People who see her will always stop unconsciously.

Not far away, students were walking over, but they didn't enter the school gate immediately, surrounded by...

A group of girls passed by her laughing and laughing, and she could feel that they were looking at her secretly, even if it was very short, and then the group of girls stopped not far away, laughing and chatting, looking at her from time to time, what they were talking about It seems to be related to her...

Inside the school gate, many boys and girls were standing on the lawn, talking and laughing at her...

All this seems a little weird!

what happened?

She glanced at the surroundings casually, and it was fine if they came from Jiangling Technology, but it was very unusual for students from Qiyu University to come here specially from the campus.

Could it be that the fact that Xiaofeng is Mr. Lu has been known by all the students?

Although she was puzzled, she was almost sure of this, and this was the only possibility. Otherwise, with her charm, she would not be able to attract students from the two schools to watch.

Thinking of this, she frowned, her face full of worry.

Fan siege incidents are not uncommon in China. Although they did not cause too much confusion, they were all based on the premise of being protected by escorts and security personnel.

But now, this layer of protection can be completely ruled out.

What she was most worried about was that if there was chaos in the scene, he would still have to protect himself. At that time, any unexpected situation might happen.

Even some crazy fans may make some unwise moves, which seems impossible, but she has to do the most comprehensive consideration for him.

She glanced at the security room on the side. There seemed to be more security guards than usual, and they were also paying attention to her side, which made her feel a little relieved.

This security guard might not be of much use, but it was more than enough to protect her and him.

"This girl is so beautiful, she is like a fairy descended from the earth. Could she be Mr. Lu's rumored girlfriend, Ye Qingxue?"

"Yeah, much prettier than in the photo."

"What is a gossip girlfriend? Don't use the word 'gossip' to tarnish my goddess Qingxue. Only she is worthy of my idol, Mr. Lu."

"That's right, I don't even know how to use words!"

"Wow, she has such a temperament. No wonder even my sisters are fascinated by her. Both men and women kill each other. There seems to be no trace of makeup on Qingxue's face."

"It's called natural beauty, understand?"

"Hee hee, Mr. Lu will appear soon, so I'm looking forward to it!"

"Yeah, it's best to get Mr. Lu's autograph. I've already prepared the autograph book."

"Me too!"

"By the way, how much do you think Mr. Lu's signature can sell for?"

"While going, Mr. Lu's signature can't be measured by money. If I get it, I will show it off to my sisters and find a place to treasure it."

"That is!"

"Let me tell you, if you can find a good buyer, Mr. Lu's signature can be sold for at least 100 million yuan, and even ordinary buyers will not bid less than [-] yuan, but I can warn you, if the bid is less than One hundred thousand must not be shot, this is disrespectful to Mr. Lu."

"Hmph, I won't sell it for [-], no matter how poor I am!"

"That's enough, you guys, use less money to measure Mr. Lu. If Mr. Lu finds out, it will be so disappointing."

"that is…"

Listening to the vague conversations around her, among which were many of her name and 'Mr. Lu', she could already conclude that these onlookers were coming for Xiaofeng.

She is even more worried!

She took a deep breath and quickly thought about the countermeasures in her mind, but before she could think too much, her pupils shrank suddenly, and he appeared at this moment.

Even if he had concealed it, she could recognize him at first sight.

She stared at him closely, but didn't know what to do.

At the side entrance of Jiangling Science and Technology, Ding Feng stepped through the iron gate with leisurely steps, his eyes under the glasses would look around from time to time, and his brows were slightly frowned.

On the way down from the dormitory, he could feel that the students around him seemed to be looking for something, and their scrutinizing eyes would fall on him from time to time, feeling that the whole school was in a state of heavy security, which made him very nervous Strange, the more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes.

But he didn't think too much, seeing her waiting at the gate of Qi Yu's school from a distance, he smiled gently, couldn't help speeding up his pace, and went up to her.

If his eagerness was normal, she would naturally be happier, but now, she is even more anxious, wanting him to stay away but not daring to say anything.

Soon, he was standing in front of her.

He smiled before he could speak, but she held him back. She took his arm and led him straight to the school, whispering, "We'll talk as we walk."

"Hmm!" Although he was puzzled, he didn't ask any further questions and let her pull him.

When I saw Qingxue pulling a strange boy, although I couldn't see the whole picture clearly, it must be Mr. Lu, otherwise I wouldn't enjoy Qingxue's treatment like this.

"Mr. Lu, he is Mr. Lu..."

"Mr. Lu is here..."

The low call was gradually raised and spread, and the surrounding onlookers reacted immediately, and gathered together like a rioting ant colony, blocking the two of them at the school gate.

The sudden riot of the crowd made Ding Feng frowned slightly, but he himself was not worried, after all, it was not the first time he had encountered such a scene.

But at this time there is Qingxue by his side, and if something bad happens, it will be difficult for him to protect her well, maybe some boys who have had a crush on her for a long time will take advantage of the opportunity.

The gathering of the crowd blocked his way, he had no choice but to pull her to stop, took off his glasses, and frowned at the boys and girls who came over.

His eyes were extremely fierce, and the boys and girls who came closer felt their hearts jump suddenly when they touched his eyes, and subconsciously stopped.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't move, everyone please be quiet."

At this moment, there were several loud shouts, and the security guards in the security room came over, pushed aside the crowd to protect Ding Feng and Ye Qingxue, and drove the enthusiastic onlookers out of the safe range.

(End of this chapter)

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