The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 244 Professional Qualification

Chapter 244 Professional Qualification
On the other side, the compartment where Class Five is located.

"Captain, we can't win anyway, why don't we just play casually?" Team member A stepped on the seat and looked at the captain with a carefree look.

"Xiao Hua, you don't feel ashamed when you sit down." The female team member on the side scolded angrily, and stretched out her hand to pull team member A's arm.

Player A rolled his eyes, and reluctantly put his feet under the seat, dangling his hands and feet, as if he was not used to such a sitting posture at all.

"I heard that two of the three squads came up with the strongest lineup, but they were all abused by the first squad. They didn't last for 10 minutes. We shouldn't be much better." Team member B looked at the little boy with a smile. Player A, who is like a child, can't figure out how such a person can be admitted to a national famous school.

"Well, let alone a world-class top master like Mr. Lu, we can't beat even the general kings of national uniforms. If we follow the normal routine, we can't even survive twenty. Why don't we choose some heroes at random, maybe there will be unexpected effect." Team member C suggested with a smile.

"It makes sense, then do it according to your ideas, and play whatever you want." The captain smiled and nodded. What he needed was such a relaxed atmosphere.

Of course, this is also a helpless move.


The ban session is over!

Ding Haoran, Zhou Peng, and Feng Qiang first selected their own heroes, but these three heroes are not very connected, and there is no special routine.

Their thinking is the same as that of Class Five, they can play whatever they want, and heroes who are usually not dare to take are also taken out at this time.

Are you kidding, will you still lose if you have Mr. Lu?

"Xiaofeng, what should I play better?" Qingxue is still used to him making decisions for her. Anyway, she is good at all ADCs, and she doesn't feel pressured to take anyone.

This is also her dependence on him!
"Play whatever you want, as long as you like it." He smiled casually, and immediately chose the steam robot as he spoke.

"Then I'll play the policewoman. If you hook him up, I'll put a trap under his feet to piss him off." She smiled like a devil, and then she chose the policewoman.

The selection is over, and the game enters the countdown!
"What kind of lineup is this in Class Five? It must have been randomly selected!" Looking at the enemy heroes, Ding Haoran smiled and shook his head.

"It should be. Now who doesn't know that Mr. Lu is in our class. With the strength of Class [-], he can't compete at all. He has the right to play in the entertainment bureau." Zhou Peng also smiled. It is not difficult to imagine that with a master like Mr. Lu sitting in charge, It will be very easy in the future, and it is not unreal to meet the school team.

"We can't rely entirely on Mr. Lu, at least we must not be blown up online." Feng Qiang said this, he is full of expectations for the next game, and he seems to see the championship trophy beckoning to him. He believes that winning The next championship is only a matter of time.

All right!
The game is on!

There is actually nothing to say about this one. Basically, the rhythm is similar to that of the third class game in the morning:
In the early stage, the robot's various magic hooks laid a huge advantage for the bottom lane. After pushing down the enemy's bottom lane tower, the robot began to take the rhythm, led the teammates to roam around, and caught all kinds of online wild areas. The fifth team completely predicted and could not detect As far as Ding Feng's movements are concerned, he will be killed if he is hooked.

After a few waves like this, even if the robot is not there, Class 10 can't beat it at all. After nearly [-] minutes of the game, Class [-] has already been defeated.

It was the same in the first game, and it was the same in the second game.

There are a total of six classes in the e-commerce major. Classes [-] and [-] were beaten out by class [-]. The other two classes were also knocked out during the period. The two strongest teams in the e-commerce major have already qualified, so naturally there is no need to fight again. , and the time does not allow it, the schedule of the match is too tight.


The second round was played in less than 10 minutes. As soon as the game was over, Ding Feng and Qingxue continued to work on signing, Ding Haoran watched from the side, and Feng Qiang and Zhou Peng went to the front desk to communicate with the supervisors.

The five members of Class [-] met Feng Qiang and Zhou Peng at the front desk. They were familiar with each other and greeted each other, but they did not see Mr. Lu and Goddess Qingxue appearing. The captain of Class [-] asked casually: "Brother Qiang , where is Mr. Lu?"

"It's still inside!" Feng Qiang, who was supporting the front desk, stretched out his thumb and pointed to the cubicle behind him without looking back. The members of Class [-] took two steps forward and found Mr. Lu and Qingxue. I was burying my head in writing alone, and then looked at so many autographed books, as if I was signing.

The members of Class [-] were stunned and looked at each other, then walked slowly into the compartment and stood behind the two of them.

Ding Feng, who was engrossed in signing and laughing with Qingxue, had already sensed that someone was approaching, and turned his head in doubt until they approached. When he saw him looking over, the leader of Class [-] smiled embarrassedly and said, "Mr. Your fans, can you sign an autograph for me?"

With that said, he handed over the autograph book.

Fortunately, he was well prepared before, otherwise he would have missed it this time.

"They belong to Class Five." Qingxue explained to him with a smile.

"So you are from Class [-]. Hello." Ding Feng nodded with a smile, reached out to take the autograph book handed over by the boy who was talking, nodded to the three men and a woman beside him, and then picked up the pen to start signing.

After signing, he asked, "Do you want Qingxue to sign for you too?"

"Very good, very good, I wish for it, I admire Qingxue very much!" The leader of Class [-] was flattered, and said nervously and shyly.

"Thank you!" Qingxue smiled, stretched out her hand to take the autograph book handed over by Xiaofeng, and quickly signed her Juanxiu autograph on top of his autograph.

Soon, the names of Ding Feng and Qingxue were all signed on the autograph books of the five team members, and the captain of Class [-] greeted with a smile and led the team members away.

outside the engine room.

"Brother Qiang, did you win so quickly?"

"It goes without saying that if Mr. Lu is willing, it is absolutely impossible for the fifth class to last for 10 minutes, that's all right."

"Why didn't Mr. Lu and Qingxue come out? Haoran is still inside, right?"

As soon as Feng Qiang and Zhou Peng came out, the boys and girls who had been waiting for a long time immediately greeted them with laughter and chirping, and the atmosphere was extremely active.

"Qingxue and Brother Feng are still signing autographs inside, and Haoran is responsible for helping them move the autograph books." Feng Qiang was in an extremely happy mood, and he hadn't enjoyed this feeling of being surrounded for a long time.

Hearing that some girls were about to run into the computer room, Li Xiaoxin hurriedly reminded: "Don't go in, the other classes' competitions haven't finished yet, and you're just making trouble if you go in."

The girls who were about to move realized that they were too impatient. Some girls who had other wishful thinking smiled embarrassedly, feeling guilty.

"Xiaofeng and Qingxue won't be able to come out for a while, let's sit down and wait slowly, Feng Qiang and Zhou Peng, you two will tell everyone about the match just now." Li Xiaoxin waved to the boys and girls until they came back , and then led the crowd to the waiting seat at the side.

(End of this chapter)

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