The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 248 Ding Lan and Ding Huan

Chapter 248 Ding Lan and Ding Huan

As the evening approached, a girl in school uniform walked quickly into a flat-roofed room. Her face was filled with excitement and anticipation, and her steps were bouncing.

"Xiaohuan, come and find Xiaolan!" The woman who was cleaning the room saw her enter the door, stopped what she was doing, and showed a loving smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am, is Xiaolan in the room?" Xiaohuan smiled politely.

"In the room, Xiaolan is doing her homework." The aunt smiled and nodded, stretched out her hand and pointed to the room beside her. Xiaohuan thanked her and then walked into the room.

"What a polite and good boy!" The aunt stared at the door of the room with a kind smile, and continued to be busy with the housework at hand.

In the room, Xiao Lan was sitting on the table doing her homework. The noise from outside made her stop what she was doing, and turned to look at the door.

The door was pushed open, Xiaohuan walked in, Xiaolan looked at her and said with a smile: "Xiaohuan, why did you come here, you won't finish your homework, right?"

"No, how could it be so fast, I have some important news to tell you, so I came here." Xiaohuan smiled, walked to the edge of her bed and sat down, dangling her calf, picked up her phone and quickly checked with.

"Good news? What good news?" Xiaolan looked curious, she really couldn't think of any good news related to herself at this time.

Xiaohuan ignored her and continued to look at her phone, Xiaolan couldn't help but lean over.

"I found it, you can see for yourself." Xiaohuan smiled happily, clicked on the video on the phone and handed it to Xiaolan, and took off one of the earphones and plugged it into her ear.

Seeing that she was about to watch the video, Xiaolan said angrily, "What the hell is it, it's so mysterious!"

"Don't worry, you'll know when you watch it, the video is very short." Afraid that she wouldn't watch it, Xiaohuan hurriedly comforted her, but still didn't explain directly.

At this moment, the video started to play, Xiao Lan gave her a glare, but she was not in the mood to continue to argue with her, she lowered her head and watched the video very seriously.

At the beginning of the video, there was a scene full of people. Xiaolan, who likes to join in the fun, had her eyes lit up and asked without raising her head, "Where is this place?"

"The gate of Qiyu University." Xiaohuan replied casually.

"Where is Qiyu University?" Xiaolan continued to ask, she knew the word 'Qiyu', but she didn't know exactly what it referred to.

As soon as Xiaolan asked, she froze suddenly, staring fixedly at the man and woman surrounded by so many people in the center of the video.

Or that boy.

From this boy, she felt both familiar and unfamiliar. She was familiar because this boy looked like her brother, but the demeanor and mental outlook this boy showed was not like her brother, who had always been timid. Does not have such temperament and bearing.

Xiaohuan, who also saw this scene, smiled and didn't explain.

Soon, the boy in the video spoke.

And the first sentence the boy said immediately made Xiaolan's mind go blank: "Hello everyone, my real name is Ding Feng, which is what you call Mr. Lu. I'm surprised that everyone recognized me so quickly. I would like to thank everyone for their continued support and love, thank you!"

Mr. Lu is also called Ding Feng just like his elder brother?

No, this is my brother's voice at all. Could it be that my brother is Mr. Lu?
how can that be!

But is this too coincidental?Except for his demeanor and temperament, this boy looks the same as his brother, and his voice is the same, he is basically the same person.

And what she couldn't believe the most was that compared with Mr. Lu, her brother's game level is completely in the sky and below the ground. Before going to university, my brother was still in the bronze rank. It has only been less than half a year. How could it be so good? Mr. Lu is like this.

Xiaolan was stunned, swallowed hard, turned her head to Xiaohuan and asked, "Xiaohuan, where is Qiyu University? Tell me quickly!"

"The opposite side of your brother's university!" Xiaohuan laughed and explained, "Let me tell you straight, Mr. Lu is actually Brother Xiaofeng, and the girl holding your brother's arm is your brother's." Girlfriend, it is said that she is also the school belle of Qiyu University!"

"Hee hee, I'm so happy, my brother is amazing, and my sister-in-law is also very beautiful." Xiaolan was inexplicably excited, staring at the girl next to her brother seriously.

It was beautiful indeed, unearthly.

"Okay, don't just be happy, your brother won ten consecutive victories but received a huge bonus of 5000 million yuan from the state, plus some other benefits, your brother is now a billionaire, hurry up Tell your parents about it!" Xiaohuan was also extremely excited.

Brother Xiaofeng has developed, and as a relative, she is happy for him. Perhaps Brother Xiaofeng can also provide some help to his father who is currently very busy.

"5000 million?" Xiaolan grinned, feeling extremely excited. She is not afraid of being poor, but if she has money, who wants to live a hard life!

At this moment, she seemed to see a bright future beckoning to her. If her brother loves her so much, it's not because she wants something!
Xiaolan was already immersed in beautiful fantasies, Xiaohuan saw her in a daze, but didn't make a sound, anyone who got rich overnight would probably not be able to calm down.

"Hee hee, I don't know how to tell my parents!" Xiaolan came back to her senses, grinned embarrassedly, and said with some embarrassment.

My father is not at home, and my mother does not pay attention to e-sports.

"That's it!" Xiaohuan thought for a while, and then suggested: "The National Central E-sports Channel should broadcast this news tonight, you just need to ask your parents to watch it together, don't you like watching games very much, uncle?" , Uncle should know what Mr. Lu means."

"That's good!" Xiaolan took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but she was still very excited and didn't want to do her homework. However, she didn't finish watching the video, so she continued to read to see how the plot would develop. to what extent.

In the video, the girlfriend who had been staying quietly beside his brother suddenly stretched out his hand to his brother, and said this after receiving his microphone: "Hi everyone, I just want to say something, I am with Xiaofeng, it is indeed him and I'm confessing, but I chased him first."

Xiaolan's eyes lit up, she waved her fists happily, and exclaimed again and again: "Wow, such a quiet sister-in-law is so aura, so beautiful."

"Hee hee, this is called true love, otherwise how could a girl admit this on her own initiative." Xiaohuan also nodded repeatedly, obviously very satisfied with her cousin's girlfriend whom she hadn't met yet.

"By the way, what's the last name of my brother's girlfriend? It wasn't mentioned in the video." Xiaolan said happily, having already identified Qingxue as her future sister-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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