The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

In Chapter 25, a single clockwork out of the jungle outfit?

In Chapter 25, a single clockwork out of the jungle outfit?

"Come and see, the middle laner of our school team was single-killed." The troll felt that it was not enough, and shouted out of the dormitory at the top of his voice, which immediately attracted the attention of the students in the department.

"Damn it, who broke our place in Dongyuan?"

"It can't be the e-sports department, right? Impossible!"

"Finally someone can hang Dongyuan. I'm so happy. I'm going to watch it."

"This time, Dong Yuan will probably be beaten until all his feces and urine flow out."

"... "

All of a sudden, the students from the Department of Economics and Management who were still in the dormitory came to watch their dormitory, and the dormitory where Dong Yuan was located was even more crowded in an instant.

When I looked back, I saw these classmates with beastly eyes, and they all looked like they wanted to eat him. How could I feel that I had done something that I was sorry for my wife!Dong Yuan was taken aback, and cursed viciously in the voice: "I'll go, Ali, wait for me, I'll find you solo after this fight."

"I'll wait, it's okay for me to lose in SOLO. If you lose, you'll be ashamed." Ali, who was controlling the troll, didn't take his threats to heart at all.

"I will lose? Are you kidding me!" Dong Yuan laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Don't be too confident!" Ali pushed back without showing any weakness.

"..." The teammates fell silent.


"Luck!" To the astonishment of her teammates and the audience, Ding Feng only said two words with a smile, and after killing Loo Jie, she pushed the pawn line to the opposite defense tower, seeing the prince appearing on the road, no one would To harass her, go back to the city directly at the same place, and press the P key to call up the game store.

The only piece of jungle equipment locked in the Ability Power column is the Ability Power jungler's broken ghost spirit, referred to as the egg cap. When the audience saw that he had locked this piece of equipment, they didn't care, and agreed that he was After supplementing his knowledge of unpopular equipment, no one thought he would produce this equipment.

But then, as soon as Clockwork returned to Shuiquan, Ding Feng bought the Jungle Spirit and the Code of Demons without hesitation.

"The mid laner has a jungle outfit? What kind of routine is this?"

"Brother Feng will not suddenly want to farm the jungle, but he doesn't need to use a jungle outfit. Clockwork has quite a lot of AOE damage skills, and the speed of farming the jungle is not slower than that of the jungler."

"Ask the little elder brother to analyze the emperor for us, what kind of routine is this!"

"Don't look at me like that, I'm the same as you, I don't know what is going on with clockwork's jungle outfit, and I haven't seen clockwork's jungle outfit in domestic competitions!"

"Don't guess randomly, just be quiet, and you will know how Brother Feng plays."

"... "

The surrounding audience stared at the clockwork going out with fiery eyes, wanting to know what happened to her playing wild clothes.

Ding Feng can probably guess what kind of sensation he will cause with this 'wonderful' equipment without looking back at all, and he doesn't want to explain. Pushing it to the opposite tower, when Jie appeared online, she ignored him.

Running outside the 4th floor, QW was thrown into the 4th floor nest, and the clockwork man quickly cleared the 4th floor without walking over. Now the magic power is still a bit low, even with the extra damage of the jungler, the jungler is still a bit slow. She just After playing 4F, Jie has already pushed the line up, and she went to the three wolves after clearing the line.

Crazy wild mode is on!
Ding Feng has absolutely no plans to go to other lanes to support him. He only sees the minions on the lane, 3 wolves, and 4F. However, Clockwork’s frantic push of the line also indirectly prevents Zed from wandering. Every time Zed clears a wave The soldiers wanted to go to other roads, but before they had taken a few steps, the soldiers came up again.

Helpless, he had no choice but to go back online again, just like that, again and again, Jie completely forgot to roam, and compared to clockwork to farm soldiers online.


"Brother Yi, they seem to be more serious!" Ban Hua went back to the line to continue to line up with the male gun after going back to replenish. She clicked, but now, the male gun's harassment is becoming more and more frequent.

"This shows that our brother Feng's strength is recognized by them, and they don't want to lose." Brother Yi glanced at the road, and it was indeed what Ban Hua said.

"Hey, why did Brother Feng have a jungle spirit? What kind of routine is this?" Dragon Girl was on the way, Brother Yi took the time to look at the battle information between the two sides, and his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered it. Like the New World, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Uh, brother Feng really has a jungler spirit, what is he doing?" Brother Yi was also taken aback, and it confirmed his guess at the beginning, brother Feng is going to play a friendly match as a silver game , It was the first time he saw the jungle spirit coming out of the clockwork, and it made him very curious.

"Hey, Ding Feng, what do you want to do as a jungler!" Women's curiosity is generally stronger than that of men, especially for a man who counterattacks 360 degrees, Ban Hua heard Brother Yi's reminder , also took the time to look at Ding Feng's equipment, and was shocked, so he couldn't help asking Ding Feng directly out of curiosity.

"Jungle!" Ding Feng smiled, and responded with a natural expression, "Brother Yi, you go to gank more, leave 4F and the three wolves to me, I want to go wild."

"You like to play jungle so much, you just need to be a jungler." Ding Feng's response was a little understatement. As the goddess in the class, she was used to the enthusiasm of the boys, and suddenly she was left out in the cold. The huge gap made her feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable, and the tone of the speech is faintly correct.

"Okay, my blind jungler seldom uses three wolves and 4F, and I will give you all if you want it." Brother Yi smiled generously. The early stage is a strong period for the blind, so naturally he should help the online play more advantage.

"Thank you!" Ding Feng heaved a sigh of relief. He really needs the money of a jungler with such a costume, but fortunately, Brother Yi is a blind jungler. Seize the economy of the wild area, it is estimated that you will cry, but it doesn't matter if you are blind.


"Dongyuan, why are you still pushing the lane in the middle and not arresting people?" Since Jie was solo killed, the two sides have not produced any more kills, which made Dongyuan's teammates a little puzzled. It has been several minutes. Zed's aggressive style of play, Summoner's Canyon should not be so quiet.

This made his teammates very puzzled, isn't taking Jie just to roam better?Puzzled, they looked down the middle lane, and soon found that Jie had an endless line of soldiers.

"If I can kill him for sure, I will definitely pass if I don't need soldiers." Dongyuan was also a little depressed. Since he killed him solo, this clockwork stopped paying attention to him. He obviously got his own head, and his operation is no better than his own. Bad, why are you so cowardly all of a sudden?Is there another trick?
"The other side is not a fool, how can you just kill if you say kill!" The troll rolled his eyes, if he gank, he would definitely kill someone, so why should he be conscious!

(End of this chapter)

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