The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 266 Mr. Lu's Enchantress

Chapter 266 Mr. Lu's Enchantress
After the match was broadcast live on Yaohua TV, the number of viewers increased countless times. Naturally, the parents, classmates and friends of Ye Qingxue and Ding Feng were indispensable. The two of them can now be said to be topical figures, ranking in the Baidu hot search list They are currently in the top ten.

Under the expectation of the audience, the game began!

Let me talk about the lineup of the two sides first:
The blue side, the top laner Shitou, the jungle prince, the mid laner clockwork, and the bottom lane are the enchantress and the false ** silk.

Purple Fang, top laner Shen, jungler Wei, mid laner Ancient Wuling, and bottom lane are *** and Morgana.

Judging from the lineups of the two sides, the blue side tends to make big moves, and they can cooperate well with each other, while the purple side is a little more loose, and can only be regarded as a regular lineup.

I don't know what the purple side is thinking. They couldn't beat such a strong lineup in the previous round. Instead, they used a relatively weak lineup that didn't cooperate well with each other. The audience is almost guessing that this one The purple side will lose, and will lose very badly.

Both teams went out quickly.

In the first-level regiment, the heroic characteristics of the purple side are obviously dominant, so they actively invaded the lower half of the wild area of ​​the blue side, but it was a pity that the enchantress saw it.

Ding Feng usually plays low-end rounds to make it easy. He is not very interested in team battles where each person can only throw one skill in a first-level team. Of course, if it is a professional game, in a strong first-level team Under certain circumstances, he doesn't mind leading the team to gain an early advantage.

Therefore, as soon as he noticed that the opponent was approaching in a group, he got out of the grass directly, as if he was saying hello to the opponent, and retreated after the greeting.

The Enchantress appeared, and Zifang had no choice but to leave angrily.

Peaceful start!

Down the road, the two sides are supported by fallen angels and trick enchantresses. Morgana was considered a mid-lane mage who restrained enchantresses in the past.

The strength of the mid-lane enchantress is that it has a relatively strong consumption ability and a relatively high burst rate. If the enchantress does not even dare to consume the opponent, then the enchantress can only roam and develop. It is relatively more difficult to kill the opponent online Of course, at this moment, wandering is also the best way for the enchantress to develop.

And Morgana is the mage that the enchantress is most afraid to consume casually.

Whether early, mid or late...

This is mainly reflected in Morgana's skills. The W consumption of the enchantress has a certain delay. If Morgana reacts fast enough, it is safe to imprison the enchantress.

This is the first point.

Secondly, Morgana's small skill damage is relatively high, and the control is relatively strong. Every time the enchantress is imprisoned, I am afraid that at least one-third of her blood volume will be handed over. At level [-], once the enchantress is imprisoned, Morgana The high damage of Na's W and her big move is enough to make the demon girl come and go.

This is why it is said that Morgana is the most restrained of the enchantress. Of course, this is only the restraint of fighting, and it is not necessarily the case in a group.

Perhaps because of this, as soon as Ding Feng chose the enchantress, the enemy's last support position chose Morgana, in order to suppress the enchantress online. Development, maybe it can also slow down the speed of Enchantress' rise.

However, Morgana soon found out that she was wrong, her existence could not extinguish the arrogance of the enchantress, and the enchantress still went her own way.

The attack speed of Enchantress W is fixed, no matter how powerful the operation is, it cannot be accelerated, and Mr. Lu's Enchantress is no exception.

The reason why Morgana failed to restrain the enchantress is that the target of the enchantress is full of uncertainty. Sometimes you think she will pounce on you, but she pounces on an ADC. You think she will pounce on you. During adc, she is attacking you, and she can't walk well.

Another point is that Mr. Lu seems to be very good at thinking about the opponent's psychology. He can always use the opponent's psychology, reaction and other blind spots to launch a series of blows, so that you can't react, even if she is standing opposite you, when she When attacking you, you will find that you can't react at all.

This ability is a bit against the sky!

This kind of psychological tactics is mostly learned from the psychological adjusters of the team, e-sports academy and other places, but it can be practiced to the level of Mr. Lu, if Mr. Lu didn't put the psychological adjuster to sleep and beat him to death I don't believe it either.

Morgana thought wickedly in her heart!

Of course, Morgana also knows that this kind of ability is actually not as magical as she imagined. The reason why she has benefited so much from her is that she has not received similar psychological training. Of course, there is also a difference in strength between the two sides. Big sake.

It can be said that in the hands of Mr. Lu, the ability of the hero Yao Ji has been perfectly displayed, and the perfectly displayed Yao Ji is indeed terrifying.

No, it's only been a few minutes in the line, and although they haven't caused a kill yet, Morgana and Obama's blood volume is running out, and all the potions for going out have been used up, and fake **Si lashes out from time to time, but most of the time is consumed by the enchantress.

Same as the previous one, the rune of Enchantress also brought back the blue.

During the period, Wei also came to catch a wave, and the results and methods obtained were almost exactly the same as those of the last one. He squatted in the grass without catching anyone.

History is always surprisingly similar!
It's just that Mr. Lu's consciousness is too good, he can always make the most appropriate choice at the right time, which Yiwei has already seen.

On the line, Yao Ji and Morgana face A across a bunch of minions. Both sides' basic attack damage is similar, but Morgana's blood volume is not high, and she is more afraid of Yao Ji, so after hitting A twice, Morgana hurriedly step back.

Yao Ji continued to keep up with the output. At this time, there was no soldier line blocking Yao Ji's body. Morgana stared at Yao Ji's position closely, and quickly calculated in her heart. For a moment, he decisively threw a Q and threw it back, but the result was the same as before.


Yao Ji did indeed open W, but she didn't rush at her who was still bloody, but at her mother, and at this moment, the false mother silk who had been buried in the knife also followed.

This is not a good sign!

Enchantress pounced on ***, EQ was thrown out almost at the same time, a chain pulled *** tightly, *** decisively handed over her E skill and retreated, but still couldn't break free from the control of the chain, she was about to Being imprisoned, he had no choice but to dodge under the tower.

In order to prevent being taken away by the enchantress, Morgana's magic immunity shield has been used up, and Q is gone, so I can't help at this time.

The first time *** flashed under the tower, she was imprisoned in place and unable to move. The next moment, a red arrow flew from the grass at high speed and passed through ***, killing *** on the spot.

A blood!

(End of this chapter)

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