Chapter 279
"This male gun is too careless. Doesn't he know that Thresh has flashed? Although Thresh's blood volume is not much, but with the **** by his side, it is no problem to suppress him. Thresh did not suppress him that much." The meaning is obvious, but who would have thought that he would foolishly run over to deliver it."

"It's really careless, but there's nothing to say about it. After all, as long as people have their own emotions, I will go up if I have so much blood to repair the knife."

"Well, the male gun should be short of money to pay for equipment and red medicine. If you just wait for half a hundred yuan, you will have to wait for a long time. Maybe he made a mistake in judgment."

"Actually, I think the male gun should have considered the problem of going online. If he can get the money for the equipment in advance, then the time to return to the online next time will be very fast, or it may be just right, but he is indeed greedy. This time he made a mistake. Not only did they send heads, but they also lost a large wave of soldiers.”

"Hey, it's hard for Zi Fang to get off the road now."

"... "

It can be said that the male gun made a huge mistake. He misjudged Thresh's flash distance, and was directly killed by the gun and Thresh.

This is all right, *** took two heads.

*** This hero can develop quickly no matter whether it is against the wind or against the wind, because his clearing speed is so fast, I am afraid that only the Goddess of War can match him in ADC, and once the *** is smoothed, then Any adc would have a hard time laning against him.

The explosion of the **** is really high. If he could make a storm sword 10 minutes ago, it must be a rhythm of brainless and face-to-face shooting, and he can beat you without any temper. His way The burst shot is very fast, and you don't dare to hit him back.

For example, now, *** went home to make a storm sword, and as soon as Thresh and Thresh came across the male gun on the lane, E immediately went up to shoot two shots, and then W shot another two shots.

With this little set, the male gun lost a third of its blood in an instant.

After this set of ***, the male gun only hit a general attack and a Q, the damage was not worse than 01:30, the male gun hurriedly fired E and retreated.

Zyra didn't just watch, but her imprisoning ballistic speed was a bit slow, and she was easily dodged by ***, and then attacked the Q soldier. The end of Q just hit the male gun, and the male gun was half HP So gone.

And this is just the beginning!
Thresh has a good view of the river, and when he comes to the line, he presses directly to the front, which puts a lot of pressure on the male gun and Zyra. After the male gun is beaten, he is afraid to approach the line of soldiers, not to mention the hammer Shi's cunning magic hook, even if the prostitute pounces on him from time to time, he can't stand it.

*** I didn't mean to control the line, I threw my skills one after another, and quickly pushed the pawn line over.

After clearing out most of the enemy minions under the tower, *** resolutely activated his big move, shooting at the male gun and Zyra from a long distance.

At the beginning, it aimed at Zyra, who had no displacement. The terrible damage made the male gun have no courage to help Zyra block it. Zyra walked away, *** then E aimed at the male gun.

After a big move, Zyra was left with only a layer of blood skin, and the blood volume of the male gun was crippled. Even the minions under the tower didn't dare to accept them, so they retreated back to the city.

"Haha, Goddess Qingxue's big move is too accurate, almost all hit people."

"Let me just say, let me make the Storm Sword in less than 10 minutes, no one will feel better. The current version is too good."

"Yeah, I'm not afraid of bumping into anyone, I'm afraid of bumping into **, if my support gets a kill in the early stage, even I will be suppressed, and the support is still Thresh, so it's not sad. "

"The E skill of *** will be revised in the next version. I heard that the attack distance has also been weakened. This change is a bit cruel, and it will directly abolish ***."

"That's good. If Nima is always this strong, other ADCs won't be able to play."

"Good change, anyway, I don't play poker!"

"... "

This wave of male guns was so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood. They had just arrived on the line not long ago and had to go back without making up a few soldiers. This was a waste of time.

The economy of a few small soldiers can just make up for the cost of the little red medicine!

But depression is depression, and now the return line is completely free.

The sudden collapse of the bottom lane has attracted the attention of other lanes. They had expected the bottom lane to collapse, but they didn't expect it to collapse so quickly. In addition to the money for two heads, the economy is at least 1000 yuan short.

The level is also suppressed!
Also play with wool!
Even if the prince successfully killed the top laner and forced the mid laner Fox's flash, it was still not enough to make up for the huge disadvantage of the bottom lane.

After forcing Nanqiang and Zyra back home, Thresh and *** immediately abandoned the defense tower, and pointed the nearby Wei to Xiaolong, and the three began to fight Xiaolong.

The prince and Clockwork didn't come over, it seemed that they were going to let the little dragon go.

Take away Xiaolong, *** and Thresh return to the city.

Returning to the line again, this time the male gun and Zyra are even more wretched. The male gun dare not get too close to ***, *** and Thresh quickly pushed the pawn line under the tower.

Still the previous routine, after clearing the minions under the tower, *** immediately opened the big move to shoot at the male gun and Zyra, maiming them again.

The two had no choice but to return to the city again!

The purple side is not too disadvantaged in the middle and wild three-lane. *** is not in a hurry to tear down the tower, and directly crosses the defense tower's cut-off line, and Thresh goes nearby to set up vision.

Now it's all right, Nanqiang and Jiela can't even gain experience, which makes the blue side can no longer calm down, the prince decisively shifts the target and rushes down the road.

The position of the prince was revealed by the field of vision, and the clockwork in the middle also disappeared. Thresh and *** retreated unhurriedly. The slow pace made the rushing prince and clockwork gnash their teeth to death. It was so irritating. .

If it wasn't for the fact that Thresh and *** hadn't retreated too quickly, and the prince was too far away, the stone men on the road might not be able to resist teleporting to the rear to keep people behind.

The prince and Clockwork withdrew, and Mao Zedong and Thresh crossed the line again.

The two visions placed by Thresh are a bit good, one is the triangle grass on the top of the tower, and the other is the wall grass in front of the red BUFF, and these two positions are also the only way from the wild area to the bottom road. The prince also probably guessed this point, but he didn't dare to EQ Erlian to come through the wall.

With the prince's current blood volume, he can't handle the output of a well-developed breast at all, and his key EQ second company is also easily interrupted by Thresh's E.

No matter how confident the prince is, he doesn't dare to show off his EQ in front of Mr. Lu, otherwise he will die so miserable that he can't even imagine it. The pressure Mr. Lu put on him is indeed too great.

If the Golem can teleport over, that would be the best, but the problem is that there is no good location and timing for teleportation. If they teleport recklessly, they might be instantly killed before reaching the Golem. The current level and equipment of Zyra and Male Gun It's too bad, not even a super soldier.

How should this be!

(End of this chapter)

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